6 good C++ open source projects are recommended. All the open source projects are recommended by GitHub fans. They are:

The open source projects recommended for this issue are:

1. C++ stuff

2. Open source collection of various algorithms implemented in C++

3. Summary of basic knowledge of C/C++ technical interview

4 C++ implementation of tetris

5. Screenshot software Demo of C++ implementation

6. A runnable HTTP server based on C++


C + + those things

This is a repository for beginners from the beginning to the advanced level, which solves the problems of both candidates and learners who want to go deep into C++ and how to get into C++.

In addition, the warehouse has expanded the more in-depth source code analysis, multi-threaded concurrency knowledge, is a more comprehensive C++ learning from the entry to the advanced warehouse.

Project address: https://github.com/Light-City/CPlusPlusThingsCopy the code


A collection of open source implementations of various C++ algorithms

This repository is a collection of open source implementations of various algorithms implemented in C++, covering a variety of topics in computer science, mathematics and statistics, data science, machine learning, engineering, and more.

These implementations and related documentation are intended to provide learning resources for educators and students. Therefore, multiple implementations can be found for the same goal, but with different algorithmic strategies and optimizations.

Source address: https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-PlusCopy the code


C/C++ technical interview basic knowledge summary

Summary of basic knowledge of C/C++ technical interview, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library and other knowledge, interview experience, recruitment, internalization and other information.

The address of the project: https://github.com/huihut/interviewCopy the code


80×23 terminal Tetris!

This is the 80×23 version of Tetris, and you can control it with a (left), D (right), W (rotation), S (abandon) and Q (quit).

The address of the project: https://github.com/taylorconor/tinytetrisCopy the code


C++ software Demo

QQ imitation screenshot, C++ software Demo screenshot.

The address of the project: https://github.com/wanttobeno/ScreenshotCopy the code


HTTP server based on C++ implementation

A running HTTP server based on C++, based on “TCPIP network programming” and “Linux high-performance server programming” server project.

The address of the project: https://github.com/forthespada/MyPoorWebServerCopy the code

Previous recommended quality projects click to view. GitHub: a fun and interesting open source project is recommended every day in the fields of Java, Python, front-end, AI, artificial intelligence, GO, C++, etc.

GitHub project:

Source address: https://github.com/Wechat-ggGitHub/Awesome-GitHub-RepoCopy the code