G6Is a graph visualization engine. It provides the basic capabilities of graph visualization such as drawing, layout, analysis, interaction and animation. It’s about making relationships transparent and simple. Give users Insight into relational data.

Install & Reference

There are two ways to introduce G6 into a project: NPM introduction; Introduced the CDN.

1 Use the NPM package in the project

Step 1: Run the following command in the project directory using the command line:

 npm install --save @antv/g6
Copy the code

Step 2: Import the G6 JS file that needs to be used:

import G6 from '@antv/g6';
Copy the code

Use CDN import in HTML

/ / version < = 3.2 < script SRC = "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/os/antv/pkg/_antv.g6- {$version} / build/g6. Js" > < / script > / / Version > = 3.3 < script SRC = "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/os/lib/antv/g6/ {$version} / dist/g6. Min. Js" > < / script > / / version > = 4.0 < script SRC = "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/os/lib/antv/g6/4.3.11/dist/g6.min.js" > < / script >Copy the code

⚠ ️ note:

  • in{$version}Enter the version number, for example3.7.1;
  • You can view the latest version and version number in NPM.
  • See the Github branch at github.com/antvis/g6/t… .

A quick trial

Creating a G6 diagram requires only the following steps:

  1. Create an HTML container for the diagram;
  2. Data preparation;
  3. Create a diagram;
  4. Configure the data source and render.

Step 1 Create the container

You need to create a container in HTML to hold the g6-drawn diagram, usually a div tag. G6 will append the Canvas tag under the container when drawing, and then draw the graph in it.

<div id="mountNode"></div>
Copy the code

Step 2 Prepare data

The data source of G6 is the object in JSON format. The object needs to have nodes and edges fields represented as arrays:

Const data = {// Nodes: [{id: 'node1', // String, the unique identifier of the node is required if the node exists x: 100, // Number, optional, x value of the node position y: 200, // Number, optional, y value of node location}, {id: 'node2', // String, required if the node exists x: 300, // Number, optional, x value of node location y: 200, // Number, optional, y value of node position},], // Edge set: [{source: 'node1', // String, mandatory, start id target: 'node2', // String, must, target point id},],};Copy the code

Pay attention to

  • nodesArray contains node objects. Unique and necessary in each node objectidTo identify different nodes,x,ySpecify the location of the node;
  • edgesAn array contains edge objects.source 和 targetIs a required property of each edge and represents the starting point of that edgeidWith the target pointid.
  • For additional properties of points and edges, see links: Built-in nodes and built-in edges.

Step 3 Create a diagram

When creating a diagram (instantiation), you need to set the container, width, and height for the diagram at a minimum.

Here is a vue+typescript creation example

// Create Graph instance const graphDom: HTMLDivElement = this.$refs.mountNode as HTMLDivElement; Graph = new g6. graph ({container: graphDom, fitView: true, // Whether to enable canvas adaptation. After this function is enabled, the image automatically ADAPTS to the canvas size. FitViewPadding: 100, // Canvas padding-value modes: {default: ['drag-canvas', 'zoom-canvas', 'drag-node'], // Allows dragging canvas, zooming canvas, dragging node, highlighting}}); this.graph.read(this.graphData); // The read method is equivalent to the data and render methods combined.Copy the code

Step 4 Configure the data source and render

graph.data(data); // The initialized graph data is an object graph.render() that includes an array of Nodes and edges; / / renderingCopy the code

Nodes in the overview

G6’s built-in nodes include Circle, Rect, Ellipse, Diamond, Triangle, Star, Image, modelRect, and Donut (supported from V4.2.5). The default styles of these built-in nodes are shown below.


Specific reference website tutorial configuration node overview | G6 (antv. Vision), here no longer do this

While the overview

Read for about 15 minutes

The G6 offers nine built-in edges:

  • Line: a straight line that does not support control points.
  • Polyline: polyline, supporting multiple control points;
  • The arc of an arc
  • Quadratic: a second-order Bessel curve;
  • Cubic: Third-order Bessel curve;
  • Cubic -vertical: third-order Bezier curve in the vertical direction, regardless of control points passed in from the user externally;
  • Cubic -horizontal: third-order Bezier curve in horizontal direction, regardless of control points passed in by the user from outside;
  • Loop: self-loop.

The default styles for these built-in edges are shown below.

Various built-in edge types in G6, general properties of built-in edges, and configuration methods. Each type of detailed configuration items and configuration method reference website while the overview | G6 (antv. Vision).

Special interaction

When a node hover needs to be implemented in the project, the pop-up window displays the details of the node, as shown in the figure below

The following code

Const tooltip = new G6.Tooltip({offsetX: -80, offsetY: -60, getContent(e: any) { const outDiv = document.createElement('div'); outDiv.style.width = '180px'; outDiv.innerHTML = `<ul> <li>${e.item? .getModel().label}</li> </ul>` return outDiv; }, itemTypes: ['node'] });Copy the code
Graph = new g6. graph ({container: graphDom, // DOM container plugins: {type: 'dagre', Rankdir: 'LR', linkDistance: 150,},});Copy the code

Base Event Event | G6 (gitee. IO)

The following is an example

This.graph. on('node:click', (e) => {const nodeItem: any = e.tem; console.log('node:click', nodeItem.getModel()); });Copy the code

The events are summarized as follows

  • Node :click Triggered when the left mouse button is clicked on a node

  • Node :dblclick Triggered when the left mouse button is double clicked on a node

