1 overview

1.1 introduction

Selectors are a core component of CSS. This article provides a summary of most Selectors at Level1 to Level4 using the W3C Selectors Level4 specification, along with simple syntax explanations and examples. Hope to be helpful to programmers.

Element selector

2.1 Type selector -h1

A type selector, also known as a tag name selector, selects instances of elements of that type in the document.

h1 {
    color: red;
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Set the color of the element type H1 in the document to red.

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2.2 Wildcard selector -*

A generic selector is a special type selector that represents an element of any element type.

* {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Sets the color of all elements in the document to red.

3 Property selector

3.1 Attribute Existence selector -[name]

h1[name] {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Select the element with the attribute name in element h1.

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3.2 Attribute value selector

3.2.1 Exact Match -[title=’cool’]

h1[title='cool'] {
    color: red;
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Matches the element h1 that contains the attribute title and whose value is cool.

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3.2.2 includes matching – [title | = ‘cool’]

h1[title~='cool'] {
    color: red;
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The matching element h1 contains the attribute title and the attribute value contains cool.

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3.2.3 Header Matching -[title^=’cool’]

h1[title|='cool'] {
    color: red;
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The matching element h1 contains the attribute title, and the attribute value is either a cool element or an element beginning with cool-.

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3.3 Attribute value substring selector

3.3.1 Header Matching -[title^=’cool’]

h1[title^='cool'] {
    color: red;    
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The match element h1 contains the attribute title and the attribute value string begins with cool.

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3.3.2 Tail Matching -[title$=’cool’]

h1[title$='cool'] {
    color: red;    
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The match element h1 contains the attribute title, and the attribute value string ends in cool.

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3.3.3 Partial Matching -[title*=’cool’]

h1[title*='cool'] {
    color: red;    
Copy the code

The match element h1 contains the attribute title, and the attribute value string contains elements of the cool substring.

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3.4 Class selector -.class

.red {      
    color: red;       
Copy the code

Matches the element in the document whose class attribute is red and sets its color to red.

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3.5 ID selector -# ID

#title {      
    color: red;       
Copy the code

Matches the element in the document whose ID attribute is title and sets its color to red.

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4. Linguistic pseudo-classes

4.1 Directional pseudo-class :dir

Dir () is used to match elements that conform to a certain direction, such as dir(LTR) and dir(RTL), where LTR is short for left to right, and RTL is right to left, which means right to left.

:dir(ltr) {
    color: red;
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Matches elements whose text orientation is left to right.

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4.2 Language pseudo-class :lang

:lang(fr) {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match elements whose language is French and set their color to red.

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5 Positional pseudo-classes

5.1 Hyperlink pseudo-class :any-link

Matches elements such as , ,

with href attributes.

:any-link {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Matches any hyperlink and sets its color to red.

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5.2 Hyperlink pseudo-class :link

:link {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Matches hyperlinks that are not accessed and sets their color to red.

5.3 Hyperlink pseudo-class: Visited

:visited {
    color: blue;
Copy the code

Matches the hyperlinks visited and sets their color to blue.

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5.4 Hyperlink pseudo-class :local-link

:local-link {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Matches the local hyperlink and sets its color to red.

5.5 Target pseudoclass: Target

< h1 > < a href = "# content" > 30 lessons < / a > < / h1 > < p id = "content" > programmer notebook < / p > < p id = "content2 >" programmer's notebook 2 < / p >Copy the code
:target {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Click the internal link in the HTML code, and the color of the P element whose target object id is Content changes to red.

6 User behavior pseudo class

6.1 User behavior pseudo-class :hover

Matches the specified element when the user pointer device hovers over it.

:hover {
    color: red;
Copy the code

The user pointer hovers over an element, matches it and sets its color to red.

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6.2 User Behavior pseudo class :active

:active {
    background: red;
Copy the code

Sets the element background color to red when a particular element is active.

