The article directories

  • flutter SDK
  • Android Studio
  • The simplest creation process
    • Common commands
    • In the real machine installation joint adjustment

flutter SDK

  1. Download the latest SDK from the official website
  2. Unzip to the directory you need to install, and unzip to install
  1. Configuring environment variables (important)
  1. Your own path \flutter\bin
    1. export PUB_HOSTED_URL =
    3. Configure the environment variable for ANDROID_HOME
  2. Choose your own path \androidSDK

Dart SDK includes flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk

Check whether the environment is set up successfully

Terminal runs the Flutter Doctor

Android Studio

  1. Official website to download
  2. Follow the installation wizard to install it. The agent Settings can be selected automatically or manually
  1. After the installation is complete, install the corresponding Flutter and DART plug-ins
  1. Create a Flutter application to create virtual devices and debug them on your phone

The simplest creation process

  • Install the environment according to the official website
  • flutter create
  • flutter run
  • A Chrome page displays automatically

Common commands

The command role
flutter List all commands
flutter help Get help information
flutter –version View the current FLUTTER and DART versions
flutter upgrade Upgrade flutter
flutter doctor [-v] Check development environment status
flutter create project_name Create a Flutter project
flutter pub/packages get Install dependencies
flutter packages upgrade Upgrade depend on
Flutter run [-d Device name] Runs to the specified device
flutter clean Clear the Build directory
flutter emulators Lists available emulators
flutter devices List available equipment
open -a Simulator Open up an emulator
flutter emulators –launch apple_ios_simulator Open up an emulator
Flutter build apk [– release –target-platform android-arm64] Generates apK packages for the specified schema
flutter build ios The iOS packaging step does not generate IPA files, you need to use Xcode packaging
flutter install Install app to device
flutter run –release Release testing requires a connection to a real machine to debug.

In the real machine installation joint adjustment

Other domestic need to set the mirror, otherwise update download failure, refer to

Because Chinese website

The Dart Chinese website

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