Artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience are both trying to open the “intelligence” black box. They should talk to each other and help each other in order to develop rapidly together. On the one hand, brain science can help ARTIFICIAL intelligence experts conceive better network structures and better algorithms, thus promoting the development of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, we often find that ARTIFICIAL intelligence algorithms developed by AI experts are often very similar to how living organisms process information.

So will artificial intelligence eventually look exactly like a biological brain? Not necessarily, because they serve different purposes. Artificial intelligence is about machines with special functions, while biological intelligence is about organisms that can adapt to the natural environment. However, the biological brain is the product of eons of evolution, so it has developed excellent information processing architecture and algorithms in the process of evolution, which can provide inspiration for the development of artificial intelligence. So in principle, there is an intersection between the two, but there is no relationship involved. At the Symposium on “Neural Basis of Cognition” held at Beijing Zhiyuan Conference, From Beijing normal university, state key laboratory of cognitive neuroscience and learning BiYanChao professor, Beijing university professor of the institute of psychology and cognitive psychology department, Beijing normal university professor lunatic, the computer science department of Peking University Wu Si professor, institute of automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences professor yu mountain, respectively, and To explore what cognitive neuroscience can teach AI.

 Cognitive intelligence is a branch of computer science and an advanced stage of intelligence science. It is based on human cognitive system, aims to imitate human core capabilities, and focuses on the understanding, storage and application of information. Based on the deep understanding of perceptual information and natural language information, and guided by the interdisciplinary theoretical system, a new generation of theory, technology and application system of technical science is formed. The core research areas of cognitive intelligence include: 1. The relationship among universe, information and brain; 2. 2. Structure, function and mechanism of human brain; 3. Philosophy system, liberal arts system and science system; 4. Core systems of cognitive integration, intelligence integration, and bi-brain (human brain and computer) integration. Four steps of cognitive intelligence: 1. Cognition of the universe. The supporting theoretical systems include three-body theory (universe, information, brain), Tao theory, ontology, ontology, cognitive theory, fusion theory, HNC and so on. 2. Understand the structure, function and mechanism of human brain. The supporting disciplines include brain science, psychology, logic, emotion, biology, chemistry and so on. 3. Clear the rules of information connotation. Supporting disciplines include semiotics, linguistics, cognitive linguistics, formal linguistics and other disciplines. 4. System landing capability. Supporting disciplines include computer science, mathematics and so on. Interface application website address:  interface address (example) :  a239p06512. Zicp. VIP/Web/BuAppJa…” + IP  User message content.  String MSG =” What are you doing?” ;  APIkey parameter. The apikey is the apikey  apikey =””;  // The client IP address, the unique identifier of the end user (the IP address of the end user, the phone number, the wechat number, the QQ number, etc.)  String IP =””;  // Do put encode in place. To GBK.  MSG = URLEncoder. Encode (MSG, “GBK”);  The three parameters are all lowercase  MSG parameters.  The MSG parameter must be encoded as GBK. Otherwise, it will be garbled.  Interface code:  Package ai.nlp. Jiekou.test;  import Java. IO. ByteArrayOutputStream;  import Java. IO. IOException;  import Java. IO. InputStream;  import Java. IO. UnsupportedEncodingException;  import;  import;  import;  import ai. NLP. Util. Changliang. ChangLiangZi;  public class ApiTest { /** 

  •  The return data is returned
  • @ param urlStr 
  •  */  private static String opUrl(String urlStr)  { URL URL = null;  HttpURLConnection conn = null;  InputStream is = null;  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;  try  { url = new url (urlStr);  conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();  conn. SetReadTimeout (5 * 10000);  conn. SetConnectTimeout (5 * 10000);  conn. SetRequestMethod (” POST “);  If (conn.getresponsecode () == 200)  { is = conn.getinputStream ();  Baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();  int len = -1;  byte[] buf = new byte[128];  While ((len =!  { baos.write(buf, 0, len);  } baos. Flush ();  String result = baos.tostring ();  return result; } else  { throw new Exception(” Server connection error!” ); }  catch (Exception e)  { e.intstackTrace (); } finally  { try  { if (is!  is = null). The close (); } catch (IOException e)  { e.intstackTrace (); }  try  { if (baos! = null)  baos. Close (); } catch (IOException e)  { e.intstackTrace ();  } conn. Disconnect (); }  return ChangLiangZi.WU; }  public static void main(String args []){ //  The // MSG parameter must be coded as GBK; otherwise, it will be garbled.  String MSG =” What are you doing?” ;  //apikey parameter.  String apikey = “UTNJK34THXK010T566ZI39VES50BLRBE8R66H5R3FOAO84J3BV”;  // The client IP address, the unique identifier of the end user (the IP address of the end user, the phone number, the wechat number, the QQ number, etc.)  String IP =”″;  // Do put encode in place. To GBK.  try  { MSG = URLEncoder. Encode (MSG, “GBK”);  } the catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.p rintStackTrace ();  } System. Out.println (opUrl (” a239p06512. Zicp. VIP/Web/BuAppJa…” +ip)); } } 