As usual, post the Axios gitHub address first

No matter how you get the data, for a project, the code has to be maintainable and secondly it has to be beautifully written, so a layer of encapsulation is necessary, right

Vujs2.0 no longer maintains Vue-resource, vujs2.0 already uses Axios, which is the main reason why I switched to Axios, without further further:

Basic packaging requirements:

  • Unified URL Configuration
  • Unified API request
  • Request interceptor, such as: with token, set the request header
  • Response interceptors, such as uniform error handling, page redirection, etc
  • Combine as neededVuexDo global loading animation, or error handling
  • willaxiosEncapsulated intoVueThe plug-in USES

File structure

Use vue-cli for related encapsulation, in the SRC folder:

The SRC folder | | – HTTP encapsulation axios module — config. The default configuration of js axios — API. Js secondary packaging axios, Interceptors such as —- interface-js request the interface file —- index.js to encapsulate AXIos as a plug-in


See gitHub for the default configuration. The following is an example:

export default {
    method: 'post'.// Base URL prefix
    baseURL: ''.// Request header
    headers: {
      'Content-Type':'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
    / / parameters
    data: {},
    // Set the timeout period
    timeout: 10000.// Carry the certificate
    withCredentials: false.// Return the data type
    responseType: 'json'
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PS: Here is a recommended Mock tool, Easy Mock, from which the above request came. I’ll write a little bit about how to use this tool in the future.


import axios from 'axios' // Install it first
import config from './config.js' // Pour the default configuration
import qs from 'qs' // Serialize the request data, depending on the server's requirements

export default function $axios (options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
        const instance = axios.create({
            baseURL: config.baseURL,
            headers: {},
            transformResponse: [function (data) {}]})// Request interceptor
        config= > {
			// Tip: 1
			// When the request starts, you can start loading animation in full screen with vuex

			// Tip: 2 
			// Take the token, can combine with vuex or localStorage
			// if (store.getters.token) {
			// config.headers[' x-token '] = getToken() // Let each request carry a Token --[' x-token '] is a custom key. Please modify it according to the actual situation
			// } else {
			// // Redirects to the login page
			// }

			// Tip: 3
			// Serialize the passed parameters according to the request method, whether serialized according to the backend requirements
			if (config.method.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'post' 
				|| config.method.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'put' 
				|| config.method.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'delete') { = qs.stringify(
          	return config
        error => {
			// Do something when an error is requested (interface error, timeout, etc.)
			// Tip: 4
			/ / close the loadding
			console.log('request:', error) 
			// 1. Judge the request timeout
			if (error.code === 'ECONNABORTED' && error.message.indexOf('timeout')! = =- 1) {
				console.log('The request has now timed out based on the timeout/ true request you set. You can add a solution for the timeout here.')
				// return service.request(originalRequest); // For example, repeat the request again
			// 2. Redirect to the error page
			const errorInfo = error.response
			if (errorInfo) {
				// Error = // Catch the page to get a detailed error message, look at the bottom promise.reject
				const errorStatus = errorInfo.status; // 404 403 500... Etc.
					path: `/error/${errorStatus}`})}return Promise.reject(error) // Catch the error message you want to return on the side of the call})// Response interceptor
        response= > {
			let data;
			/ / ie 9 when the response data is undefined, so you need to use the response. The request. The responseText (string) after Stringify
			if( == undefined){
				data = response.request.responseText
			} else{
				data =
			// Depending on the code value returned, do different processing (and back-end conventions)
			switch (data.code) {
				case ' ':
				default:}// If the code is not correct and you are logged in, an error is thrown
			// const err = new Error(data.description)

			// = data
			// err.response = response

			// throw err
          	return data
        err => {
			if (err && err.response) {
				switch (err.response.status) {
					case 400:
					err.message = 'Request error'
					case 401:
					err.message = 'Unauthorized, please login'
					case 403:
					err.message = 'Access denied'
					case 404:
					err.message = Error requesting address:${err.response.config.url}`
					case 408:
					err.message = 'Request timeout'
					case 500:
					err.message = 'Server internal error'
					case 501:
					err.message = 'Service not implemented'
					case 502:
					err.message = 'Gateway error'
					case 503:
					err.message = 'Service unavailable'
					case 504:
					err.message = 'Gateway timeout'
					case 505:
					err.message = 'HTTP version not supported '
            // Here I use the Element UI prompt component
			// Message.error(`ERROR: ${err}`);
			return Promise.reject(err) // Return the error message returned by the interface})// Request processing
        .then((res) = > {
			return false
        .catch((error) = > {
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import axios from './api' / / into the API

/* Unify all interfaces for Easy maintenance * if the project is large you can separate the URL into a file and divide the interface into different modules * the data here is still from Easy Mock */

// Pour separately
export const query = params= > {
    return axios({
        url: '/query'.method: 'get',
export const mock = params= > {
    return axios({
        url: '/mock'.method: 'get',

export const upload = data= > {
    return axios({
        url: '/upload'.method: 'post',

// The default is all
// Root is needed
export default {
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Packaged as a Vue plug-in to enable (B) to use (B) (lattice)

// Pour all ports
import apiList from './interface'

const install = Vue= > {
    if (install.installed) 
    install.installed = true;

    Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
        // This is mounted on the $API object of the Vue prototype
        $api: {
            get() {
                return apiList

export default install
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At this point, everything is ready. In mian. Js, do the following:

// Pour index.js into the HTTP folder
import api from './http/index'

$API is called directly on the Vue prototype
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  • The above secondary packaging is more comprehensive, basically completing our previous requirements
  • In the error processing also needs to be with the back-end agreement good return value, do specific conventions
  • Encapsulation callbacks are a bit heavy and need to be added when usedthen()To process the result,async & awaitWell, good things should be hidden, I’m not going to share them…

PS: IE9 does not support Promises. You need to install a Polyfill

import 'babel-polyfill'
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