The cause of

It was a weekend last summer. I woke up in the middle of the day and was swiping my cell phone. Suddenly, I saw a video introducing a book called “Strange Life”.

Man’s dearest possession is life. But a careful analysis of this life, it can be said that the most precious thing is time. For life is made of time, added up in hours and minutes. No one can predict what will happen to him in the next minute, but at least we can remember what we did in the previous one. (An introduction to A Strange Life from Douban)

In short, it introduces Lyubichev’s method of time management, which seems to be a very mindless method of time management, namely, keeping track of time, keeping track of your own time consumption at each moment.

Lyubichev time management method is the Soviet entomologist Lyubichev 56 years of quantitative management of personal time. This method is based on mathematical statistics, focusing on the analysis of time consumption records, so that people can correctly understand their own time use, and develop the habit of managing their own time. To put it simply, lyubichev time management means recording time, analyzing it, eliminating waste, and reorganizing your time. It is a quantitative method of personal time management. (Introduction to Lyubichev’s Time Management Method — excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia)

As an ambitious young man who has collected countless time management methods on various major websites, naturally he turned up his nose at this seemingly mechanical recording method. If only recording can make me change, won’t it seem that my many collections are eclipsed?

Having said that, it was much easier to write down notes by hand than other complicated time management methods, so I started experimenting with them at random.

A piece of A4 paper can be written on the front and back of about 6 days of time records, snap your fingers, unknowingly have a thick base. After half a year of practice, I can finally say to myself: “My darling, this method is super suitable for you”.

Time management methods are relevant

I have to introduce this time management method first, after all, this is the basis of my time management applets.

Practical steps for the method

1. Record first

Why does it seem stupid at first, because the starting point of this method is simply recording.

The method of recording is very simple. Before things start, record what you plan to do in this time period, the start time, and how long it is expected to take. Record the end time and how long it actually took after completion. Then start recording the next thing, and the cycle starts again.

Spot a little details, because from another book the journal why elite are time control study, the average person’s focus on sustainable for 15/45/90 minutes, after practice found it happens (just a personal attempt), and 120 minutes more than 2 hours can let me feel the passage of time, so they think recorded in “minutes” as the unit is more ideal, Then paper notes and mini-programs are mostly measured in minutes. (See, I’ve worked on the little details, so precise!)

2, at the end of the day

If it is just a record, it is not what technical content, but if it is added to the replay at the end of the day, it can be a bit interesting.

Looking back at the timeline of the day, there may be different states. One is to really enrich the day, which is the most refreshing, because I can clearly see according to my own timeline, what I am busy with this day, what makes me full, very busy and like, I will do it again next time. And the other state, is wasted time, this is often the case, it feels like a blind rush, but the time is gone, at this time review the timeline, you can see exactly which node let oneself immersed in what false busy.

Plan for the next day

Passed the time line, clear know that their own work which point in time the nip, basic can grasp oneself to do STH. The length of the, their concentration time is long, and so on, to learn more about yourself (such as suitable for early to bed and early to rise/stay up late and get up late, so can more clearly want to do as much as possible under the arrangement of things, not people cloud cloud, say what good do what.

4. Long-term review and plan

In a nutshell, that’s how it works. But in the longer term, there’s only so much more to weekly and monthly schedules.

(1) Maintain the authenticity and accuracy of time records. Real is the record that points to work spot, not fill in. Accuracy is required to record the error is not more than 15 minutes, otherwise the record is useless;

(2) Do not believe that our memory of time, an abstract substance, is very unreliable;

(3) The selected time record section should be representative;

Adjust your time allocation plan. When checking the time record, find out the difference between the planned time and the actual time consumed in the previous period, and based on this, reallocate the time consumed in the next period;

⑸ Persistence is success.

(Key points of Lyubichev’s time management method — excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia)

Benefits of time management

I can understand myself very well. Know the maximum amount of work you can do in a day and stop worrying about others. The corresponding amount of things as long as I do, I will be able to get great satisfaction, felt like a was inflated balloon, rather than as before, set a long task list for yourself, do not over great anxiety, doubt yourself is world a big fool, superman things can be done, is what I have done.

Be able to relax more. Work hard when you work, play hard when you play. Now I work hard because I know it’s my “work time,” and I look back on it with satisfaction. When it comes to a certain time, I know it is my own “empty brain time”. Instead of forcing myself to do things inefficiently, I would rather have fun, watch movies or draw pictures. Those so-called useless things can make me happy.