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6.3 User Behavior pseudo class: Focus

:focus {
    background: red;
Copy the code

When a particular element gets focus, set the element background color to red.

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6.4 User Behavior pseudo-class :focus-within

div:focus-within {        
    border : 1px solid blue;
Copy the code

When a child element in a div gets input focus, set the border of the div element to a blue border with a 1 pixel value.

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7 Timeline pseudo class

7.1 Time pseudo class :current

Timeline pseudo-classes are often used during voice rendering of documents or during captioning.

:current(p) {
    color: red;
Copy the code

The above rule defines the color of the current speech rendering paragraph to be red.

7.2 Time pseudo-class :past

:past(p) {
    color: red;
Copy the code

The above rule defines the color blue to complete the speech rendering paragraph.

7.3 Time pseudo class: Future

:future(p) {
    color: yellow;
Copy the code

The above rule defines the color yellow for unrendered paragraphs.

8 Resource status pseudo class

8.1 Resource status pseudo class: Playing

:playing {
    border : 1px solid red;
Copy the code

Matches the element in the current play state and adds a 1-pixel red border to it.

8.2 Resource status pseudo class: Paused

:playing {
    border : 1px solid grey;
Copy the code

Matches the element in the current play state and adds a 1 pixel gray border to it.

9 Enter a pseudo class

9.1 Entering the status control pseudo class enabled

:enabled {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Matches the enabled element and sets its color to red.

9.2 Input status control pseudo class: Disabled

    color: yellow;
Copy the code

Matches the element in the disabled state and sets its color to yellow.

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9.3 Read-only pseudo-classes :read-only

:read-only {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Matches elements in read-only state and sets their color to red.

9.4 Read/write Pseudo-classes :read-write

:read-write {
    color: yellow;
Copy the code

Matches the read/write state of the element and sets its color to yellow.

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9.5 pseudo class: placeholder – to

:placeholder-shown {
    background: red;
Copy the code

Select the element whose placeholder is to show its status and set its background color to red.

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9.6 Default Item Pseudo-class :default

:default {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match the default element and set its color to red.

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9.7 Checked item pseudo-class: Checked

:checked {
   height: 4em;
Copy the code

Matches the selected element and sets its height to 4em.

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9.8 Uncertain value pseudo-classes :indeterminate

Indeterminate value pseudo-classes: Indeterminate applies to elements whose value is in an indeterminate state. For example, the radio element group is in an indeterminate value state if it has not been initially selected.

:indeterminate {
  height: 4em;
Copy the code

Match the indeterminate value element and set the height to 4em.

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9.9 Null pseudoclass :blank

Null pseudoclass: Blank is used to match an input field with an empty value, such as a textarea or input field.

:blank {
    background: red;
Copy the code

At present, the pseudo class has poor compatibility.

9.10 Compliance Verification Pseudo class :valid

:valid {        
    color: red;       
Copy the code

Matches elements whose input values are valid and sets their color to red.

9.11 Compliance verification Dummy class :invalid

:valid {        
    color:  blue;       
Copy the code

Matches elements whose input values are invalid and sets their color to blue.

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9.12 Range pseudo-class :in-range

:in-range {
   color: red;        
Copy the code

Matches elements whose input values are within the defined range and sets their color to red.

9.13 Range pseudo-class :out-of-range

:out-of-range {
   color: blue;        
Copy the code

Matches elements whose input values are outside the definition range and sets their color to blue.

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9.14 Mandatory Pseudo class: Required

:required {            
    color: red;        
Copy the code

Matches the elements defined as required and sets their color to red.

9.15 Optional item Pseudoclass :optional

:optional {            
    color: blue;        
Copy the code

Matches the element defined as an option and sets its color to blue.

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10 Tree structure pseudo class

10.1 Root pseudoclass :root

Pseudo class :root represents the root element of the document. For example, in a DOM Document, the pseudo-class :root matches the root element of the Document object. In HTML, it represents an HTML element.

:root {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match the document root element and define its color as red.

