Focus on the front-end technology stack, from advancements to admissions


  • Latest release


  • What is a tick?
  • Tick function
  • Preview function

What is a tick?

Tick tock focus on the front end technology stack article sharing, but also includes common tools, front-end navigation, etc.

Tick function

  • Fast Notes: Includes fast JavaScript, Fast CSS, Fast TypeScript, Fast React, Fast NodeJs, Fast Webpack, And Fast Flutter
  • Fast code algorithm: contains the analysis of common algorithms
  • Big data structure: integrated stack, queue, linked list, collection, dictionary, tree, graph, heap
  • The beauty of design patterns
  • Front one question: Includes common interview questions
  • Online tools: JSON formatting tool, code beautification tool, code compression tool, JS regular expression, QR code generation, online Markdown editor and calculator
  • The front-end navigation

Preview function

The problem of feedback

Feedbacks and Suggestions

Note: the software and the article are still in the phase of update iteration, welcome to comment and point out the problem!

DiDa – The client Experience edition is live