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Our programmer is a technical work, compared with the Internet and other industries, the salary will be relatively high, but the money is not so easy to earn, there are advantages and disadvantages, we all know that programmers are relatively tired, overtime is common.

However, programmer’s job also has another characteristic, that is, you can take on jobs, do some part-time jobs, do not need additional investment, just need to have a laptop, plus their own technology, you can take on some jobs, earn a little income beyond wages.

A lot of programmer friends should have this idea, but struggling to find a way, today to bring you 7 platforms, later introduced. Let’s start by analyzing what we have to pay attention to.

Tips for private work

1, needs to be clear

It’s not like working in a company, you’re just a programmer, you have a business unit up there that connects with the outside, you just have to do what you need to do, it’s different here, you’re not just a programmer, you have a business role here.

The first thing to think about is, you need to connect with the outside world, you need to understand the requirements, you have to ask for documents, emails and so on, black paper and white letters to ask the other side to write clearly, because this directly determines your workload.

There is to avoid what disputes later, or the follow-up proposed change demand (this good in advance, change demand both sides how to deal with, you can ask the other side to pay additional costs, compare the change demand will also increase your cost), so this need to pay special attention to.

2. Keep in touch

At the same time, in the process of doing the project, we must always keep communicating with each other about our ideas, in order to prevent demand deviation and unnecessary trouble.

There is not such a classic joke. The demander gives a drawing, and the executor immediately implements it according to the drawing. A few months later, when the work is handed over, the demander is dumbfounded.

Although this is a joke, but at least shows the importance of communication, if the original ask a mouth, it is impossible to make such a big joke, therefore, there is a point of doubt must be sure to understand the implementation, to avoid some detdettions.

3, the period should be clear

If the content of the requirements are clearly communicated, the deadline of the project is also relatively important, first of all, do not beat the head to give the date.

In cooperation with others, every word you say is a promise. It is best not to say it casually without thinking through your brain. Once you say it, the other party will take it seriously.

If you give them a date, they can use it as their launch date, and if you don’t meet it, you’ll be held responsible.

Therefore, the duration of the project should be based on the actual needs of a good calculation of the workload, in addition to the work time you have actual time available.

Give yourself some leeway, too. Don’t try to cram your time into a full schedule. Unexpected family events, such as a visit from a relative, can easily derail your plans and cause you to fail to fulfill your commitments.

4. Don’t do it during office hours

If it’s personal work, it’s best not to do it during office hours, even when you’re already doing it.

Because be discovered by the company, that will be very bad, will affect their future, in this respect to do their own management and planning.

Do the right thing at the right time. In this way, you can be calm and calm.

5, to have a weekend psychological preparation

If you take on personal work, you don’t have as much time. You might go to movies or go to ball games on weekends.

But after taking on private work, you may need to stay home and do it.

In order to fulfill your commitment, you need to calm down and sit down to do the work, which requires you to have a high degree of self-discipline, unlike in the company, you have the discipline to go to work every day, now you are your own boss, you have to discipline yourself to stay at home to do the work.

If you don’t have the self-discipline to do it for a while, your heart will go out and your feet will go out with you, and you won’t be able to fulfill your tasks and commitments.

A platform for private work

1. Programmer inn: agent for programmers

2, fast crowdsourcing – make Internet product development faster! Identify the domain name

3. Coding Code Market – Coding Code Market, a software outsourcing service platform based on cloud technology

4. Oschina crowdsourcing platform

5. Yiyi – High-quality software crowdsourcing delivery service platform Yiyi crowdsourcing platform

6. Renren Development – Renren development of enterprise application service platform integrating visual development, application market, Witke crowdsourcing and PaaS cloud

7, Kaibang – professional Internet software technology development and consulting services Kaibang

Write in the last

Taking on freelance work can take up a lot of your spare time, so you have to think carefully about whether you should take on freelance work. After all, your spare time is also your time to improve yourself.

This is not to say that do not accept, you can as far as possible to accept some can improve their own projects, for example, the project in most things you have no problem, but a small part of the technology, also need to learn, can be done.

This kind of project is actually the best, not only earn extra money, but also improve themselves.

It is not recommended to take on the kind of private work that does not challenge you, you can spend your spare time to improve your skills, so as to find a better job in the future.

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