How to choose an open source license for your Github project? Recommend to be writing open source project small partner or want to write guy!!

Choose an open source software license?

GiHub common open source software protocol!

How do I add this protocol?

  1. Create a text file (name it LICENSE or license.txt) in the root directory of your repository.
  2. Copy the protocol body into this text file.

Optional: Add Apache-2.0 to your software description (e.g., Node.js, Ruby, and Rust). This gives others a clear idea of which protocol the software is being distributed under.

Can I not select the License?

Content without a License is protected by copyright by default. So if you want everyone to use the software with confidence, you need to choose a proper License. Only in this way can you give anyone the right to use, share and modify the software.

So, if you just want to give love, want you to unlimited use their warehouse code, select the MIT license… . The MIT License is a loose License that allows others to do anything with your code, but only if you keep your ownership and you don’t bear the risk of using the code.

Specific selection criteria

Many open source License,, specific differences can have a look at the diagram below.

To sum up, MIT is the most free, there are literally no restrictions, anyone can sell my software, even use my name to promote. The BSD and Apache protocols are also very free, and the difference with MIT is that the author’s name is not allowed to promote and protect the author’s copyright. The GPL is the most overtly written code. Changes to code must be made under the GPL, and code developed based on the GPL must be distributed under the GPL. The MPL, or Mozilla Public License, is milder. Also, the new file does not use the original code, so the new file can not continue to use MPL.

This is the core difference of several common licenses.


About, in making use of open source license, there are other caveats, license to deposit to which files, for example, if in accordance with the agreement, such as search project, the content can refer to the official document… . In addition, if the content of the project is not a code, but the manuscript or other work, you can refer to the explanation choosealicense. Online/non – softwar… Use CC License.

Open Source License official

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