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10.2 Empty pseudo-class :empty

:empty {           
    color : red;
Copy the code

Matches the empty element and sets its color to red.

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10.3 Element index pseudoclass :nth-child

p:nth-child(3n+1) {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match p elements 1,4,7,10 and set their color to red.

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10.4 Element index pseudo-class :nth-last-child

p:nth-child(3n+1) {
    color: red;
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Matches the last p elements, such as 1, 4, 7, and 10, and sets their color to red.

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10.5 First element pseudo-class :first-child

p:first-child { 
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches the first p element and sets its color to red.

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10.6 Tail element pseudo-class :last-child

p:last-child { 
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches the last p element and sets its color to red.

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10.7 Only Child pseudo-class :only-child

p:only-child { 
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches element P whose parent element contains only one child element and sets its color to red.

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10.8 Type Index pseudo-class :nth-of-type

p:nth-of-type(3n+1) {        
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches elements at index positions 1,4,7,10, etc. of type p and sets their color to red.

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10.9 Type index pseudo-class: nTH-last-of-type

p:nth-last-of-type(3n+1) {        
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches the elements of the penultimate index position 1,4,7,10, etc. of type p and sets their color to red.

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10.10 Type first element pseudo-class :first-of-type

p:first-of-type {        
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches the first element of type P and sets and color to red.

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10.11 Type last-element pseudo-class :last-of-type

p:last-of-type {        
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Matches the penultimate element of type P and sets and color to red.

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10.12 Pseudo-classes of Unique elements :only-of-type

p:only-of-type {        
    color: red;      
Copy the code

Match parent elements that contain only children of type P and set their color to red.

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11 Logical combination selector

11.1 Group selector

h1 {  color: red }
h2 {  color: red }
h3 {  color: red }
h4 {  color: red }
Copy the code

Using grouping selectors, you can abbreviate the CSS rules described above into the following form.

h1.h2.h3.h4 {  
    color: red 
Copy the code

The two notations have the same effect.

11.2 Logical Combination pseudo-class: IS

Pseudoclass :is() is a function that takes multiple selectors as arguments, matching elements represented by their arguments.

Current compatibility is poor.

*:is(:hover.:focus) {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match elements of the pseudo-classes Hover and Focus and set their color to red.

11.3 Logical Combination pseudo-class: NOT

Negative logical composition pseudo-class :not() is a function that takes multiple selectors as arguments and matches elements not in its argument list.

Current compatibility is poor.

button:not([DISABLED])  {
    color : red;
Copy the code

Matches the button element that does not contain the DISABLED attribute and sets its color to red.

11.4 Logical Combination pseudo-class: HAS

Current compatibility is poor.

a:has(> img)  {
    border : 1px solid red;
Copy the code

Matches the hyperlink that contains the img child and sets its border to 1 pixel red.

12 Combination selectors

12.1 Descendant selector

h1 em {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match the em element of the descendant of h1 and set its color to red.

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12.2 Child Element Selector ->

h1 > em {  
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match the child element em of H1 and set its color to red.

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12.3 Neighboring sibling selectors -+

h1 + h2 {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Matches h1’s adjacent sibling h2 and sets its color to red.

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12.4 Sibling Selectors -~

h1 ~ h2 {
    color: red;
Copy the code

Match the sibling h2 after h1 and set its color to red.

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13 the ending

13.1 References

W3C Working Draft : Selectors Level 4 – 21 November 2018

W3scool: CSS selector reference manual

Rookie tutorial: CSS selector

MDN : CSS Selectors

13.2 conclusion

This article is based on the CSS selector specification 4 selected partial CSS selector content written by @Morui. Because my level is limited, understanding and translation inevitably have deviation and error, but also ask programmer friends to correct!

The compatibility of some selectors in this paper is poor, so they can only be used as learning reserves and are not applicable to practical products.

Laborious original is not easy, please reprint must clearly indicate the source from [thirty lessons]!