Infinite rotation. GIF
When I saw some perfect infinite rotation using ScrollView plus three UIImageViews, I thought that using gesture plus two UIImageViews should also be possible, so I tried to make a preliminary Demo today! “Lot”
Analysis of ideas:
- Use the array to show the photo name saved in, have time to write load network photos!
- Use an attribute to record the subscript of the currently displayed image so that the previous and next subscripts are naturally represented.
- Add a pan gesture to the encapsulated View to make the current ImageView move with the follower gesture.
- We use two UIImageViews to display images, the current ImageView shows the current subscript photo, and the other ImageView is next to the current ImageView, on the right (left) side of the current ImageView when the gesture is swiped left (right)! Slide two ImageViews together!
- When the gesture stops, decide which ImageView you want to show! And point the current photo’s ImageView pointer to the displayed photo, and record which ImageView the photo’s pointer points to out of sight.
- In this way, a slide is completed to switch photos, and other repeat the operation is good, on this basis, add timer to achieve automatic switching function!
The code:
/** create method @param imageArray @param frame position */ - (instancetype)initWithImageArray:(NSArray *)imageArray fram:(CGRect)frame;Copy the code
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger currentIndex; // The subscript @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger nextIndex corresponding to the current display view; // Next coordinate @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger previousIndex; @property (strong, nonatomic) UIPanGestureRecognizer *pan; // gesture @property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *imageNames; @property (strong, nonatomic) UIImageView *currentImage; @property (strong, nonatomic) UIImageView *nextImage; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSTimer *changeImageTime; // timer // define a sliding direction enumerator to determine which photo needs to be displayed when the gesture stops. NSUInteger { MoveDirectionLeft, MoveDirectionRight, } MoveDirection;Copy the code
- Extract methods to get subscripts and photos
- (NSInteger)nextIndex {return _currentIndex == _imageNames. Count -1? 0 : _currentIndex + 1; } // Get the last coordinate of the current index - (NSInteger)previousIndex {return _currentIndex == 0? _imageNames.count - 1 : _currentIndex - 1; } // get the image by subscript - (UIImage *)getImageForIndex:(NSInteger)index {return [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"LoopImg.bundle/%@",_imageNames[index]]]; }Copy the code
Initialization method
/ initialize method - (instancetype)initWithImageArray:(NSArray *)imageArray fram:(CGRect)frame {if (self = [super InitWithFrame :frame]) {// save _imageNames = imageArray; _currentIndex = 0; _currentImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds]; _currentImage.userInteractionEnabled = YES; _currentImage.image = [self getImageForIndex:_currentIndex]; [self insertSubview:_currentImage atIndex:1]; _nextImage = [[UIImageView alloc] init]; _nextImage.userInteractionEnabled = YES; [self insertSubview:_nextImage atIndex:0]; _pan = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self Action :@selector(panChangeImage:)]; [self addGestureRecognizer:_pan]; // Add timer [self addTime]; } return self; }Copy the code
Gesture events
Void panChangeImage:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)pan {self.changeImageTime invalidate]; self.changeImageTime = nil; CGPoint panOffSet = [pan translationInView:self]; float changeX = panOffSet.x; NSLog(@"-------->%f",changeX); // Get the current view position CGRect frame = _currentimage.frame; // Empty gesture offset [_pan setTranslation:(CGPointZero) inView:self]; Float resulet = frame.origin. X + (changeX < 0? - DBL_EPSILON : DBL_EPSILON); Resulet <= 0? Resulet <= 0? [self leftScroll:changeX frame:frame] : [self rightScroll:changeX frame:frame] ; }Copy the code
Slide the current photo left to bring up the right photo
- (void)leftScroll:(float)offX frame:(CGRect)frame {float tempX = frame.origine.x + offX; Frame = CGRectMake(tempX, frame.Origination. Y, frame.size. Width, frame.size. Height); / / set the next photo _nextImage. Image = [self getImageForIndex: self. NextIndex]; _nextImage.frame = CGRectOffset(_currentImage.frame, kScreenW, 0); / / gesture to stop the if (_pan. State = = UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) {/ / reply timer [self addTime]; MoveDirection result = tempX <= -kscreenw / 2 [self leftOut:_currentImage rightIn:_nextImage duration:0.3f] : [the self leftIn: _currentImage rightOut: _nextImage duration: 0.3 f]; If (result == MoveDirectionLeft) {_currentIndex = self.nextIndex; UIImageView *temp = _nextImage; UIImageView *temp = _nextImage; UIImageView *temp = _nextImage; _nextImage = _currentImage; _currentImage = temp; }}}Copy the code
Swipe right on the current image to bring up the left photo
- (void)rightScroll:(float)offX frame:(CGRect)frame { float tempX = frame.origin.x + offX; Frame = CGRectMake(tempX, frame.Origination. Y, frame.size. Width, frame.size. Height); / / set a photo _nextImage. Image = [self getImageForIndex: self. PreviousIndex]; _nextImage.frame = CGRectOffset(_currentImage.frame, -kScreenW, 0); / / clean up stop the if (_pan. State = = UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) {/ / reply timer [self addTime]; MoveDirection result = tempX <= kScreenW / 2 [self leftOut:_nextImage rightIn:_currentImage duration:0.3f] : [the self leftIn: _nextImage rightOut: _currentImage duration: 0.3 f]; If (result == MoveDirectionRight) {_currentIndex = self.previousIndex; UIImageView *temp = _nextImage; _nextImage = _currentImage; _currentImage = temp; }}}Copy the code
Pull out the code and at the end of the gesture decide which of the two UIImageViews to show and animate them.
- (MoveDirection)leftOut (UIImageView *)leftView rightIn (UIImageView *)rightView Duration :(NSTimeInterval)duration {/* when the gesture ends, the left ImageView slides out of sight and the right ImageView occupies the entire screen */ [UIView animateWithDuration:duration animations:^{ leftView.frame = CGRectOffset(self.bounds, - kScreenW, 0); rightView.frame = self.bounds; } completion:^(BOOL finished) { }]; return MoveDirectionLeft; } // Final display - (MoveDirection)leftIn (UIImageView *)leftView rightOut (UIImageView *)rightView Duration: (NSTimeInterval) duration {/ * when the end of the gesture Shown in the picture on the left On the right side of the invisible * / [UIView animateWithDuration: duration animations: ^ { rightView.frame = CGRectOffset(self.bounds, kScreenW, 0); leftView.frame = self.bounds; } completion:^(BOOL finished) { }]; return MoveDirectionRight; }Copy the code
Set timer
- (void) addTime = {_changeImageTime [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 1.5 f target: the self selector:@selector(changeActionForTime) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; } - (void) changeActionForTime {/ / set the self in the next picture. NextImage. Image = [self getImageForIndex: self. NextIndex]; self.nextImage.frame = CGRectOffset(_currentImage.frame, kScreenW, 0); [the self leftOut: self currentImage rightIn: self. NextImage duration: 0.5 f]; self.currentIndex = self.nextIndex; UIImageView *temp = self.nextimage; UIImageView *temp = self.nextimage; UIImageView *temp = self.nextimage; UIImageView *temp = self.nextimage; self.nextImage = self.currentImage; self.currentImage = temp; }Copy the code
PS: The overall code is not adjusted too well, we forgive ha! I have time to tidy up!