Airwallex, the world’s leading fintech company, has expanded its largest R&D center (Shanghai) to 300 employees.

The talent density of production and research is very high. Most of them come from International well-known Internet enterprises such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, eBay and Palpal. They graduated from first-class universities such as Harvard, MIT, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London, CMU, Qingbei University, Fudan University and Zhejiang University.

Please go to linkedin to see our strong technical Leader team:…………………

At present, THE positions I am responsible for fall into two categories:

① Front-end development engineer

  • Cutting-edge technologies such as microfront-end architecture, GraphQL and schema federation were adopted.
  • Don’t stop trying new things like React 17+, Webpack 5, typescript 4+, CSS in JS Emotion 11+, Node 14+.

(2) the conversation/SRE engineer

  • Use Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, Private Cloud Connect, IAC, GitOps, Data Mesh, and more.
  • Large-scale financial grade K8S practices, latest technical solution exploration and practices, ArgoCD, Service Mesh, Tracing Tools.

Salary: annual package and cash that can compete with big domestic companies. Incentive options will be awarded each quarter after entry.

Workplace environment and elements:

☆ Working hours: 10 8 5, no punching

☆ Standard configuration for programmers: lifting table, ergonomic chair, Macbook Pro top configuration (4K display), DELL display, medical insurance, massage chair, weekly sports Club

☆ Location: Zhonghai International Center, Huangpu District, downtown

☆ English: read and write, can understand, simple expression.

All the technical details, we can see our official recruitment website:…

Please send your resume directly to [email protected]

Or, with resume, add my wechat communication: recruiter_KK. Add a friend please specify: company – position – school – name (gratitude ~)