The year of 2016 is the same as the year of 2015. When I am not mentally prepared, it is the end of the year in a flash. Close to, I do not know how you feel, the planning of the beginning of the year to achieve how much, whether the plan of the coming year has been eyebrow. Peak feels that the end of the year is getting more and more sad. The more noisy it is, the more I want to find a quiet place. The more I feel, the less I can say.

A recent reader asked Peak why he’s been so productive these days. It’s for no other reason than to ease anxiety as the year draws to a close. If anything, it’s to discover the benefits of writing consistently. These days, I feel that only when I am immersed in the texture of technology, I can be as thoughtlessly as an old monk. Looking at the 40 + technical articles on my blog and wechat account, I can take some comfort in telling myself that this year wasn’t totally wasted.

Without further ado, Peak is here to take a look at some of the big and small things that happened on the iOS tech scene in 2016.

It’s winter for startups

Over the past year, many of you have sensed that Winter has come for startups. Investors tighten their pockets, users choose apps more rationally, and large and small market segments are reshuffled and fixed. For every entrepreneurial team, 2016 is bound to be a difficult year, which may be bright or even more difficult in 2017.

What is more difficult is that countless small individuals affected by the overall situation are swept into the entrepreneurial tide, and the rise and fall of this industry will be closely related to our lives.

In October, Zhang Rui, the founder of Chunyu Doctor, died suddenly on the eve of the company’s IPO. An eulogy titled “A Person, And His Love” published by Zhang rui’s wife in the first seven days drew tears from hundreds of thousands of people on wechat moments. Starting a business is never easy. It always takes up more of our time and energy, even our health, unconsciously, leaving us no time to think about what our life should be like. Maybe this event can remind us to pay more attention to our own body and the important people around us. I can’t tell you how many times this year my mom has called me and asked me why I haven’t called home in so long, only to say I’m too busy at work.

For those of you who have jobs, there’s no grimmer news than layoffs or company closures. There have been so many layoffs this year, both large and small, that it makes one wonder if the industry has a future. Over the past few years the seven ecological Letv layout, encountered an unprecedented crisis, and this year, under the shadow of Letv is more developer’s team was disbanded, weibo pervaded the layoffs in the shadow and the public, also temporarily safe remind us in time of peace prepare for war, moment to promote their own professional value, at the time of have to face a choice, At least have the confidence and strength to climb out of the bottom.

For friends who have just graduated or are planning to change jobs, the most intuitive feeling is that the interview has become difficult. It would be more accurate to say that the interview has lost its impetuosity and restored its essence. As a result of a more rational market, companies are also more rational in their choice of talents. If they are good at UI, they can find jobs with experience in App shelves. The time window has passed. The mastery of basic computer knowledge, the strength of learning ability, solid development experience began to highlight from the interview process. This is too much attention to interview skills, brush interview questions for friends, in the long run is also a good thing, after all, career promotion can not tolerate any impetuous.

The good news is that the industry is moving forward, and companies large and small are choosing talent rationally and fairly. For the students who specialize in technology and solid hard strength, the industry is still in a state of thirst for talents, so in the face of these industry information, we have to do only two things: one is to exercise, the other is to calm down to learn.


WWDC 2016 is all about iOS 10. Every year when a new version of iOS is released, Apple opens up some new interfaces to developers, and these new access points often mean new opportunities.

The iMessenger is completely reinvented. I don’t know if you’ve played with the iMessenger in iOS 10. It’s amazing how gorgeous it is. The built-in App Store allows developers to create their own iMessenger apps or emojis, and some keen developers are already experimenting with the idea, and the long-term opportunities are huge.

App Extension is further enriched. All Extension functions are based on the system’s original App, which means that Extension has a natural user base. Every Extension Point hides a lot of possibilities, which can be explored by the imagination of the developer. Apple is slowly but steadily moving forward with Extension, and a new interface equals a new opportunity that deserves the attention of all developers. This year, I also open Source an Xcode plug-in (based on Xcode Source Editor Extension) named EasyCode, which aims to speed up code writing. At the present stage, due to the limited number of Apple open interfaces, its functions are still limited. However, don’t worry.

CallKit, this Framework allows VOIP applications to integrate the shell of the system phone. Our App has also made corresponding adaptations. Students with VOIP product functions can focus on it.

SiriKit, which has been available for iOS 10, is also available through Extension, which allows you to control some of your App’s behavior by voice, though the range of apps currently supported is limited.

Swift 3 was released, Swift has been in the public eye for some time now, and the developer community has been very receptive, and from the teams I’ve spoken to, quite a few have already made a full switch to Swift for their new products. Learning Swift is a must for developers in the Objective C camp, but for those new to iOS who are wondering whether to learn between Objective C and Swift, the answer is both.

