GitHub Android Libraries Top 100 Overview
The ranking is based entirely on GitHub’s Best Match search for Java, and then filters out projects that are not related to Android, so the ranking does not have any official effect, just for reference. Convenient for beginners to quickly understand some of the current popular Android open source libraries.
The project name | Project introduction |
1. react-native | React Native is a JavaScript based open source framework introduced by Facebook at the React. Js Conf 2015 conference. The framework combines the advantages of Web applications and Native applications. You can use JavaScript to develop native iOS and Android apps |
2.Android-Universal-Image-Loader | ImageLoader is the earliest open source Android image caching library, a powerful caching mechanism, was widely used in the early Android applications, and still many Android developers in use |
3. RxJava | RxJava is a library that uses observable sequences to form asynchronous, event-based programs on the Java VM. Simply put, it is a library that implements asynchronous operations. RxJava has the advantage of one word “simplicity “, which can keep your program logic simple and easy to understand even if it is very complex |
4. retrofit | Retrofit is an HTTP request library from Square, which is one of the first open source projects. Retrofit is one of the most popular HTTP Client libraries for Android. Currently Retrofit2.0 Beta4, more and more Android developers are using the request library |
5. okhttp | OkHttp is another HTTP library from Square. Google doesn’t recommend using HttpClient, but HttpURLConnection is so difficult that many people use OkHttp to solve this problem. Android4.4 has replaced HttpURLConnection with OkHttp |
6. SlidingMenu(not recommended) | An open source library that was widely used before Google’s original NavigationDrawer, but has since been abandoned |
7. picasso | Picasso is an image cache from Square, led by JakeWharton |
8. android-best-practices | Android Development Best Practices is a beginner’s guide to Android development guidelines, architecture, layout tips, and quick development tools from Futurice Android developers |
9. EventBus | EventBus is an Android event management bus, which can be used for activities, fragments, services, BroadCastReceiver, and handlers. Message passing between threads greatly simplifies the event passing logic |
10. android-async-http | Android-async-http is a traditional asynchronous request library for Android, which is built on the basis of Apache HttpClient. The library has many features, such as: The library is small in size, supports file uploads without third-party library support, internally uses thread pools to handle concurrency, and so on |
11. fresco | With Android2.3(API level 9) and above, Fresco is a powerful tool for loading images in Gif and WebP formats. The Image pipeline and Drawees modules are designed in Fresco to enable the Image to load flawlessly and to find out more about the characteristics of the Image pipeline and Drawees can be found in itThe official platformIntroduction on |
12. zxing | ZXing is the most famous open source project in the FIELD of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code. It provides two-dimensional code/bar code scanning solutions for multiple platforms, featuring fast scanning, high recognition rate and easy to use |
13. leakcanary | LeakCanary is a memory leak detection tool from Square. It is easy to use and can help you detect memory leaks at the development stage |
14. butterknife | Developed by JakeWharton, ButterKnife is a View injection framework that is used to simplify much of the findViewById code and to support some of the View’s event handlers |
15. MPAndroidChart | MPAndroidChart is a powerful chart library for Android. It supports almost every chart style imaginable. It also supports select, drag and drop, and zoom animation effects for charts |
16. ActionBarSherlock (not recommended) | ActionBarSherlock is a library developed by JakeWharton to support Android3.0 and below, Later, Google also provided the AppCompat library to support ActionBar on Android3.0 and below, so I don’t recommend using this library any more |
17. androidannotations | AndroidAnnotations is an open source framework that allows you to quickly develop Android, allowing you to focus on what’s really important, making code more streamlined and projects easier to maintain, Its goal is “Fast Android Development.Easy Maintainance” |
18. ViewPagerIndicator | A ViewPager indicator developed by the great wizard JakeWharton is easy to use and highly customizable to develop a wide variety of animation effects |
19. glide | Glide is an open-source project developed by Google employees and widely used in some Google apps. It was recommended for use at Google I/O in 2014. Glide is 90% similar to Picasso, but there are some differences in some details. Each has its own pros and cons |
