Alfei cloud: a screw Java programmer, share technology and life, the world, each have wonderful.

The Lunar New Year is coming soon. First of all, I wish you all good health and vitality in the New Year.

In the New Year, you don’t have to be bald to get stronger and stronger!

The road to ordinary

Before the New Year’s day, I wanted to write a summary of 2021. Every time I wanted to write, I was discouraged by myself. I was thinking about how to start, and then I didn’t start. Start again this time by simply recording and summarizing the past year as much as you want, keeping track of your app life.

After going to university and working, I would write some summaries for each year, recording what I had done in the past year, what I had experienced, what I had experienced and gained in the past year. Sometimes at the end of the year, when I look back on the past year, I find myself searching in my brain, and I can find not many things, and many of them are fragments of memory.

I realized this at the end of 2020, when I realized that it was not possible to rely solely on the brain to remember things. Because I had planned to write a summary of 2020, after thinking back, I could think of few things, so I persuaded myself to quit. There was resistance in my mind, and my actions were naturally disturbed. The summary of 2020 was shelved and finally failed. So in early 2021, a document was prepared to record some of the people and things that happened, but it was only recorded for a few months, and failed to keep track of the subsequent records. Finally, nothing happened.

The screenshot below is of the document I created earlier this year (later notes have been moved to the Wordsmith notes).It began with the following:

Don’t trust memory too much, I have seen a lot of people old, also seen a lot of parting. At the end of my life, they will remember nothing, and I think at the end of my life, I will remember nothing as I have seen them. Looking back from now, those things that were once considered important in life may have been blown somewhere by the wind of time. I am an ordinary person, living an ordinary and ordinary life. In my life, there are many people and things that meet and then leave. It is these people and things that constitute my present self.

I like this song by Pu Shu, “Ordinary Road”. Although I have not crossed many mountains and oceans or crossed the sea of people, I have sometimes been in a state of “wandering on the road” in the years after my work, not knowing where I will go in the future. Many once owned things, but also in the twinkling of an eye are drifting away like smoke.

When I am writing here, I think of a year-end summary I wrote when I was in college. At that time, I still used QQ to write down the year 2013 in my qzone log at the beginning of 2014. Now eight years have passed.

Above is the title, 2013, You My Day, date: 2014-1-28 because I haven’t used QQ for a long time, when I logged in to qzone and tried to open this article, I found that I couldn’t remember my QQ password, so I lost it several times before I succeeded.

The reason why I came up with this article is that I have several things that still impress me. One thing is that Yan ‘an experienced the most serious natural disaster in history. When I went back home during the summer vacation, many people’s cave dwellings collapsed due to the heavy rain. The following is the baidu Encyclopedia record I searched about the heavy rainfall in Yan ‘an in 2013.

Another thing is that my grandmother is ill. She is very ill. My family told me to come back. I was studying in Xi ‘an at that time, so I quickly bought a train from Xi ‘an to Yan ‘an. When I got home, I found my grandmother was in a bad state, and her life was coming to an end. Here are some notes from my 13 years of writing.

After 13 years, my grandmother left. When she finally said goodbye to her life, she was reluctant to leave, but she could not change it.

Coming back from the past now, eight years later, seeing what I wrote in 2014, seeing myself at that time. At that time, I did not know that I would step into the IT industry and do a code programmer. Once recorded those words, was left at that moment, but once their own time constantly forward, the text recorded those past, through time. Just like 8 years ago, I did not know that I would come here today. Now I look forward to myself 8 years later. At that time, looking back at the words written today, what kind of mood is it?

Back in 2021, I will simply record my work and life based on previous records and memory search. Nothing earth-shattering happens, but simple and ordinary fireworks life.

The road to work

The key word of the year at work: change.

When it comes to work, at present the company has nearly two and a half years, has been in charge of business change is not big, oneself also have been trying to do my best, hope in the work constantly improve their own skills and abilities, 21 years began to slowly from a small team of developers into the head of a job role has changed, I know there are still many deficiencies on their own ability, I also study hard and try to improve, hoping to better complete the product requirements and function iteration, and lead the team members to make continuous progress, and finally be qualified for such a role.

This year completed the development of some new features, itself began to actively take charge of some of the work, reforming system, access to a company of the other team a new component technology, a more thorough grasp of the existing business functions and related processes, also began to slowly thinking, develop their own some methodology on the job, also some steps and process of the development of formal, Do some design schemes and so on. After the transformation of roles, there are more meetings to attend and more coordination and cooperation in external work. This is also a continuous exercise in their communication skills.

This year, the company’s organizational structure has also undergone some adjustments, as well as their own changes. I don’t want to expand too much here, but I just want to talk about my thoughts on the change. Don’t be afraid of and refuse the change. Sometimes the change makes people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but there are also opportunities hidden in the change. If you can’t change the environment, instead of constantly complaining about the negative face, it is better to make positive changes, or let yourself survive in the environment, or let yourself adapt to such an environment, or choose to change an environment and start again. It’s a waste of time and opportunity if you keep giving up on yourself in your environment.

In the past few years of working, I have experienced several companies and met many people who had good relations with me leaving and then met new work partners. Now when facing such changes, MY heart does not fluctuate greatly. This year when I was in charge, some people left and some people joined the team, thanks for the journey, no matter in the past or in the future.

Although there are not many new explorations and researches on technology in this year, I have been gradually settling down and starting to form my own technical knowledge system, constantly improving and filling the depth and breadth of skills. I began to realize more strongly that technology is a tool, and other aspects besides technology are also very important. I should not blindly immerse myself in the fixed thinking mode, but change and learn more things. I should not be a tool man all the time.