  • Node: mouseEnter Triggered when the mouse moves into a node

  • Node: Mousemove Triggers when the mouse moves inside a node

  • Node: Mouseout Triggered when the mouse is removed from a node

  • Node: MouseOver Is triggered when the mouse moves over a node

  • Node :mouseleave Triggered when the mouse moves out of a node

  • Node: MouseDown Triggered when the mouse button is pressed (left or right) on a node

  • Node: Triggered when the mouse button pressed on the mouseup node is released

  • Node: dragStart Triggered when a node begins to be dragged. This event is applied to the node being dragged

  • Triggered when a node is being dragged. This event applies to the node being dragged

  • Node: dragEnd Triggered when the drag is complete. This event applies to the node being dragged

  • Node :dragenter Triggered when a drag node enters the target element. This event is applied to the target element

  • Node :dragleave Triggered when the drag node leaves the target element. This event is applied to the target element

  • Node :dragover Triggered when a drag node is moved on another target element. This event is applied to the target element

  • Node: Drop This event is triggered when the mouse is released over the target element when the node is dropped

  • Node: ContextMenu Triggers and opens the right-click menu when the user right-clicks on a node

Clicking on an edge triggers the SAO action for the specified edge

For example, to achieve the effect shown below

Perusing the entire API documentation for antV G6 led me to one

Use graph.getedges () to get all edge instances and iterate to see if the currently clicked edge belongs to the same path relationship (parent ID). If so, select, otherwise clear the selected effect

This.graph. on('edge:click', (e) => {const currentItem: any = e.tem.getModel (); // console.log('edge:click', currentItem); this.graph.setAutoPaint(false); const edges = this.graph.getEdges(); edges.map(item => { const edgeItem = item.getModel(); const intersect = Common.intersect(edgeItem.pathId, currentItem.pathId); if (intersect.length > 0) { this.graph.setItemState(item, 'selected', true); } else { this.graph.setItemState(item, 'selected', false); }; }) this.graph.paint(); this.graph.setAutoPaint(true); });Copy the code
Common. Intersect method /** * return intersection of two arrays * @param arr1 array 1 * @param arr2 array 2 * @returns Return intersection of two arrays */ INTERSECT: (arr1: number[], arr2: number[]) => { return arr1.filter(x => new Set(arr2).has(x)); }Copy the code

The required data format is shown as follows

Private graphData: any = {// Nodes: [{id: '1', // String, if the node exists, the unique identifier of the node is required // x: 100, // Number, optional, the x value of the node position // y: 200, // Number, optional, y value of node position label: 'S1', style: { '#16e473', // Style attributes, element fill color stroke: '#888', // style attributes, element lineWidth: 1, // node stroke thickness //... // Other style attributes, icon: {show: Iconfont width: 20, height: 20,},}, {id: '8', // String 'B', // node text labelCfg: {// Label configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // label attribute position in the element style: FontSize: 12, // tag style attribute, text fontSize fill: '# ff578b' / /... / / label other style attribute}},}, {id: '2', / / String, there must be, the node node of unique identification label: 'A',}, {id: Label: 'Z1', labelCfg: {// Label configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // Label configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // Label configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // Label configuration attribute position in the element style: FontSize: 12, // tag style attribute, text fontSize fill: '#00f3f6' //... // Other style attributes of the label}},}, {id: '4', // String, the unique identifier of the node is required if the node exists. Label: 'Z2', // node text labelCfg: {// Tag configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // Tag attribute position in the element style: {// Tag style attribute field style in parallel with other tag attributes in the data structure fontSize: Fill: 'red' //... // Other style attributes of the label}},}, {id: '7', // String, if the node exists, must, the unique identifier of the node label: 'Z', // node text labelCfg: {// Label configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // label attribute position in the element style: FontSize: 12, // tag style attribute, text fontSize fill: '#ff578b' //... // Other style attributes of the label}},}, {id: '5', // String, the unique identifier of the node is required if the node exists, label: 'S2', // node text labelCfg: {// Tag configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // Tag attribute position in the element style: {// Tag style attribute field style in parallel with other tag attributes in the data structure fontSize: // Other style attributes of the label}},}, {id: '6', // unique identifier of the node. Label: 'Y', // node text labelCfg: {// Tag configuration attribute position: 'bottom', // Tag attribute position in the element style: {// Tag style attribute field style in parallel with other tag attributes in the data structure fontSize: Edges: [{pathId: [2], source: edges: [{pathId: [2], source: '1', // String, must, start point ID target: '2', // String, must, target point id label: 's1-a ', // node text}, {pathId: [1,3], source: '8', // String, must, start point id target: '6', // String, must, target point id}, {pathId: [2], source: '8', // String, must, start point id target: '3', // String, must, target point ID labelCfg: {autoRotate: true, // Make text rotate with edge Style: {stroke: 'white', // Add white edge and white background to text lineWidth: Fill: '#722ed1', // text color}},}, {pathId: [3], source: '3', // String, must, start point id target: '4', // String, must, target id}, {pathId: [2,3], source: '3', // String, must, start id target: '6', // String, must, target id}, {pathId: [1,2], source: '6', // String, must, start id target: '7', // String, must, target id}, {pathId: [1,2,3], source: '2', // String, must, start id target: '8', // String, must, target id label: 'A - B' text / / node / / color: # 722 ed1, / / color labelCfg: {position: 'end', refY: - 10,}}, {pathId: [1, 3], the source: '5', // String, must, start point ID target: '2', // String, must, target point ID label: 's2-a ', // node text labelCfg: {refY: -10,}}],};Copy the code