Debug console prints SQL
Use process of Mybatis
Let’s review the process of using Mybatis
- Create the mybatis-config. XML global configuration file
- Create xxxmapper.xml configuration file
- Create a SqlSessionFactory
- Create the SqlSession object with SqlSessionFactory
- Use SqlSession to add, delete, change and check CRUD
Print the SQL configuration
The built-in log factory provides logging capabilities, print SQL using log4J configuration, and add dependencies
Slf4j </groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-log4j12</artifactId> <version>1.7.30</version> </dependency>Copy the code
Create a file named in your application’s classpath
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, Stdout # print more TRACE contents log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] - %m%nCopy the code
This way, we will have logs printed out when we execute the operation database
The query
Multiple parameters
When multiple parameters are required for query, an alias is used to facilitate identification and use
<select id="selectByPointAndTitle" resultType="cn.junko.domain.Video">
select * from video where point = #{point} and title like concat('%',#{title},'%')
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List<Video> selectByPointAndTitle(@Param("point") int point,@Param("title") String title);
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Hump mapping
As mentioned earlier, database fields are underlined, and Java properties are humped
- Methods:
select cover_img as coverImg from video
But what about multi-field, as operations for each parameter? Mybatis configuration is used here
<! -- Underline automatically maps hump field -->
<setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true"/>
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This allows for automatic mapping, for example cover_img will automatically map to coverImg
Mybatis into parameterType refs
ParameterType parameterType
It can be a basic type
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It can also be a JAVA collection List or Map
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Or a custom object
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- #{title, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
- Most cases are normal, but if an error occurs: invalid column type, jdbcType is missing;
- The jdbcType attribute is required only if the field can be NULL
Common database types and Java proxy comparison
JDBC Type | Java Type |
CHAR | String |
VARCHAR | String |
NUMERIC | java.math.BigDecimal |
DECIMAL | java.math.BigDecimal |
BIT | boolean |
BOOLEAN | boolean |
TINYINT | byte |
SMALLINT | short |
INTEGER | int |
BIGINT | long |
REAL | float |
FLOAT | double |
DOUBLE | double |
BINARY | byte[] |
VARBINARY | byte[] |
DATE | java.sql.Date |
TIME | java.sql.Time |
TIMESTAMP | java.sql.Timestamp |
CLOB | Clob |
BLOB | Blob |
ARRAY | Array |
DISTINCT | mapping of underlying type |
STRUCT | Struct |
REF | Ref |
Write the mapper
<insert id="addVideo" parameterType="cn.junko.domain.Video" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" keyColumn="id">
INSERT INTO `video`(`title`, `summary`, `cover_img`, `price`, `create_time`, `c_id`, `point`)
VALUES (#{title},#{summary},#{coverImg},#{price},#{createTime},#{cid},#{point});
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UseGeneratedKeys =”true” keyProperty=”id” keyColumn=” ID “test useGeneratedKeys=”true” keyProperty=”id” key =”id” test
public void addVideo(a){
Video video = new Video();
video.setTitle("Test Data 3");
video.setCreateTime(new Date());
int rows = videoMapper.addVideo(video);
System.out.println("Autoincrement primary key:"+video.getId());
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Foreach batch insert
Foreach Is used to insert multiple video records in batches. It is a built-in label used for circular stitching. It is often used for batch adding and IN query
Contains the following attributes: Collection: Mandatory. The value is the type of the collection to iterate through. In this case, there are many types of input arguments. Separator: the name of the property of the index. In the case of a collection array, this value is the key of the map. Open: the string at the beginning of the contents of the loop. The separator for each loopCopy the code
Note that the alias value of item is
<insert id="addVideoList" parameterType="cn.junko.domain.Video" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" keyColumn="id">
INSERT INTO `video`(`title`, `summary`, `cover_img`, `price`, `create_time`, `c_id`, `point`)
<foreach collection="list" separator="," item="video">
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int rows = videoMapper.addVideoList(list);
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The same applies to primary key increment
Normal updates are simpler, using the if test tag
- Optionally update non-empty fields
- Introduction to the if test label
- The if tag determines the query condition by judging the value passed in, and test specifies an OGNL expression
- Common writing
// Update the value of the current field until the condition is met<if test='title ! = null and id == 87 '> title = #{title}, </if>
<if test="title! =null"> title = #{title}, </if>
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<! -- /*suffixOverrides="," */-->
<update id="updateVideo" parameterType="cn.junko.domain.Video">
UPDATE `video`
<trim prefix="set" >
<if test="title ! = null">`title` = #{title},</if>
<if test="summary ! = null">`summary` = #{summary},</if>
<if test="coverImg ! = null">`cover_img` = #{coverImg},</if>
<if test="price ! = 0">`price` = #{price},</if>
<if test="createTime ! = null">`create_time` = #{createTime},</if>
<if test="cid ! = 0">`c_id` = #{cid},</if>
<if test="point > 7.0">`point` = #{point}</if>
WHERE `id` = #{id};
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Be sure to see if the POJO class contains primitive data types or wrapper data types
- Delete Delete syntax
- Requirement: Delete the data after a certain period and the amount is greater than 10 yuan
<delete id="deleteByCreateTimeAndPrice" parameterType="java.util.Map">delete from video where create_time <! [CDATA[ > ]]> #{createTime} and price <! [CDATA[ >= ]]> #{price}</delete>
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Why should I escape characters: because MyBatis SQL is written in XML, some SQL syntax symbols conflict with XML
Greater than or equal to <! [CDATA[>=]]> Less than or equal to <! [CDATA[ <= ]]>Copy the code