“The wechat public account of this article is launched on AndroidTraveler”


GitHub has already said it will support open source developers.

When you go to the GitHub home page, you’ll find a tip on the right.

Click in and you will see the following page:

You can see it’s still in Beta.

Click Join the waitlist to Join the waitlist.

Since I’ve already added it, I see the following image:

However, as the picture says, it is not certain when you can see the Sponsor button.

So what if you want to add the Sponsor button to some of your nice GitHub repositories right now?

This article shows you how to add the Sponsor button to your GitHub Repository.

Effect after operation

You can see that there is a Sponsor button.

Specific operation

Take another warehouse that doesn’t have a Sponsor button yet

1. Click Settings

2. Slide down to Features’ Sponsorships

3. Check Sponsorships and click On Set Up Sponsor Button

You’ll see that a FUNDING. Yml file is automatically created with a template for the file’s contents.

4. Modify the last custom sponsored link that sets the jump

Switch to Preview and you can see what happens when you hit the Sponsor button:

Since it is a new file, you can fill in the relevant information yourself. In addition, it is up to you whether to submit directly to the current branch, or to create a new branch to raise MR.

After submitting the sponsor directly, you can see the Sponsor button:

Click the Sponsor button and you can see that the effect is consistent with our preview:

Clicking on the link will take you to the sponsored link we set up ourselves:

Left micro channel right pay treasure, we can scan code test.

NOTE: The sponsored link here is your own sponsored link, you should not put mine on it. Of course, I don’t mind if you do. [Skin]


Adding the Sponsor button to your GitHub Repository is as simple as that. For other uses of the FUNDING. Yml file, see the references.

Refer to the link

Displaying a sponsor button in your repository

Sample repository:Github.com/nesger/Wech…