Note: Some of the contents of the brain map have been updated to Java🌍World.

Finally, I have some ideas about work in the middle of the year, but considering my family and other reasons, I still choose to stick to it after weighing the pros and cons. Because work is not all I am, work is only part of my life, work well, live well.

The road of life

Life on this year’s key words: dad.

In terms of life, I was basically taking care of a baby outside of working hours this year. Suddenly, I became a father of a child and had more responsibilities. Raising a child is not easy, from changing diapers to feeding, when she can not talk and walk, we should always pay attention to, a little leave, she will be noisy. Think can walk will be better, at the beginning of the walk, but also unstable, but also to keep staring, afraid of falling knock to encounter. In the past year, children’s growth speed is fast, walk more and more stable, also slowly from babbling to now can say some simple words and sentences, in October, teach her to call dad, not how to shout, now every time home from work to open the door, hear her shout, dad, dad, also happy bouncing. The joy and happiness in my heart.

In this year, I took her to the basketball court in the community for many weekends to play basketball. She was crazy about basketball at this stage. I took her to the community for vaccination. I was brave every time and did not cry. Sometimes I took her to some parks in Changsha, orange Island and yuelu Mountain.

Each stage of a child’s growth has a different performance, in the process of accompanying, in fact, they are constantly growing and have some harvest. You may also find yourself becoming more patient than before. The most important job in the world is to be a competent father, who can accompany her in her growth stage and let her grow up happily.

In May to yulin Zizhou to participate in the wedding of good brothers, four years of college life, experienced a lot together, now think about that time is really youth years, there are some worries, but also look forward to the future, imperceptible four years of time in the past, each ran to the end of the world. The last time I went to Zizhou was in 2012. That year, I went to my good brother’s home to play. I took a bus from Yan ‘an for more than six hours. This time from Changsha by plane, first to Yulin and then transfer to Zizhou, although the journey is far, but the heart of joy. Thinking about all those years we spent together, talking about when we were going to find a girlfriend, getting married and starting our next journey.

On the plane back from the wedding, I texted:Boarding the plane, green mountains, rivers and lakes goodbye. Because really do not know this part, the next meeting is when. Although all kinds of communication tools are very convenient now, but some people also slowly disappear from the side, once the relationship and feelings fade away with time, those who once said that they would go to the end of the world with swords, also due to the change of time, the environment, forget each other in the river’s lake.

This year also took advantage of the National Day back home once, these years to go home has become a luxury, one is far away, home is not convenient, the road to toss for a long time. There is a child, more inconvenient, with children toss together. I will go back this time anyway. My child is almost two years old and will spend most of the year in Changsha. I miss my grandparents very much. In addition, I happened to have a friend getting married in Xi ‘an before the National Day, so I went to attend the wedding and then went back. Unfortunately, after returning home, the National Day of these days is consecutive under the rain, was trapped home, to go the day before the stop. At home, my mother every day in a way to do my favorite food, I also talk to them more, in fact, happiness is so simple.

I read this book when I was in school, but I didn’t watch it in its entirety. This time, I watched it all at once. When I saw it, I was moved by the plot for many times and even shed tears. As a man who grew up in northern shaanxi, the ordinary world inside a lot of plot to let me touch, makes me think I have been living on the land and the land of the people, some things I didn’t real experience in the book, but grew up listening to, some things have their own experiences, such as TV of hoop cave, memory about five or six years old when my band a few new caves, There are also the trifles between the neighbors in the village, some small power struggles in secret, and those protagonists in the most beautiful youth of love, ideal pursuit.A very typical cave dwelling in northern Shaanxi

There is a question on Zhihu: “How do you evaluate Lu Yao’s Ordinary World?” And I saw one of the great people in there say,

How ordinary the world, during which there is no fearless warriors, there is no hero to turn the tide, no one has made earth-shattering feat: there are only the most ordinary life, and in the life of the ordinary people continue to struggle ahead.

In the novel, everyone has fought against fate undaunted.

Those anxiety and pain, love and frustration, ordinary and great, like a stirring symphony of life, touching generation after generation. It makes the powerless strong, let the pessimist forward, let every ordinary people have the courage to face the imperfect life.

Random thoughts to summarize

This is a slightly late summary of random thoughts, a simple recollection and record of the past year. Originally, I thought there should be a lot to write, but when IT came to writing, I found that I didn’t know how to describe. Looking at my previous scattered records in the language finch, my mood and thoughts at the moment were different from those at that time, so I wrote and deleted and finally finished this article.

Looking back on the past, I also have a expectation for the future. In the New Year, I will make plans according to the actual situation, arrange my time more rationally, implement and complete them. On the other hand, I hope to have more growth and breakthrough in my work and have some new experiences in my life. More to record, summarize and output, and constantly improve their writing and expression ability.

More and more near the end of the year, these days many shops have closed on the way to work, their own community inside the parking space is more and more empty, struggle for a year of people, have gone home for the New Year. Because of the epidemic and some other reasons, I will continue to stay in Changsha for the Spring Festival this year. However, the rainy weather in Changsha these days makes the Spring Festival taste more cold and quiet, and less lively.

Thank you for clicking on this article and reading here, and thank you to those who have been silently supporting me. It’s really an honor to walk with you on the life road of the program. As I wrote in my previous article, “If mountains and rivers meet, the future is possible, thanks to fellow travelers”.

Time to live up to the dream, finally hope to receive your praise, by the way to the New Year and the New Year their praise, I wish you and I live up to the youth, bright future ~~