Working for three years is a watershed, and it is also the key point for most students to change jobs for the first time. Considering the current market situation, it is common to see those who begin to be ready for action in two years. The so-called new three years old three years sewing and three years, stay in a company for a long time, it is inevitable to experience several fluctuations, today and everyone chat, the first three years of work, fresh graduates, how should do to grow quickly? This is also the first topic we talk about when each school recruits.

Rapid growth, no more than skill point growth, good team relationship, problem solving, ability to work independently. There are two ways to talk about it: you have a choice and you don’t have many choices.

You have a choice

All things are difficult before they are easy

If you’re not going to keep learning, I really can’t help you. The program can return at this point.

If (you don't try) {return; }Copy the code

There are no two identical Ultraman in the world, and there is no shortcut to growth. If there is one, it is:

Learn more, listen more, see more, think more, do more \color{red} Learn, listen, see, think, do

2019 autumn recruit completed, big bright elder brother told me, help me find a candidate, strength is good, you see how people, if not achievement when I hole you (manual dog head), outside increase bright elder brother hearty laughter, fresh memory. In the spring of 20, when the epidemic broke out, the young man came to intern. He was simple and honest and shy. This was the first impression that left me. In-depth chat several times found that the front end of the foundation is steady, very solid, not exaggerating, I feel inferior. Up to now, after two years of hard work, I have made great breakthroughs and progress in personal technology. I am the kind of student who is very relieved that things just go on without saying much.

Learn more. Learn what?

For the school graduates, from the professional point of view, is to consolidate the foundation, steady and steady, step by step to step down, without a firm grasp of the foundation, it is difficult to go down, let alone fly to surpass.

If you don’t have a roadmap of your own, look at this roadmap. Sh, which covers both front and back ends and multiple language frameworks, as the saying goes, what’s a good strategy and what’s best for you.

Listen more. Listen to what?

Listen to how the students around you discuss the problem. There are many solutions to the problem. Why do you choose Plan A instead of Plan B? Hear what data to use when bosses on model sampling strategy, listen to the next blind box is how to get the mound mound, into colleagues friendship, sometime the next promotion pulled you out, when I was listening to test students in the process of use case review is how to design, to find their development logic is not conform to the requirements, Learn from them instead of fixing bugs when you’re actually testing them.

Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with a little technical gossip. Open your eyes. Don’t limit yourself, front-end students and back-end students to understand the design principle, back-end students can communicate with front-end students, discuss technology and problem solving ideas, why choose Golang rather than Java, because PHP is the best voice in the world.

If you are the only one responsible for the whole technology in your team, please turn to the Internet for help. In the era when everyone can be an Internet celebrity, there are many “we media”. Let’s see how the big shots work.

One of my most impressive views came from Kent c. Dodds’ video speech. I saw his theme package of vscode, which was so comfortable that I admired it so much that I took it and used it myself. Alfred, the Mac efficiency tool, also learned it from my teacher.

Everything can be learned. Please be curious. For example, why don’t animals run away after being ripped out of their anus by hyenas?

Look a lot. Look at what?

Read a book to see a document to see a video to see a blog to see a public number to see zhihu big guys fight to see norms to see source code to see the Winter Olympics to see pier pier.

The most effective way to learn something is to read books, for me, yes.

The book is the essence of the accumulation of practice, can withstand scrutiny and challenge, credibility is the highest, but the timeliness is slow enough. Better yet, learn a skill by reading official documents. The official document has a relatively complete knowledge system, explaining the principle of why to do this, advantages and disadvantages, and so on. It is also easy to learn, with corresponding examples to help understand, and good community support to help fast learning.

In the era of “we media”, video blogs and public accounts can also find a lot of high-quality works, of course, there are many dregs mixed in them, please carefully screen.

The most interesting or know to see big guy’s fight, when watching lively, the knowledge that oneself do not know to write down, after checking what speak is what, otherwise whole journey ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, what also did not learn.

Specification and source code is established in some theoretical basis and practice after, do not recommend beginners directly start. Specification and source code can help you understand the principle of something, see the essence of things, refuse to conform to the analysis of others.

Think more. Think about what?

I thought our sage teacher said it

Confucius said, “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.”

Learn a lot, listen to a lot, see a lot, must also think more, ask more why.

As mentioned above, there are multiple solutions to A problem. Why is plan A chosen instead of plan B? Is plan A still appropriate in A different scenario?

Why does the product manager still want to reduce the construction period when the schedule can’t be completed? Is it really appropriate to reverse the workload? Should I hit him?

Why work overtime every day but also be arranged to change the endless bug? And Zhang SAN late early leave work to live less idle money is much, how is his general manager’s father thinking after all?

More hands-on, hands-on practice

Tell PM (Product Manager) students, please reasonable demand, otherwise start.

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth

Refuse to be an armchair strategist. The paper come zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice.

A good habit is to practice while learning.

