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👋 Hello everyone! I am your old friend Java Academic party, today continue to share with you xiaobian carefully for you to sort out 10,000 words MySQL database core knowledge, in the next few days for you to continue to share, 💘 attention don’t get lost!! 💘. A database is a warehouse where data is stored. It has a lot of storage space for millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of pieces of data. But the database is not to store the data randomly, there are certain rules, otherwise the efficiency of the query will be very low. A database is a computer software system that stores and manages data in a data structure. 🦄

1. Equivalent connection of internal connection

1.1 The biggest characteristic is: the condition is equal.

1.2 Querying the department name of each employee. The employee name and department name must be displayed

SQL92: (too old to use)

   emp e,dept d
   e.deptno = d.deptno;
Copy the code

SQL99: (common)

The inner can be left out to make it easier to read.

  emp e
  dept d
  e.deptno = d.deptno;
Copy the code

This is the way to write without leaving out the inner,

  emp e
inner join 
  dept d
  e.deptno = d.deptno;
Copy the code

Syntax format:

. A join B on where...Copy the code

SQL99 syntax is a little clearer: the join condition of the table is separated from the later WHERE condition.

2. Non-equivalent connection of internal connection

2.1 The biggest characteristic is that the relation in the connection condition is not equal.

2.2 Case: Find out the salary grade of each employee, and ask to display employee name, salary and salary grade.

Select e.name,e.sal, s.gallade from emp e join salgrade s on e.sal between s.sal and s.sal;Copy the code

3. Self-connection of internal connections

3.1 The biggest characteristics: a table as two tables. Connect yourself.

3.2 Find out the superior leader of each employee and ask to display the name of the employee and the corresponding leader

select empno,ename,mgr from emp;

EMP A table: employee table

EMP B table: Leadership table

empno ename
7566 JONES
7698 BLAKE
7782 CLARK
7788 SCOTT
7839 KING
7902 FORD

Employee leader number = Employee number of the leader

Select a.ename as' employee name ', B.ename as' leader name 'from emp a inner join emp b on A.ename = b.ename;Copy the code

Note: This one has 13 pieces of data, because KING has no superior

4. Outside connection

4.1 What is the outer join and the difference between the inner join

4.2 Find out the supervisor of each employee (all employees should search out, KING should also search out)

EMP A table: employee table

EMP B table: Leadership table

empno ename
7566 JONES
7698 BLAKE
7782 CLARK
7788 SCOTT
7839 KING
7902 FORD

The connection:

Select a.ename 'employee ', B.ename' leader 'from EMp a join emp b on A.ename = B.ename;Copy the code

External connection: (left external connection/left connection)

Select a.e.name, B.e.name from emp a left outer join emp b on A.e.gr = B.e.mpno; I can leave out the outerCopy the code

External connection :(right external connection/right connection)

Select a.ename, B.ename from EMp b right outer join EMp A on A.ename = B.ename; I can leave out the outerCopy the code

Important: Left and right distinguish between a left table and a right table.

Note: this has 14 pieces of data, where KING has no parent and will automatically match NULL

The most important feature of an outer join is that the main data is unconditionally all queried out.

4.3 Case: Find out which department has no employees

   emp e
right join 
   dept d
   e.deptno = d.deptno
   e.sal is null;
Copy the code

5. Join three tables for query

5.1 Case: Find out the department name and salary grade of each employee

  emp e
  dept d 
  e.deptno = d.deptno
  salgrade s
  e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal;
Copy the code

Note: The EMP table first joins with the DEPT table and then joins with the Salgrade table

5.2 Find out the department name, salary grade, and supervisor of each employee.

  emp e
  dept d
  e.deptno = d.deptno
  salgrade s 
  e.sal between s.losal and hisal
left join 
  emp e1
  e.mgr = e1.empno;
Copy the code

6. The subquery

6.1 What is a subquery

Select statements are nested within a select statement. A nested SELECT statement is a subquery.

6.2 Where can subqueries appear

select .. (slect). from .. (select). where .. (select).Copy the code

6.3 Subqueries are used in the WHERE clause

Case study: Find out about employees with above-average salaries

// The group function cannot be used directly after where.

select * from emp where sal > avg(sal);

Step 1: Find out the average wage

select avg(sal) from emp;

Step 2: Filter where

Select sal from emp where sal > 2073.214286;

Step 1 and Step 2 merge:

select * from emp where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp);

6.4 Nested subqueries after from

Example: Find out the pay grade of the average salary in each department.

Step 1: Find the average salary of each department (group by department number and find the average of Sal)

select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno;

Step 2: Make a temporary table t and join the osal and salgrade table, when: t.avirgsal between s.losal and s.sal;

  (select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno) t
  salgrade s
  t.avgsal between s.losal and s.hisal;
Copy the code

6.5 Nesting subqueries after SELECT

Example: Find out the name of each employee’s department and ask to show the employee name and department name

select e.ename,(select d.dname from dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno) as dname from emp e;

7. Union (you can add the query result sets)

Case: Find out the employees who work for SALESMAN and MANAGER

The first: or

select ename,job from emp where job = ‘MANAGER’ or ‘SALESMAN’;

Second: in

select ename,job from emp where job in(‘MANAGER’,’SALESMAN’);

Third: Union

select ename,job from emp where job = ‘MANAGER’

 select ename,job from emp where job = 'SALESMAN';
Copy the code

Note: Data from two unrelated tables is displayed together.

select ename from emp
select dname from dept;
Copy the code

8. Limit (generic paging/paging query)

8.1 limit (most important of all)

8.2 limit is unique to mysql. Other limits are not available in the database. (Oracle has a similar mechanism called rownum.)

8.3 LIMIT takes part of the data in the result. This is what it does.

8.4 Syntax mechanism:

limit startIndex,length
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  • StartIndex is the starting position? It starts at 0. 0 is the first data.
  • Length is how many.

8.4 Case: Take out the top 5 employees in salary (idea: take out the top 5 in descending order)

Step 1: Rank wages in descending order

select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc ;

Step 2: Take out the top 5 employees

select ename.sal from emp order by sal desc limit 0 , 5;

**8.5 limit is the last step of SQL statement execution: **

select 5 ... from 1 ... where 2 ... group by 3 ... having 4 ... order by 6 ... limit 7 ... ;Copy the code

8.6 Cases: Find out the employees who rank fourth to ninth in salary

Select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc limit 3,6;

8.7 Common standard paging SQL

Display 3 records per page:

Page 1:0, 3

Page 2:3, 3

Page 3:6

Page 4:9, 3

Page 5:12, 3

Pagesize = pagesize = page

Page: (pageNO – 1) * pagesize, pagesize

What is pagesize? Is how many records to display per page.

What is pageNo? Display page number.

   int pageNo = 2; // Page 2
   int pagesize = 10; // Display 10 items per page

   limit 10.10;
Copy the code

Today to share here, tomorrow to continue to share with you, pay attention to do not get lost, we see tomorrow 😊.

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