When the project was completed and tested, the tester found a Bug and looked at it, a certain interface error turned red.

This is the first tip, please use 400+ status code for the exception API, 400+ status code in the browser developer tool debugging red, you can locate the exception API at a glance.

How does the tester tell the backend developer when they find the exception request?

The following information is attached to the Bug management platform when raising bugs.

  1. Inform the current logged-in user
  2. Indicates the current page
  3. Inform the operation procedure on the page

You only need a curl to do it.

  1. Select the exception API in the console and right clickCopy as cURL.
  2. Paste the curl command in the context of the Bug

This is the second tip: copy the cURL of the exception API in the browser console and throw it to the back end

After obtaining the curl, the backend can interrupt the curl to locate the problem without logging in to the curl or using an operation page. But how do you better control the arguments passed by Body? Modifying parameters in curl is very complicated.

Curl can be directly converted into a request in Apifox.


In addition, Apifox can also convert API requests into code, which is very convenient for crawlers:

  1. Refresh the page to find the crawler target API interface
  2. Convert this API interface to cURL
  3. A request to import cRUL into Apifox
  4. Generate code for the request in Apifox