“This is the third day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022, for more details: First Challenge 2022”.

1. Entry-level hosting platform

Pros: Free

Disadvantages: Limited resources, low integration

1.1, making Pages

It’s the easiest and easiest way for programmers to host their personal sites for free, because Github, the world’s largest gay dating site, has a ton of great projects on it, including some great personal sites. My personal site was originally hosted on GitHub. GitHub will provide you with a domain name in the form of phygerr.github.

1.1.1 Steps of station construction

  1. First of all, we haveGitHubCreate your own repository on
  2. Upload our static site files to the repository
  3. And then we were at the warehousesetting/pagesIn the startpagesThe service can be

IO /blog. If you want your site to have a GitHub. IO domain name with no URI, you need to create a domain name called: {github_username}.github. IO repository.

1.2, Gitee Pages

Gitee, China’s answer to Github, is fast at home. Many of you may know that GitHub hosting sites are not fast enough in China, so Gitee is also an option for hosting personal sites and projects.

1.2.1 Steps of building the station

  1. First of all, we haveGiteeCreate your own repository on
  2. Upload our static site files to the repository
  3. Then our “service -> in the warehouseGitee Pages“In the startpagesThe service can be

Once successfully opened, your personal project will display the Pages address of the current project in the upper right corner.

2, into the class hosting platform

Pros: Free

Disadvantages: limited resources, high integration, fast and efficient

2.1, vercel

I have to say, after messing around with Github and Gitee’s Pages services, I love this one-stop hosting. Because it compiles and packages our code, all we need to do is upload the code to the repository for an automated build and go live. The whole process is simple and efficient.

2.2.1 Steps of building the station

  1. registeredvercelaccount
  2. The bindingGithubaccount
  3. Select the existing repository to createvercelprojectORusevercelTemplates are provided to create repositories
  4. It can be accessed after the project is successfully built

Once the project is built, we can see the domain name provided by Vercel on the overview page, which gives us quick access to our site.

2.2, 4 everland

Everland is the same product as Vercel, but it is slower than Vercel and has limited resource usage. However, as an individual, there is no problem in learning to use everland, and its website construction steps are basically the same as Vercel. Its main feature is decentralization.

2.3, Netlify

Netlify is an established hosting service that is completely free for a certain amount of resources and has the same setup steps as Vercel. You’ve probably seen its name on many open source project documentation sites, as many of the open source project documentation is hosted on Netlify.

3. Commercial hosting platform

Advantages: stable and reliable after sale

Disadvantages: High price (except gold)

3.1 Tencent Cloud Webify

Tencent Cloud Webify is a commercial grade website service, which not only supports static site hosting, but also supports dynamic site construction. Combined with its ECS server, it can meet the needs of individuals and businesses with different needs. It supports individual customization, supports docking coding repository and provides a variety of template sites for users to choose from. In general, there is more freedom and finer charges.

3.2 Ali Cloud & Huawei Cloud and other cloud sites

Compared to Tencent cloud, Ali and Huawei are doing biased customization, such as e-commerce, financial and other industry site templates. The construction time ranges from minutes to days. Relatively higher degree of integration, higher price.

If you have a better choice, also welcome feedback exchange!

Later, we will introduce the different ways of building the site in detail.