Back-end interface specification
Convention interfaces generally include the following data
1. What is the path of the current interface? Such as/auth/register – > POST
2. What is the type of data submitted by the current interface? Such as
- GET Gets data
- POST commits or creates
- PATCH Modifying data, partial modification
- PUT Changes data and replaces the original data
3. Parameter type/format, such as JSON format or Application/X-wwW-form-Urlencoded data
4. Parameter fields and restrictions
For example, a user may need a username and password, and creating a blog requires a blog title and blog content
Or is there any special restriction on the user name
5. Return a successful data format
6. Return the failed data format
You can test the interface with a postman or curl command during development
Certification related
POST /auth/register
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Function: User registration
Submit parameters
- Parameter Type: Content-type: Application/X-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
- Parameter field
- Username: indicates the username. It contains 1 to 15 characters and can only contain alphanumeric digits and underscores (_)
- Password: contains any 6 to 16 characters
Return the data
- failure
- Return format {“status”: “fail”, “MSG “:” error cause “}
- successful
- Returns the format
"status": "ok"."msg": "Registration successful"."data": {
"id": 1,
"username": "hunger"."avatar": ""."updatedAt": "The 2017-12-27 T07:40:09. 697 z"."createdAt": "The 2017-12-27 T07:40:09. 697 z"}}Copy the code
#-d is used to pass data
# For POST and PUT: -x POST, for GET, no -x
curl -d "username=hunger1&password=123456" -X POST "http://localhost:3000/auth/register"
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POST /auth/login
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Function: User login
Submit parameters
Parameter Type: Content-type: Application/X-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Parameter field
- Username: indicates the username. It contains 1 to 15 characters and can only contain alphanumeric digits and underscores (_)
- Password: indicates the password, which contains any 6 to 16 characters
- Returns the format
{" status ", "fail", "MSG" : "the user does not exist"} or {" status ":" fail ", "MSG" : "password incorrect"}
- Returns the format
- Returns the format
"status":"ok"."msg": "Login successful"."data": {
"id": 1,
"username": "hunger"."avatar: "Image url","createdAt":"The 2017-12-27 T07:40:09. 697 z","updatedAt":"The 2017-12-27 T07:40:09. 697 z"}}Copy the code
The test command
#-i displays the response header
The response header contains setCookie information
curl -d "username=hunger1&password=123456""http://localhost:3000/auth/login" -i
Copy the code
GET /auth
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Run the following command to check whether a user logs in
Submit parameter: none
Return the data
- You have logged in
"status": "ok"
"isLogin": true."data": {
"id": 1,
"avatar": ""."username": "hunger"."updatedAt": "The 2017-12-27 T07:40:09. 697 z"."createdAt": "The 2017-12-27 T07:40:09. 697 z"}}Copy the code
- No login
"status": "ok"
"isLogin": false
Copy the code
The test command
# Use the login interface to get cookies, and you can test the login with cookies
curl "http://localhost:3000/auth" -b "connect.sid=s%3AmeDbrn03UtTM8fqChaPQ20wmWlnKeHiu.e3uMtu7j1zQ1iNeaajCmxkYYGQ%2FyHV1ZsozMvZYWC6s"
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GET /auth/logout
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Run the following command to log out
Submit parameter: none
Return data:
- failure
- Return format {“status”: “fail”, “MSG “:” user not logged in “}
- successful
- Return the test command in the format {“status”: “OK “,” MSG “: “logout succeeded “}
The test command
curl "http://localhost:3000/auth/logout" -b "connect.sid=s%3AmeDbrn03UtTM8fqChaPQ20wmWlnKeHiu.e3uMtu7j1zQ1iNeaajCmxkYYGQ%2FyHV1ZsozMvZYWC6s"
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Blog related
GET /blog
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Function: Get a list of blogs
Submit parameters:
- Page: Page number. The default page is 1. If this parameter is set, the first page of the blog list is obtained
- UserId: indicates the userId. If no, the system obtains all user data. If this parameter is set, the system obtains the blog list of a certain user
- AtIndex: specifies whether to display a list of blogs on the home page. If true is passed, only a list of blogs will be displayed on the home page. If false is passed, only a list of blogs will be displayed on the home page
Such as/blog? Page = 2&userid =1 Get the list of blogs on page 2 belonging to user 1
Return data:
- failure
- {“status”: “fail”, “MSG “:” system exception “}
- successful
- Returns the format
"status": "ok"."msg": "To succeed"."total": 200, // the total number of all blogs"page": 2, // Current page number"totalPage": 10, // Total pages"data": [{"id": 1, // id of the blog"title": "Blog Title"."description": "Brief description of blog content"."user": {