Take better care of your health. I used to do things in excess, like sit down and write code all day, have no pain in my butt (hyperbole), and stare like a bell at the end of the day. Now it’s different. After a certain amount of time, I get up and go for a walk, make a cup of tea or put in an eye drop, and my organs give me a flag.

Better time control. I used to have no idea what time it was, so IF I couldn’t do something in the morning, I would do it in the afternoon. If I suddenly started something new in the afternoon, I would do it the next day. It was not impossible to drag a little thing into a big thing of the week. Now, because it’s measured in “minutes,” how many minutes it actually took me to do something has some impact, like, “I did something so simple and it took 136 minutes!” Look, if it’s two hours, it’s normal, but if it’s more than 100 minutes, it’s too long, and it motivates you to do it faster next time.

All in all, it really works! As long as the truth of the record, to review and make new plans, is useful, honest to their own invincible.

The little difficulty behind this method

After more than half a year of practice, I found that behind this excellent method, there are still some small troubles that can not be ignored.

For example, when you go out, it is not convenient to take notes with paper and pen, but if you keep taking notes with your phone, it is likely to be “Ah, I just want to do this for a few minutes, and I have to type so many words, and I have to switch between text and number input, it is so troublesome, don’t remember”.

Or at the end of the event, calculate the actual usage time, always feel a bit troublesome. From 08:27 to 10:42, for example, I can’t quickly calculate the exact number of minutes I use and have to put my head up and pinch my fingers for a long time.

When reviewing, you have to calculate how many minutes it takes to do something during the day, and the calculator has to fiddle with it for a while. If you have ten things to sum up, the efficiency is several times lower. When one thing becomes too many steps, it is likely to be difficult to stick to.

So I wonder if Lyubichev would have had more time to do great things if he had used software or a small program. After all, the quill might not have been able to write well.

Why would you want to do a time management applets

In fact, I have always had the idea of making an independent small program, which may be so easy for the big guy, but it is still difficult for me to do this dish chicken front end.

As a dish chicken front end, in the company has always been party A and the product is reasonable, but I want to try to do due to a variety of urgent online requirements, can only put it again and again, sometimes even doubt that I am not the soul of the fundamental Mo, just a mouse and keyboard to solve the problem. Although I enjoy the joy of fulfilling my needs, I also fantasize about being the protagonist.

Now, I just want to do a job that has no income, may be few people, and may even be meaningless, just such a thankless job. In this small program world, I am party A is also a product, I am a programmer is also a test, wearing headphones as if they can be invincible.

I was digging, fertilizing, pruning, and tending a whole garden of beautiful flowers that seemed so close and so far away from me. Now, I want to plant a good flower in my own shabby little planet, I don’t know if I can raise a rose or just a morning glory, I just think, a good.

This is probably the impulse of young people. When they have nothing and don’t want to think about income and expenditure, they just start saying “fuck you”.

The practice process is fresh in mind

The whole process is like the practice of a serious small program, first the design draft, then do the prototype drawing, then write code, docking joint adjustment, and finally test. It is said that, but in practice, there are still moments that I remember.

1. Prototyping and design that is difficult to take the first step

The basis of the design is completely combined with the paper record practice of half a year, according to the practice to fully grasp the needs of party A. The first prototype was designed by recording, reviewing and planning what data was needed, combined with the idea of “simplicity and clarity of operation”. The prototype is just the beginning, and a bright, eye-catching yet simple page requires further design.

What impressed me most was how different I felt when I was forced into different roles. During the whole process, I could deeply appreciate the differences between various roles and the direction of the whole process. Party A just has a slightly vague concept, tries to make a rough prototype drawing of the product, and the designer may encounter some specific problems in the process of practice, so it has to ask the programmer to make adjustments (my personal experience does not improve the whole industry).

It’s so different from just writing code from the programmer’s point of view, and the whole time you feel like you’re looking down on this little program, and all the identities are dynamically balanced from the pull. It’s amazing.

2. Do drag puzzles for drag functions first

Since there are many task types in the requirements, Party A decides to use the drag-and-drop function in order to make it convenient and reasonable to use and allow users to sort independently. Just like chicken front also want to build a unused drag wheel, so in order to do the first drag function test, I first wrote an independent drag jigsaw game small program. Instead of just testing drag, this also includes cutting images, calculating drag orientation, finding a sand sculpture to celebrate animation, and so on. It seems like a long detour, but it’s funny to think about it.

When the drag-and-drop puzzle is complete, the drag-and-drop method defines the sorting task type, which is naturally implemented.

