This is the fourth installment of the Shenze Research Institute’s in-depth insights series, focusing on the trends in marketing technology in 2022, and insights into change and change. This article contains about 3600 words and takes about 9 minutes to read.

Digital marketing ecology has entered a period of rapid development. Policy institute thinks of god, in the policy guide, science and technology can assign, industry norms, spending habits, etc., in 2022, digital marketing will produce a variety of formats and mode change, enterprises should accurately grasp the digital marketing “change” and “constant”, fully utilizing marketing technology to optimize the marketing strategy, improve marketing efficiency, winning brand growth.

The “change” of digital Marketing

1. The digital economy is developing at a faster pace, and consumption patterns are seeking change and innovation

“14th Five-Year Plan” put forward to meet the digital era, speed up the construction of digital economy, digital society. According to the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, China’s digital economy has reached 39.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 38.6 percent of the COUNTRY’s GDP and maintaining a high growth rate of 9.7 percent, becoming a key driver of stable economic growth.

With the continuous advancement of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, new forms of digital economy in all walks of life are emerging, accelerating to become the most dynamic, innovative and extensive economic form at present.

With the policy guarantee and continuous improvement of digital infrastructure, industries and regions with low digital level have great potential in the future, and their demand for digital transformation will be gradually released.

Information source: Shence Research Institute collation and analysis

Full-link digitalization has become the consensus of the consumer goods industry. The industrial chain has been reconstructed from a single value chain centered on products to a value network centered on consumers, and a full-domain (public domain + private domain) and all-channel digital marketing system from brand to marketing has been gradually established to directly obtain consumer information feedback. Affected by this, industries with low digital level, such as hotel service, real estate and local service, will accelerate their digital transformation, which is also an inevitable measure to adapt to the changes of The Times.

Second, data security to improve the national strategy, compliance mechanism to open the basis of digital marketing

In the era of digital economy, information technologies such as IT systems and mobile Internet develop rapidly. With the explosion of information, there is a rapid increase in the number of uncontrollable system vulnerabilities and frequent security incidents, and the data security situation is becoming increasingly serious. In 2021, China has implemented the “Data Security Law” and “Personal Information Protection Law”, increase the supervision and law enforcement of key issues of data security, improve data security, has risen as a national strategy.

We believe that the premise for enterprises to carry out digital marketing in 2022 is to establish a data security compliance mechanism and have a complete compliance framework in the whole life cycle of data. As shown in the figure below, around digital marketing, enterprises should establish four dimensions of data security guarantee mechanism in application data.

First, the goal of data security compliance should be clearly defined, not only in the marketing category, but also in the overall perspective of data assets.

Secondly, a data security compliance organization system should be established under the FRAMEWORK of DSMM to escort data security in terms of system and culture.

Thirdly, the safety mechanism should be established based on the data life cycle process, that is, the safety measures of data collection and the guarantee mechanism of data storage.

Fourthly, specific implementation measures are clarified. Based on past corporate practices, five key focus points of corporate compliance are given, from the legal basis of individual protection law, confirmation method of individual consent in marketing actions, avoidance points of marketing automation, deletion and withdrawal mechanism, to the compliance assessment work of enterprises.

Information source: Shence Research Institute collation and analysis

*DSMM: Is the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee issued “information security technology – Data security capability Maturity Model” English abbreviation, is a national standard of the People’s Republic of China.

Third, connectivity to open a new marketing ecology, global marketing to reshape brand growth

Under the pressure of anti-monopoly and supervision, relevant standards have been put forward for the communication between various Internet platforms, and the shielding between each other will be gradually lifted. Not long ago, Kuaishou and Meituan reached a strategic cooperation on connectivity. Meituan will launch meituan Mini program on kuaishou open platform, providing meituan merchants with package, voucher, booking and other products display, online trading and after-sales services. Users of Kuaishou will be able to directly access meituan mini program.

We believe that in 2022, the Internet ecosystem will move towards interconnection. At that time, the two ecosystems of Alibaba and Tencent will also open to each other, and the communication between wechat and Tmall and Taobao will further open the enterprise’s global marketing.

Global marketing means full link, all media and all channels. After the Internet platform opens up to each other, enterprises need to make full use of fission communication and private domain operation to achieve fast access to high-quality traffic, and achieve large-scale customer acquisition through global marketing, scenariotype marketing and content marketing.

Information source: Shence Research Institute collation and analysis

4. Medium videos fill the gap of short and long videos and stimulate new scenes of marketing

Although long and short videos have occupied more users’ time, with the life scene becoming more cloud and content consumption upgrading, users’ content demand is still emerging. The content of The video further satisfies the user’s demand for more segmentation and quality without having a very strong “time burden”.

The concept of video refers to the video content between 1 minute and 30 minutes in length. In the past year, The Video track has become extremely hot, becoming the focus of the industry — such as Iyouteng, Doukuai, B station, Douyu and other short and long length platforms, as well as Baidu, Zhihu, Xiaohongshu, NetEase and other Internet players.

The report “2021 Video Marketing White Paper” points out that the three major specialized fields of pan-knowledge, pan-entertainment and pan-vertical are the “new vision” worthy of attention of Video in China. The pan-entertainment of video in China is like a spider’s web to break through the boundary of entertainment and transform each other, making video more malleable.

