RPM is a repository for storing and managing RPM packages. In RHEL and Centos systems, Yum is a repository of RPM packages. JFrogArtifactory is a full-fledged RPM and YUM repository manager. JFrog’s official Wiki page provides detailed information about the Artifactory RPM repository.
Artifactory The process of indexing RPM packages
Artifactory 5.5.0 and later offers significant improvements to YUM metadata processing, including concurrent and incremental computing capabilities. The new indexing process:
- The performance is better than the asynchronous calculation triggered automatically before
- There is also no need to develop a separate plug-in that triggers the calculation of metadata
- You can monitor and know exactly the status of new metadata computations
Metadata in two ways
- Asynchronous:
- Synchronous:
curl -uadmin:password -XPOST “localhost:8081/artifactory/api/yum/rpm-release-local? async=0” -i -Lvv * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8081 (#0) * Server auth using Basic with user ‘admin’ > POST /artifactory/api/yum/rpm-release-local? Async HTTP / 1.1 = 0 > Host: localhost:8081 > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ= > the user-agent: curl / 7.54.0 > Accept: */* < HTTP / 1.1 200 OK “Server: Artifactory / 6.3.2 < X-Artifactory-Id: a9116dfeb1f6dac4:449dde33:1658a295e45:-8000 < Content-Type: text/plain < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2018 12:19:56 GMT |
Artifactory RPM System Properties integral options (5.5.0 and later)
Artifactory. RPM. Metadata. Calculation. Workers (the default value is 8) – The local RPM metadata counts the number of threads. Artifactory. RPM. Metadata. History. Cycles. Keep (the default value of 3) – Retain metadata records, including those that have been calculated Yum. Virtual. Metadata. Calculation. Workers (the default 5) – The number of threads calculated by the virtual library |
The log
- The RPM logging org. Artifactory. Addon. Yum. YumAddonImpl:
DEBUG level: Asynchronous RPMS of {path}
Calculation trigger (synchronization) :
DEBUG level: {path} synchronization Rpm calculation
- Virtual RPM repository calculation:
DBUG level: Starts virtual YUM metadata calculations for {path}
TRACE level: Prepares indexed RPM repository metadata
DEBUG level: The metadata of the RPM repository is indexed