### 1. Description

Reference web site, http://www.jianshu.com/p/5dbe0a3495e6, https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23869452, http://www.tuicool.com/articles/6J7vqme http://www.jianshu.com/p/1e711690ef1d equal for Android this article mainly introduces and equal for the Android/registration/the relevant content. If there is infringement, please contact to delete. Method from: Lanyus

From version 2.2.0 onwards, JRebel for Android has changed its authorization mode to free version and enterprise version. Please refer to the official website for details about the difference. Enterprise version supports authorization server activation. Find a GUID generator and generate a GUID. My GUID is 0B2CAB97-D78C-431D-939C-61DC85F0906d. It can also be generated in the format of 8-bit character – 4-bit character – 4-bit character – 12-bit character.

On the JRebel for Android activation screen, select Connect to License Server and enter idea.lanyus.com/0b2cab97-d7… (idea.lanyus.com/ + GUID generated just now), fill in an Email address randomly, check * I agree with terms & conditions of the License Agreement*, Click * Activate JRebel for Android* to Activate the Enterprise edition.