Swift is still in its infancy, the potential of the multilingual language is far from being fully realized, and the industry’s best practices need to be honed by a large number of products. Responsive, functional, protocol-oriented, and so on are all big topics. For those of you who haven’t read Meow God’s recent article on protocol oriented programming, take a closer look at how protocol oriented programming is changing the way OOP is, and that’s where Swift’s appeal lies. There are also many problems with Swift, Xcode crashes, syntax highlighting disappears, compilation is slow, etc. You can see a lot of developers making fun of writing code in Swift, but no one turns away.

WatchOS and tvOS updates, one representing the future of wearables and the other the battle for the living room, are both directions of the future. At present, iWatch is more like a trendy toy than many friends who use it. There is an Apple TV at home, but since most TV stations are walled off, it’s usually used for AirPlay. These two products aren’t big hits right now, but they’re worth keeping an eye on in the long run.

There are others that I don’t want to go over.

Wechat applets

Micro channel small program has begun to invite internal testing, small program caused by the movement is not small, look at the overwhelming ridicule, training classes, articles to share can feel the momentum of the great. Throughout the development history of the entire wechat product, know how to control the micro channel each step is small and cautious, so small program is bound to be the pace of small steps forward, for our iOS developers, there is no need to rush to make up for new skills, look for the right time to find a breakthrough point, it will be a protracted war.

As for the small program need to learn wechat self-developed framework, I think it is completely insignificant, compared to the huge user flow of wechat, so little investment in learning costs, and good at learning new things is one of the skills we developers are proud of.

Macbook Pro 2016

MBP finally got a new model in 2016, and I know many of my friends expressed their disappointment and said they wouldn’t buy it. But I touched the real machine (dark gray version) that moment or was moved, the overall process is more integrated, aesthetic and technological sense index explosion-proof. Apple home products, expensive is expensive, but few bought regret.

The Apple in my eyes is not the girl in her early 20s. It changes every day and surprises her from time to time. Now the Apple is more like a quiet and refined lady with a long time to get along with her. I will still buy Apple products for a long time, but I no longer have the motivation to stay up late to watch the new product release, and I will not try to be a guinea pig to test various beta versions. At present, there will be more pits than surprises. Those who upgrade the new Mac OS, iOS and Xcode at the first time must know what I mean.

Touch Bar may also imply some small opportunities for innovation in the interactive experience, not mahjong.

Dxy CTO resignation event

In May this year, Fenng, the CTO of Dingxiang Garden and a gossip writer, left the club. There was a lot of controversy at the time, and the final hot topic was whether ctos should write code, but Peak felt that more important than that was how the rights and interests of each member of the startup team were guaranteed.

Starting a business is a matter of high risk and high return. We have been exposed to high risk at the moment we join the entrepreneurial team. If the high return with low probability cannot be guaranteed, the original intention of joining the entrepreneurial army will become a false proposition, which is shameful.

The incident, in my opinion will be long-term fermentation, the trust problem between entrepreneurial team members have a profound impact, as our technology practitioners, instead of writing code simple, to see a thick stack option agreement is difficult, unfettered technology group has always been not good at, used to keep and bear, only to leave it at the end of the last straw to express anger. Starting from this point, I sincerely hope that Fenng can achieve a good result in this lawsuit, which can benefit more ordinary entrepreneurs.

New ways to share technology

What interests me more this year is the emergence of new forms of technology sharing, such as Live video, Zhihu Live and knowledge q&A.

I have participated in several live video broadcasts similar to code knocking. Although the whole process experience is still a little immature, the atmosphere is very active and there are many people who are interested in participating. These live broadcasts, which can not buy one or two yuan, make the transmission of knowledge more direct and efficient.

In Zhihu Live and Q&A, soft skills are shared more, which is a great benefit for chicken soup practitioners, but chicken soup is slightly toxic, giving people the illusion that hard skills are improved. The truth is, there is no shortcut to hard skills.

The message of these new forms is that knowledge can really be priced. This technology practitioners is definitely a good news for us, be mistaken for a youth to eat farmers, in addition to the financial freedom to retire ahead of schedule, corporate pension, education training, etc way, and a new choice, by selling their long accumulated knowledge to reap the benefits, you do you go to, these new channels connected to the huge new opportunities, It’s worth every technician’s attention.

Look at marketing master Li Xiaolai two months 6W full stack engineer training course know, in our old programmer eyes look funny funny things, really happened.

Singles day and Weex

When WEEx was born, Peak, who used to work in Ali, thought it would be a KPI project that would come to an end. Now, his face is burning. This year, Alibaba applied WEEX to build pages on its two major platforms, Taobao and Tmall, and the page coverage reached 99.6%. This is no longer testing the water. The open source framework can be practiced on products of this magnitude, which is a stronger declaration than any PUBLIC relations. For details, please refer to our official account: MOBILE Taobao Technical Team MIT.

