“This is the 12th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022.”

Hello everyone, I am L. In the last article, we introduced what generators are and how to use them

We know that generators are a special type of iterator, so we can use generators instead of iterators.

Generators are used instead of iterators

First we create an iterator.

function createArrayIterator(arr) {
  let index = 0
  return {
    next: function() {
      if (index < arr.length) {
        return { done: false.value: arr[index++] }
      } else {
        return { done: true.value: undefined }

const names = ['abc'.'cba'.'nba']
const namesIterator = createArrayIterator(names)
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Next we transform this iterator function into a generator function. Calling the generator function produces a generator object that, like the iterator object, can call the next method.

function* createArrayIterator(arr) {
  yield 'abc'
  yield 'cba'
  yield 'nba'

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But it’s not universal, and if you switch arrays, this function doesn’t work. We can transform it into a universal function.

function* createArrayIterator(arr) {
  for(const item of arr) {
    yield item
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In addition to the above notation, we can also use Yeild * to produce an iterable. It is equivalent to the grammar sugar above. Note that yeild* must be followed by the iterable. Yeild * iterates over the iterable one value at a time.

function* createArrayIterator(arr) {
  yield* arr
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As an example, we want to implement a function that takes two arguments and iterates over numbers in this range.

function createRangeIterator(start, end) {
  let index = start
  return {
    next: function () {
      if (index < end) {
        return { done: false.value: index++ }
      } else {
        return { done: true.value: undefined }

const rangeIterator = createRangeIterator(10.20)
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We can transform this function into a generator function.

function* createRangeIterator(start, end) {
  let index = start
  while(index < end) {
    yield index++
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In this iterator summary article, we looked at iterating custom classes, using the [symbol. iterator] method to make objects iterable by default. Now let’s turn it into a generator.

class Classroom {
  constructor(address, name, students) {
    this.address = address
    this.name = name
    this.students = students
  entry(newStudent) {
  /* foo = function() { console.log('foo'); } * /
  /* [Symbol.iterator] = function*() { yield* this.students } */* [Symbol.iterator]() {
    yield* this.students

const classroom = new Classroom("3 big"."1102"["abc"."cba"])
// classroom.foo()
for (const item of classroom) {
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We learned that generators can be used instead of iterators, which makes the code much cleaner, so we tried to use generators.

Asynchronous processing scheme

Now there is a demand, we send url as a parameter to get the data network request (url), and obtain the data to the triple stitching on the string and then after mosaics of the string as a parameter to send request to get the data network, access to the data splicing on string BBB again, and then after mosaics of the string as a parameter to send web request, Finally get the data.

function requestData(url) {
  // The code for asynchronous requests is put into executor
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
    // Simulate a network request
    setTimeout(() = > {
      // Get the result of the request
    }, 2000); })}Copy the code

The first option: multiple callbacks

requestData('haha').then(res= > {
  // Return a Promise
  return requestData(res + 'aaa')
}).then(res= > {
  return requestData(res + 'bbb')
}).then(res= > {
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We can see callback functions nested within callback functions, creating callback hell that makes code unreadable and unmaintainable.

The second solution: the return value of then in the Promise

Please refer to this article for more information about Promise.

requestData('haha').then(res= > {
  // Return a Promise
  return requestData(res + 'aaa')
}).then(res= > {
  return requestData(res + 'bbb')
}).then(res= > {
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The above code is still relatively unreadable.

The third scheme: Promise + Generator

For more information about generators, see the summary of generators in this article

function* getData() {
  const res1 = yield requestData('haha')
  const res2 = yield requestData(res1 + 'aaa')
  const res3 = yield requestData(res2 + 'bbb')
const generator = getData()
generator.next().value.then(res= > {
  // res as the result of res1
generator.next(res).value.then(res= > {
  // res as the result of res2
  generator.next(res).value.then(res= > {
    console.log(res); })})})Copy the code

While the above code requires us to execute the generator function next manually over and over again, let’s encapsulate a function that executes automatically.

function execGenerator(genFn) {
  const generator = genFn()
  function exec(res) {
    const result = generator.next(res)
    if(result.done) {
      return result.value
    result.value.then(res= > {

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Of course, we usually do not write the above code, we can use the third-party package CO automatic execution, do not need to write the automatic execution function.

First install the package through NPM Install Co, and then import the package.

const co = require('co')
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We can see how easy it is to get results using this package.

Scheme 4: async/await

We modify scheme 2: Promise + Generator to use async/await. We add async before function to change yield to await. Think of async/await as syntactic sugar for generator.

async function getData() {
  const res1 = await requestData('haha')
  const res2 = await requestData(res1 + 'aaa')
  const res3 = await requestData(res2 + 'bbb')

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