We believe that China Video fills the gap of video consumption for users and creates new content demands for users, thus stimulating new marketing scenes and new opportunities.

Fifth, enterprises accelerate the embrace of marketing technology, the rise of domestic trend

According to the Marketing Automation Application Benchmark Report 2021 released by Shence Research Institute, 75% of enterprises in the Chinese market plan to increase investment related to marketing technology, which is higher than the global level of 68%. In both Gartner’s CMO spending survey and Duke University’s CMO survey, you can see a steady increase in spending on marketing technology.

Data source: Marketing Automation Application Benchmark Report 2021, Shence Research Institute

The rapid rise of marketing technology localization. As a new wave of domestic digital economy and the continuous development of infrastructure, domestic marketing of science and technology enterprise fast growth, this trend is mainly manifested in two aspects, one is the policy to encourage and capital, in recent years, domestic digital service providers on the financing amount and financing amount breakthrough unceasingly, a number of influential marketing technology companies appeared gradually, In the product technology and service also gradually recognized by the industry enterprises; On the other hand, foreign marketing technology manufacturers do not attach much importance to the Chinese market and seldom adjust their solutions to meet the local market demand. In this year when digital marketing formats are changing rapidly, the standardized products and services of foreign manufacturers cannot meet the demand of the domestic market.

Data source: Chuangye State Research Center

Sixth, marketing technology platform, help enterprises get rid of the dilemma of automation

Domestic leading marketing technology enterprises from a single field gradually to the platform, marketing integration development. We believe that providing platform-based marketing full link technology services is an effective measure to solve the problem that enterprises cannot achieve marketing automation with a single tool. With the rise of marketing technology enterprises, the integration of the whole chain of marketing technology products, open cooperation ecology, to create marketing closed loop, gradually realize the platform, integration, will be the inevitable direction of the head of marketing technology enterprises.

Current enterprises in the application of marketing tools, still can not achieve one-stop automation to solve the problem of marketing efficiency, such as the marketing link of the data through, the generation of marketing content, the user’s label portrait system, the channel reach rules, etc., these have become constraints on enterprises to truly achieve marketing automation factors.

The integrated marketing tool will include the underlying data governance module to achieve all-channel data access; Customer Data Platform (CDP), which analyzes and labels these multi-channel data; Customer content management platform (CMS), providing tool templates for generating marketing content, realizing cross-channel content distribution and automatic monitoring of transformation effects; Marketing automation Platform (MA) and data decision board (BI).

The “immutable” of digital Marketing

1. Solid data base

Times are changing, but the roots remain unchanged. Data is the root of digital marketing. We believe that only by building a business-oriented full-end data foundation platform, real-time collection, governance, storage, query and display of data, equipped with data intelligence engine, efficient accumulation of data assets, enabling business application scenarios, and building a solid data foundation can digital marketing be realized.

Information source: Shence Research Institute collation and analysis

A solid data base should have the following characteristics:

  • Realize data collection of client, server, history & business data and other data sources

  • Real-time one-to-many ID Mapping builds a unified user system globally

  • Establish a general data warehouse system for all dimensions of enterprise data

  • Take the business-driven data model as the core, build a complete data governance system

A strong data-driven culture

Digital transformation first requires ideological transformation, organizational and cultural transformation, and data-driven improvement of all employees’ cognition. According to the previous research results of Shence Research Institute, the advantages of digital marketing leaders in marketing decision-making ability are reflected in the establishment of a good data-driven culture, and gradually formed a mechanism, and the full use of data analysis tools to promote their own advantage in intelligent decision-making.

Excellent digital marketing enterprises all have good data-driven culture. The establishment of data management committee at the enterprise level to promote the construction of data-driven culture and innovative culture and enhance the overall data awareness is a powerful guarantee to continuously promote the digital marketing ability of enterprises.

Information source: Shence Research Institute collation and analysis

Third, suitable for their own marketing technology stack

Marketing technology is a tool to help enterprises optimize marketing strategy and improve marketing efficiency. Enterprises must introduce cutting-edge precision marketing reach technology, including automated marketing, user label portrait, personalized recommendation, etc., and build a complete system of marketing technology stack, to achieve real real-time precision reach.

Source: McKinsey Analysis

Fourth, a firm digital transformation strategy

Digital transformation is a long-term process that requires continuous investment. Enterprises need to establish the top-level design of digital transformation, and have the forward-looking guidance from senior management to ensure the continuity of transformation.

By summarizing the best practices of digital marketing enterprises, we can see that the leading enterprises can stick to the original aspiration, strengthen confidence, take the initiative to change in the digital transformation, and polish their core capabilities under the guidance of firm digital strategy.

We believe that a good digital transformation strategy should not only have a clear development goal, but also have a clear realization path.


1. China Industrial Economic Network information network: the “14th Five-year plan” to open a new bureau China’s digital economy has entered the development outbreak period

2. The Volume Counts: White paper on video marketing trends in 2021

3. Forrester: 2022 Asia-Pacific Market Trend Forecast

4. McKinsey: digital marketing: beyond the “sell goods” | “strategy of the brand to win” began a series of articles