3. To close the bookshop until the door is closed (no)

Party A proposed the chart function to display the countdown, which made Caiji front-end hesitate — she could simply use canvas according to the gourd, but she had not studied it seriously and deeply. This can also be understood, the money is not in place can only please dish chicken (party A and the front end are crying).

The front end of vegetable chicken decided to let go of demand first and take time to understand canvas first. Reading a book is a wonderful feeling, once completely immersed in the book, will be from time to time in the heart of the exsaying “wow, so that is so”, so the front of the vegetable chicken want to read the system explained in the book. But the front of the dish chicken is a naked resignation poor, so decided to go white piao, she chose the Shanghai book city.

White pixie in Shanghai book city is a very wonderful feeling, especially like sitting at a thick wooden table, and behind the people are coming and going, feel that he is simply playing the piano through the “Secret” Jay Chou.

After reading the book “From 0 to 1 HTML5 Canvas Animation Development”, which I thought was super good, I felt like Stephen Chow in Kung Fu.

But let food chicken front a little guilty is, I do not know whether their white piao, let go of 23 years of book city had to lose money to need to close the store reloaded (nonsense! . So she later bought this book of martial arts secrets, is also thanks to the book city.

4. “Demand collision” between Party A and code farmers

Sometimes as a programmer it is difficult to understand some requirements and make a fuss when there is an easier way, but it is not impossible to use.

For example, the main function of a calendar is to check the date, but from the perspective of a party A who uses paper records for more than half a year, he especially wants a calendar display that can intuitively review his status. Later, the front end of the scolding dish chicken still realized this function — from the bottom of the date in the calendar, you can intuitively view the status of a month (X is the date is not recorded, otherwise it is not scored or give yourself a day’s status of the self-evaluation score).

Although this is a small detail, I can feel the “demand collision” between Party A or the product and the programmer. I can understand the “user-oriented” product design, but also understand some twists and turns in code writing, which is a new experience brought by the perspective of God.

5, small program authorization login “word game”

As a dish chicken front end, before taking over the small program, login and authorization of these functions, has been completed early, they need to pay attention to more specific function development, also did not pay attention to this is naturally available functions. So when I looked up the materials, I was still quite surprised, and I wondered if I didn’t understand Chinese. “Authorized login” had always been the default word in my mind to read together, but it never occurred to me that it meant two completely different things.

After in-depth understanding, the front end of vegetable chicken laments the micro channel small program “silent login” practice, which is really will make users comfortable, it seems to teach Zhang Xiaolong to do products will take some time.

6. What about docking documents

In the past, I did not write docking documents (dishes chicken front fork waist). Most of the time, I communicated with colleagues orally or sent interfaces and fields privately. But since I was doing everything this time, and I didn’t have a trumpet to give out, I wanted to do it. Since I had no experience in writing documents, I used text documents at first and then further used Apifox software.

In the process, maybe it is lack of experience, resulting in writing is not very good. At the beginning of the writing is particularly boring, feeling wordy, sometimes typing the wrong word more irritable, but I did not expect the document is really sweet. Whenever you forget a particular field or you have a problem, you just look at the document and you can read it, or you forget the interface for a long time, you don’t have to jump through the code, you just look at the node that you’re asking for and compare it to the document.

From now on, I’m a proponent of docked documentation.

Put it all together

In fact, in addition to the above several content, there are a lot of fresh memories of the moment, can also understand, this is like a child, not only meat cute face often want to boast, and even a few sparse small silly hair want to take out chatter. But think of this dry and insipid article also not a few people will read, ha, calculate, these long winded remember this bar.

Time management small program rough introduction

Boot and launch pages

I also did a bootpage for a small application that might only have one user, which was a bit of practice in front of the dish, with some fancy animations. In addition, as an EMO ambassador, she added a launch page to show off her custom chicken soup to give herself a daily pep talk.

Add, delete, and check task types

Task types, things to do, can be added, removed, and sorted, with drag-and-drop puzzles behind them (weird pride).

Start and end records

Start recording by directly selecting the task type and selecting/filling in the estimated time. The record page will display various corresponding data. Click stop when the task is complete. You can change the task type, start and end time, and estimated time according to the actual situation. In addition, you can also write down some of your own records or ideas in the process of task practice for review. (Shout it out loud again, people who are honest with themselves are the most invincible!)

Review and planning

According to their own paper record experience, the data information that they want to see when reviewing and planning, are intuitively rendered on the small program.

“Daily details” short-term review and plan

1. You can see the proportion of each task recorded in a day through the pie chart, and see if you squat for most of the day (nonsense).