If you learn, only know to learn, do not know the summary, do not do a good job of knowledge reserve, eat a few times the New Year’s Eve dinner may forget, use the time to learn again. From now on, as a technical student, you should build up your knowledge base and stock up on skill points. Apply for the most basic technical account, any platform is fine, even if you write in the cloud notes, for all kinds of problems encountered at work, do a good record, explain the problem positioning process, what causes the problem; Study notes on a technique; The realization idea of an algorithm; The design thinking point of a scheme; The design principle of a project framework and so on.

Add practice to it, sign up for a Github account, and save those weird demos you’ve written. These are your second resume, stepping stone to an interview, and a plus.


There was a cute girl in the group. When she joined the team after graduation, she was quiet and calm, and blushed when she spoke one more word. The most common question she asked me was that everyone else was so good and I felt so bad about myself, what should I do?

Such a commitment to excellence is hard to come by. Be reasonable. Is that bad? In fact, it is not bad at all, just graduated students and have worked for a number of years of colleagues compared to the work experience is normal, ability, vision, accumulation, start speed and so on there is a gap is normal. You should compare yourself today, compared with yesterday, whether you really work hard, whether you seriously do every job, whether you can make good use of the fragments of time to make up their own gap. Set a high and challenging and achievable goal for yourself. Think about what level you should reach in half a year, and what level you will be in one year and two years. Have your own reasonable plan and refuse to conform to what others say.

Your first three years on the job are an important time for you to differentiate yourself from your peers, and are also the time for you to grow the fastest as you enter the workplace.

Being proactive means giving play to your own subjective initiative, planning your time reasonably, and participating in everything you are interested in, not limited to the work itself. Let yourself appear in different scenes, so that more colleagues know your existence and see your value, and don’t come for more than a year or so.

Inamori Kazuo said in the Living Method: What the heart desperately does not desire, it can not come to you, the heart does not call things, things do not arrive, if there is no strong desire, there is no way, success will not come to us. If you want to accomplish something, first of all, you must think “this is the way, this must be the way”, this desire is stronger than anyone else, enthusiasm to achieve a burning degree, this is more important than anything else.

Energy bomb or energy egg

Every new recruit should live as an energy egg to influence others and the surrounding environment, especially the college students. As the team develops to a certain stage, it will gradually lose its original vitality. At this time, it needs fresh blood to replenish and rejuvenate the stagnant water. Dynamic team can constantly create greater value, their own ability to have the opportunity to play, can really become energy bomb.

It depends on fate

As people get older, they tend to talk about opportunities they can’t ask for. A good teacher is half the battle.

After working for many years, I have changed countless superiors. I have experienced good teams and leaders, and I have also experienced unsatisfactory environment and superiors who just want everything to be ok and safe. It is very lucky to meet a suitable guide.

A Good mentor

Help you answer your questions, give you directions, help you fit in and find your value.

I remember I just graduated that time, is what what also do not know, fortunately, I have a thicker skin, do not understand to ask, the tutor is also better, especially willing to speak, may not have encountered me so thick skin. At that time, I had to implement a software encryption license generator with Java design. I thought, boy, I have learned so much about design patterns, and finally I can use them. Two days later, I went to my tutor with an architecture diagram and design scheme of five design patterns.

At work, if someone is willing to criticize you or give you advice, please accept it with patience and humility and learn to look at yourself correctly. Sometimes a word from your tutor refers to your workload for a day. When you encounter a problem at work, you have spent a day or even a few days studying and learning with great pains. However, you have not found the problem. So is it about asking questions when you encounter them? Certainly not. Without your efforts in the past few days, you will not achieve the effect of one point, because you have accumulated, have thought, have a lot of efforts and exploration on this problem.

A good partner or rival

If there is a good partner to study together, it is very rare, through mutual communication and discussion, can promote the rapid understanding and mastery of knowledge, competition with each other, common progress. Positive teammates because they have a common goal, can work with you hand in hand; The opposite, because you are competing with you, encourages you to change and grow. Teammates and opponents can help you grow.

A good leader

It goes without saying. Work is for a better life, rather than being kidnapped by work. Eventually, we have to come back to the reality. Whether the daily life of daily necessities is good or not is more or less related to the leader. If you have a mine, forget it.

Really smart employees, all know how to manage up, crying children milk is reasonable.

Keep up with The Times

Technical students should always keep technical sensitivity, keep curiosity about new things, have the courage to try and explore, eat less melon, do more. There is a classic philosophical proposition. Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? Living in today’s era of great change, we need to constantly ask ourselves, a little not careful, will be abandoned by The Times, sunk in the great river. Enterprises to develop, society to progress, if you can’t keep up with the thought, out of the time do not choose you choose who ah, born in distress, died in peace and happiness.

Identify your

Everyone’s time is the same, learn to accept the reality that you are not omnipotent, some things just can’t, just no one else can do it well, no one can learn everything.

Floating what like, heaven and earth a seagull.

Wish there is no war in the world, who knows, ten years later, will this be the third world war?