"id": 100, // user id of the blog,"username": Username of the user who owns the blog."avatar": "Avatar"
"createdAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z", // Create time"updatedAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z"// Update time},... ] }Copy the code
The test command
curl "http://localhost:3000/blog? page=1&userId=1"
curl "http://localhost:3000/blog? page=1"
curl "http://localhost:3000/blog"
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GET /blog/:blogId
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Function: Obtain details about a blog whose ID is blogId, such as /blog/1
Submit parameters:
There is no
Return data:
- failure
- {“status”: “fail”, “MSG “:” system exception “}
- successful
- Returns the format
"status": "ok"."msg": "To succeed"."data": {
"id": 1, // id of the blog"title": "Blog Title"."description": "Brief description of blog content"."content": "Blog content, more words."."user": {
"id": 100, // user id of the blog,"username": Username of the user who owns the blog."avatar": "Avatar"
"createdAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z", // Create time"updatedAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z"// Update time}}Copy the code
POST /blog
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Function: Create a blog
Submit parameters
- Parameter types:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
- Parameter field
- Title: blog title. The blog title cannot be empty and contains no more than 100 characters
- Content: Indicates the blog content. The blog content cannot be empty and contains a maximum of 10,000 characters
- Description: A brief description of the blog content, which can be empty. If it is empty, the background automatically extracts it from content
Return the data
- failure
- Return format {“status”: “fail”, “MSG “:” operation only after login “}
- successful
- Returns the format
"status": "ok"."msg": "Create successful"."data": {
"id": 1, // id of the blog"title": "Blog Title"."description": "Brief description of blog content"."contnet": "Blog content"."user": {
"id": 100, // user id of the blog,"username": Username of the user who owns the blog."avatar": "Avatar url"
"createdAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z", // Create time"updatedAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z"// Update time}}Copy the code
The test command
curl -d "title=hello&content=world&description=jirengu" -X POST "http://localhost:3000/blog" -b "connect.sid=s%3AdyZh-z5fqPU_ThG9Qn8nGD6euI0UI75e.8uso0k4P6WzqWv02iQCUwxbUML2RdlOCnpKp7RSJpj0"
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PATCH /blog/:blogId
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Run the following command to modify a blog whose blogId is blogId
Example: / blog / 1
Submit parameters
- Parameter types:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
- Parameter field
- Title: The title of the blog, which is optional
- Content: Blog content, optional
- Description: A brief description of the blog. This option is optional
- AtIndex: true/false: Display to the home page or from the home page exception is optional
Return the data
- failure
- Returns the format
{"status": "fail"."msg": "Only after login."}
{"status": "fail"."msg": "Blogs don't exist."}
{"status": "fail"."msg": "Can't change someone else's blog."}
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- successful
- Returns the format
"status": "ok"."msg": "Modification succeeded"."data": {
"id": 1, // id of the blog"title": "Blog Title"."description": "Brief description of blog content"."contnet": "Blog content"."user": {
"id": 100, // user id of the blog,"username": Username of the user who owns the blog."avatar": "Avatar url"
"createdAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z", // Create time"updatedAt": "The 2018-12-27 T08:22:56. 792 z"// Update time}}Copy the code
The test command
curl -d "title=hello100&content=world1&description=jirengu2234444444&atIndex=true" -X PATCH "http://localhost:3000/blog/12" -b "connect.sid=s%3At_9V2bMXA7U9oSAmr1dhRXpdRPAsNM2B.jlpWgkwiWdpgTjexeTHGNydt8gvc%2F%2BEkJpQ9yaAmTg0"
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DELETE /blog/:blogId
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Run the following command to delete a blog whose blogId is blogId
Submit parameter: none
Return the data
- failure
- Return format example
{"status": "fail"."msg": "Only after login."}
{"status": "fail"."msg": "Blogs don't exist."}
{"status": "fail"."msg": "Can't delete someone else's blog."}
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- successful
- Returns the format
"status": "ok"."msg": "Deletion successful"
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The test command
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:3000/blog/12" -b "connect.sid=s%3AG_Chytg2F0RLWh2wTSCdLWVxpNg1MWWb.nPuMcgyMN6zxuxjSkyu8qSqM1boruol1Nce7egaXrPw"
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