2, can be a simple general comment on their own, read a sentence, to write sad in the beach, the happy carved in stone, so look back is happy.

3, the list of ideas can show the thoughts after the execution of each task, for example, clearly choose the task type of “work”, but unknowingly play mobile phone, this should not be in the review of the time to reflect on.

4, record details can show a day of specific timeline records, finally do not have to hold a calculator da da da, everything is clear and clear trace to follow.

“Monthly summary” long-term review and plan

1. Through the line chart, you can see the execution of each task type for a month. It is a surprise to see that you insist on making baba every day.

2, pay special attention to the function so that you can focus on “breaking” a certain task, for example, a month set exercise target time is 50 hours, half a month has passed, a total of 2 hours, at this time you are also embarrassed, don’t you move your arms and legs tonight?

3. The pie chart of this month’s score can visually show your status in a month. When EMo feels that he can’t do anything in the middle of the night, he finds that he has scored 5 points for most of the month, indicating that he is very good, but needs a rest and relaxation.

4, the total review list according to the date/score sorting display self-review, maybe the first time to eat an invincible delicious dish, you forget, this is not suddenly can see it, instant equivalent to eating twice, too earn.

In a word, through the replay can see the details of their own, more understand their own. Under such premise do new plan, not also can fit oneself more. Don’t doubt whether you are slow because others are excellent, everyone has his own pace, no matter what the truth is infinite, further will have further joy.

Other features

There are a few other things out there, such as a gadget that does time calculations (I really don’t like counting the time between two points in time when I was a paper chronicler), but this feature or page is the main way to promote time management.

Write in the last

The technical level

In the eyes of the big guy, this may be a very simple small program, but the front choice of vegetable chicken is intentionally or unintentionally bypass some, do a lot of attempts to do, but also have the opportunity to in-depth some content, think about the whole process is quite interesting, do not waste the trip.

Applet level

Now small procedures in the test server for their own use, has not officially online. There is considering whether to officially online to let the need of the people also use, but worried about their purchase of the server can not support large traffic. On second thought, I can consider this problem… May I everywhere propaganda, with two-dimensional code in the subway “help, college students entrepreneurship” (nonsense), the last look at the data is also my own in the use of hahahaha.

Time management method level

In fact, there really are super many methods to manage time (not letter can look at my favorites), but this method after my half a year of practice, found that it is just good for me, so I wrote a more convenient for their own use of small procedures. Then again, there’s nothing that advocates time management. Some people want to practice it, others find it exhausting, and it’s perfectly normal to want to be free to do whatever comes to mind.

The mentality level

In fact, at the beginning, I was uneasy and hesitant, which has to mention a special coincidence.

Last summer, AT work, I noticed that the business of the company was gradually becoming unified, and it was difficult to further improve myself. See airlines do free flying activities; After graduation, he worked hard to earn his own small money. Before he saw the country, there was an epidemic. Last summer, the epidemic was well controlled across the country, but no one knew whether it would rebound.

Three situations collided together, hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to buy a naked resignation to fly to a lot of places. The scenery along the way or the mood is really wife too beautiful, everything makes a person hard to regret, to now are in lamenting the blue sky and white clouds of some places.

After the fun is over, it’s time to look for a job, but it’s right at the beginning of this article. I am hesitant to do such a small program, is to take the original dish chicken front-end technology level to find a job to ensure the bottom, or choose to do such a seemingly thankless thing. After serious thinking for a long time, I made the decision of “detour”, all detour is not also a part of life, who knows this road no one walked, whether there will be a small beautiful it.

This turn, bring me the biggest psychological change is, now I am no longer afraid. There are many unknowns, but I am no longer afraid of the unknown. I feel that all problems can be solved. If I encounter a problem, I can consult, learn, try or change a way to reach the destination. As long as THE destination is clear, IT seems that I can find the way to get there.

The last

Here’s an excerpt from a situation I forgot I saw and liked:

Sometimes I do one thing without the light on, and from morning to afternoon it gets dark and I don’t realize it, until there are only wisps of light coming through the window that can no longer fill the room, so I look up and turn on the light in front of me to make the table clear. At that time in the room, only the table is clear, I also become dim.

This article serves as a memorial. To commemorate the psychological process along the way, to commemorate their own “fuck the fuck” on the impulse of action, to commemorate their own experience, to commemorate their round do independent small program idea, to commemorate their own to promote their entire learning practice process and so on.

Now I’m on to the next stop.