1. Proxy-based observer mechanism

Vue 2. X use Object. DefineProperty, reference document www.jianshu.com/p/8fe1382ba…

Vue 3 USES Proxy, objects, the agent, the reference document segmentfault.com/a/119000001…

Defects of Object.defineProperty:

1) Performance: listen by traversing the property of the object, but the property value is also an object, which requires deep traversal.

2) Unable to listen on arrays: The main operation scenario of arrays is traversal, and if set and GET methods are mounted on each element, there will be a huge performance cost

3) Detection of adding and deleting actions of attributes;

4) Array based on subscript modification, detection of.length modification

So the previous array object property changes, need to manually set to inform the page of the data modification. The following screenshots

Advantages of Proxy:

1) You can listen directly on objects instead of properties and return a new object.

2) Can directly listen to the array changes

3) Intercept a variety of ways, double speed, save memory overhead

Tree-shaking is perfectly supported

Tree-shaking is used to remove unused code and modules from ES6 Module syntax when packaging and compiling into bundles. Reference documents juejin.cn/post/684490…

Vue 2.x global apis such as nextTick cannot be TreeShake, so even if you don’t use these apis, they will be packaged into your production code package

In Vue 3, the official team reorganized all the global apis so that they supported TreeShaking

This will make the package smaller

3. Perfect Typescript support

Vue3 source code is written using TS

Typescript official documentation www.tslang.cn/

4, Composition API

Practical example, based on vuE3 development of a small demo, triangle generator
