I don’t know how to evaluate it, I don’t know what I got rid of when I got rid of the Fourier transform, I don’t know whether I succeeded or failed, but it was fun to animate

There are a lot of modules that need to be installed. I don’t know when I installed a lot of modules… Put in whichever is missing.


from skimage import data, io
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft,ifft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pylab import mpl
import matplotlib.animation as ani 
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']   # display Chinese
mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] =False       # display the negative sign

# Animation update method
def update(i) :
    # img1 = 255 - img1 # Invert color switch
    max_t = max1 * m[i]
    fft_img1[ fft_img1 > max_t ] = 0
    fft_img1[ fft_img1 < -max_t ] = 0
    ifft_img1 = ifft(fft_img1)
    img1 = np.short(ifft_img1.T)
    # img1 = 255 - img1 # Invert color switch
    img1.shape = img_shape
    return plt.imshow(img1, animated=True),

# Get cat pictures
img = data.chelsea()
# Save the image shape
img_shape = img.shape
# One-dimensional three channels
img.shape = -1.3
Transpose is easy to transform
img = img.T
fft_img1 = fft(img)
# inverse transformation
ifft_img1 = ifft(fft_img1)
# transpose the number back and convert it to an integer from 0 to 256
img1 = np.short(ifft_img1.T)
# Convert the three channels into their original shapes again
img1.shape = img_shape
max1 = np.abs(fft_img1).max()
m = []
tle = ['original'.'90%'.'65%'.'30%'.'10%'.'5%'.'0.5%'.'0.1%'.'0.05%'.'0.01%']
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ani1 = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, update, np.arange(0.10), interval=200, blit=True,repeat=False)
# ani1.save(' cat faded.gif', writer='imagemagick') # Save the GIF
Fft_img1 [fft_IMg1 >= max_t] = 0 fft_img1[fft_IMg1 <= -max_t] = 0 ifft_img1 = iFFT (fft_img1) Img1 = np.short(ifft_img1.t) img1 = 255-img1 img1.shape = img_Shape plt.title(" Color white ") plt.imshow(img1) plt.show() ' ' '
I'm going to remove it from the low frequencies, it's going to get more and more fuzzy fft_img1 = FFT (img) iFFt_img1 = iFFT (fft_IMg1) # transpose back, Img_shape m = [0.001, 0.004, 0.008, img_shape m = [0.001, 0.004, 0.008, img_shape m = [0.001, 0.004, 0.008, 0.024, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6] tle = [' original ', '0.1%', '0.4%', '0.8%', '2.4%', '5%', '10%', '30%', '60%'] for I in range (7) : Subplot (2,4, I + 1) plt.title(tle[I]) plt.imshow(img1) max_t = max1 * m[I] fft_img1[(fft_img1 < max_t) & (fft_img1 > -max_t)] = 0 ifft_img1 = ifft(fft_img1) img1 = np.short(ifft_img1.t) img1.shape = img_shape plt.subplot(2,4,8) plt.title(tle[7]) plt.imshow(img1) plt.show() '''
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