Weex is already a viable solution for development teams looking for rapid iteration and release.

For us iOS Native developers, this cross-end solution sounds like a bit of an invasion, but in fact it is not. The collision of ideas brought by cross-field communication can make us look at ourselves from a new perspective and bring new possibilities, which in turn can benefit us. And developers do not have to set limits, weeX everyone can learn to use ah, the so-called gentleman is not device.


From June 1 this year, all newly submitted apps need to support a pure IPv6 network environment, otherwise they will not be approved.

This once again shows Apple’s responsibility as an international giant. Although most developers do not need to do any adaptation, some handwritten IP and low-level API call partners are still stuck, such as me. Every time Apple promotes a new technology, it is an opportunity for developers to upgrade their technology reserves. I don’t know if everyone has thoroughly understood the network knowledge related to NAT64, DNS64 and IPv6 this time. For relevant information, you can refer to two articles shared by the wechat team. I also shared an experience of stepping on pits, which has a link to the wechat team’s article for your reference: pits adapted by pure IPv6 environment App.


Early years, still can hear from time to time about Apple closed ecosystem ridicule, to today Apple with its hard product quality and factory character to win the respect of the market and users.

Apple’s promotion of new technology has always been active, even slightly “radical” flavor, IPv6 has not been popularized, quietly replaced HTTP2.0, and HTTPS is a necessary review in 2017, all flag clearly reflects Apple’s attitude to the promotion of new technology, although it has brought developers a lot of trouble and uncertainty, But what my body resists, I admire in my heart.

The importance of HTTPS to Internet security is grossly underestimated today. Some development teams who take chances may think that some product information is unimportant in itself and that eavesdropping will have little impact, which is a classic no-fall, no-pain mentality. All users’ data is important. The products they have purchased, articles they have browsed, comments they have made, places they have been to, steps they have taken every day, etc., can be analyzed through large sample data to discover deeper information and privacy. HTTPS should become an instinctive habit.

There are plenty of good articles on HTTPS deployment and practices. Peak also wants to mention that HTTPS is not completely secure, and some details need to be explored. How to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks, replay attacks, etc. It is said that some organizations are secretly recording Internet traffic. When RSA or ECC algorithms are cracked, the seemingly secure HTTPS traffic may be exposed, which could be a personal privacy breach or a temporary social unrest. This is why FORWARD Secrecy is enabled in HTTPS practice.

In short, embrace HTTPS, for now, and continue to deepen your knowledge of security.

Alipay’s social war

This year’s Spring Festival wechat Alipay war has not yet started, Alipay on the fire staged a vulgar drama in the campus life circle, this social war after earning enough eyeball, with the public’s scold, high-level apology in a hurry to end. Behind a farce is the merciless battle between mobile Internet competitors. Wechat’s march into the payment field with the momentum of Taishan has caused considerable pressure on Alipay, and the rapid change and subversion of this industry is beyond imagination.

At the same time, alipay, a social function called Ant Forest, began to quietly diffuse around. Colleagues, friends, strangers in the elevator, more and more people around are collecting the so-called green energy, playing social functions in the payment App, using the social App to pay for goods, this subtle sense of disharmony, is the charm of this industry.

Many people think Alipay’s social dream is dead, but nothing is impossible in this industry. What I expect is that Alipay can make products in a bright and open way to win the market and the respect of users from the bottom of their hearts.


At the end of this year, there was another thing that happened in the iOS community. The product Pin of individual developer Chung Ying Cyan was selected as one of the top 10 Apps of 2016 on the App Store. I am also a USER of Pin. When I used it for the first time, I was moved by the author’s persistence and intention. Every seemingly non-popular function point was deeply explored and polished. Peak is well aware of the joy of such an honor, as well as the persistence and dedication that goes into it.

In 2011, when Peak was still passionate, he collaborated with a friend to develop an iOS player App called RushPlayer. When I was at my best, I made a freezing activity (2.99 reduced to 0.99) and reached the 3rd place in the total downloads list of App Store and the 9th place in the total revenue list. I still remember the joy of that moment very vividly. The high rankings, the real money, and some media coverage make the countless nights of working until 2 am not worth it. It is a long time ago for those who are now on their own.

Pin listing is also an inspiration to Peak. Maybe next year, Peak will be able to settle down and carefully craft a personal App, so as to give himself an account at the end of the year instead of relying on technical articles to relieve anxiety.


Well, Xianglin sister-in-law like a lot of long-winded, do not know the patience to see how many friends. In the New Year of 2017, Peak should also work hard to produce higher quality articles and store tangible results by the end of 2017. I also wish you all a breakthrough in the hard power of technology. Finally, I would like to thank all the new and old subscribers for your company.

Welcome to follow the public account: MrPeakTech