“This is the 10th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”


Nodejs + WebSocket in the “Nodejs + WebSocket simple introduction and examples – Chapter 1” in a simple introduction, Nodejs + WebSocket use methods and functions, today to use it to build a simple chat room function.

Nodejs+WebSocket create background server function 2. Vue view layer, receive background data and render page 3. LocalStorage stores user information such as session ID

Vue + Webpack generates vUE projects

Scaffolding projects are also very easy to use, simple command can be done

# vue init webpack web-im
Copy the code

Then work your way down and fill in the project name, description, author, and so on to complete the installation.

Modules can now be automatically installed. Of course, you can go to the directory and execute NPM install

# cd web-im
# npm install
Copy the code

This is the generated project structure.

The WebSocket server

Create a server/index.js file in the root directory of the project.

var ws = require("nodejs-websocket");
// Moment is used here
var moment = require('moment');

console.log("Start establishing connections...")

let users = [];

// Broadcast to all connected clients
function boardcast(obj) {
  server.connections.forEach(function(conn) {
      conn.sendText(JSON.stringify(obj)); })}function getDate(){
  return moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}var server = ws.createServer(function(conn){
  conn.on("text".function (obj) {
    obj = JSON.parse(obj);
        nickname: obj.nickname,
        uid: obj.uid
        type: 1.date: getDate(),
        msg: obj.nickname+'Join the chat room'.users: users,
        uid: obj.uid,
        nickname: obj.nickname
    } else {
        type: 2.date: getDate(),
        msg: obj.msg,
        uid: obj.uid,
        nickname: obj.nickname
  conn.on("close".function (code, reason) {
    console.log("Close connection")}); conn.on("error".function (code, reason) {
    console.log("Abnormal shutdown")}); }).listen(8001)
console.log("WebSocket setup completed")
Copy the code

This is basically the same structure as Nodejs + WebSocket Introduction and Examples – Chapter 1, except that there is one method used to send messages to the client

server.connections.forEach(function(conn) {
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Traverse all connections, send messages.

Why convert json.stringify (obj) to string?

The sendText method can only pass in strings, so we need to convert our object.

Conn.on (“text”, ()=>{}) checks a type passed in from the client.

WebSocket Client view layer

<div id="app">
    title='Please enter your nickname'
    confirmBtn="Start chatting"
    <input class="nickname" v-model="nickname" type="text" placeholder="Please enter your nickname">

  <div class="web-im">
    <div class="header im-title">The chat room</div>
    <div class="content im-record">
      <div class="li" :class="{user: item.uid == uid}" v-for="item in messageList">
        <template v-if="item.type===1">
          <p class="join-tips">{{item.msg}}</p>
        <template v-else>
          <div class="img">{{item.nickname}}</div>
          <p class="message-box">{{item.msg}}</p>
    <div class="footer im-input">
      <input type="text" v-model="msg" placeholder="Please enter the content">
      <button @click="send">send</button>
Copy the code

Style aspects do not explain, are very simple style, interested can click the bottom to obtain the source view.

WebSocket client

export default{...data(){
    return {
      uid: ' '.nickname: ' '.socket: ' '.msg: ' '.messageList: []}},mounted() {
    let vm = this;
    let user = localStorage.getItem('WEB_IM_USER');
    user = user && JSON.parse(user) || {};
    vm.uid = user.uid;
    vm.nickname = user.nickname;

    if(! vm.uid){ vm.$refs.loginDialog.show() }else {
    document.onkeydown = function (event) {
        var e = event || window.event;
        if (e && e.keyCode == 13) { // The enter key has a value of 13
  methods: {
    sendMessage(type, msg){
        uid: this.uid,
        type: type,
        nickname: this.nickname,
        msg: msg
      this.msg = ' ';
      let vm = this;
        vm.socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8001');
        let socket = vm.socket;

        socket.onopen = function(e){
          console.log("Server connection successful");
          if(! vm.uid){// Generate a new user ID and store it in localStorage
            vm.uid = 'web_im_' + moment().valueOf();
              uid: vm.uid,
              nickname: vm.nickname
        socket.onclose = function(e){
          console.log("Server down");
        socket.onerror = function(){
          console.log("Connection error");
        // Receive a message from the server
        socket.onmessage = function(e){
          let message = JSON.parse(e.data); vm.messageList.push(message); }}},login(){
      this.conWebSocket(); }}}Copy the code

Localstorage. getItem(‘WEB_IM_USER’) : if localstorage. getItem(‘WEB_IM_USER’) : if localstorage. getItem(‘WEB_IM_USER’) : if localstorage. getItem(‘WEB_IM_USER’) : if localstorage. getItem Onmessage listens to the message sent by the server, converts it into JSON, pushes it into the messageList array, and then rendering it to the page. 4. Check whether the message is sent by the user. If the message content is displayed on the right, messages sent by other users are displayed on the left, and set different background colors

Here we have a simple Node + Websocket group chat, what did you learn from it?

Finally, let’s take a look


Nodejs + WebSocket group chat functionality and core This is the core code:

function boardcast(obj) {
  server.connections.forEach(function(conn) {
      conn.sendText(JSON.stringify(obj)); })}Copy the code

Send a message to all connectors so that all of them can receive the message.

Source address: source address