20. HomeMirror | Created by socialite Hannah Mittelstaedt, HomeMirror is an Android mirror app that currently offers dates, times, weather, birthday information, event reminders, bike weather recommendations, stock tips, XKCD comic website’s new post and so on |
21. Android-PullToRefresh(not recommended) | A powerful pull refresh open source project, support various controls pull refresh, ListView, ViewPager, WebView, ExpandableListView, GridView, ScrollView, Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, Fragment: Horizontal ScrollView, FragmentAndroid-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh |
22. MaterialDesignLibrary | The library controls were developed in accordance with the Google Material Design specification, such as: Flat Button, Rectangle Button, CheckBox, Switch, Progress bar circular Indeterminate, etc |
23. PhotoView | PhotoView is a subclass of ImageView, which supports all of the ImageView’s primitive behavior, such as: Pinch gestures are supported for free scaling, double click for magnification/restoration, smooth scrolling, and much more. It’s easy to integrate with web image libraries like ImageLoader/Picasso, and easy to integrate with controls like ViewPager that also support sliding gestures |
24. RxAndroid | RxJava is an extension of RxJava for The Android platform, mainly for Android development |
25. material-dialogs | Material Dialogs is a Dialogs that can be highly customized and easy to use, in line with the Material Design style, compatible with Android API8 version or above, personal use feeling it can completely replace the Android native one, Much easier to use than the native one |
26.Android-ObservableScrollView | ObservableScrollView is an Android library for observing scroll events in a scroll view. It easily interacts with the Toolbars introduced in Android 5.0 Lollipop. Can also help developers to achieve a Material Design application visual experience of the interface appearance, support ListView, ScrollView, WebView, RecyclerView, GridView components |
27. Android-Bootstrap | Bootstrap for Android is a library that allows you to implement a variety of Bootstrap styles |
28. AndroidSwipeLayout | AndroidSwipeLayout is an operation menu that supports ListView, GridView, ViewGroup and so on. It is similar to the operation menu of QQ message list that slides to the left to show more information |
29. dagger | Dagger is a quick dependency injector from Square for Android and Java that can reduce the amount of typing you do |
30. ListViewAnimations | Android ListView is a library that can easily add animation effects to the Android ListView. Alpha, SwingRightIn, SwingLeftIn, SwingBottomIn, SwingRightIn and ScaleIn, etc., can be easily used to achieve stunning effects |
31.PagerSlidingTabStrip(not recommended) | PagerSlidingTabStrip is a slider that adds a ViewPager to the Android ViewPager. GitHub does not maintain this library, so it is not recommended to use itSmartTabLayoutTo take the place of |
32. AndroidViewAnimations | Developers are coders, and this library implements a lot of cool Android animations. Animation effects are derived from Animate. CSS, which is very cool and very simple to use |
33. AndroidSlidingUpPanel | AndroidSlidingUpPanel is a pull-up panel that slides up to create a display panel control. This library effect is used in Google Music, Google Maps and Rdio apps |
34. MaterialDrawer | MaterialDrawer is a slide control similar to Google’s official NavigationView. I think NavigationView is not as useful as MaterialDrawer. NavigationView does not have the freedom to define the layout. However, the MaterialDrawer can achieve the same effect as NavigationView, and also supports custom effects with high degree of freedom |
35. Material-Animations | Material-animations are a great library for Animations that can be used for transitions between activities, between fragments, and for transitions between views |
36. MaterialViewPager | ViewPager library – A simple and easy to use Material Design style ViewPager library |
37. ion | Ion is a network that makes Android extremely easy to operate. It supports asynchronous JSON retrieval and processing, supports Android file downloads (as well as progress bar binding), secure links and proxies |
38. stetho | Stetho is a powerful Android debugging tool from Facebook. With Stetho, you can view the layout of your App, web requests (using Volley, OkHTTP web request library only), and web requests in Chrome Developer Tools. Sqlite, Preference, everything is a visual operation, no need to use ADB yourself, and no need to root your device |
39. fastjson | Fastjson is a high-performance, full-featured JSON library written in Java. JSON Parse is the fastest JSON library in the Java language, using an algorithm that assumes ordered fast matching. Fastjson interface is easy to use and has been widely used in cache serialization, protocol interaction, Web output, Android client and many other application scenarios |
40. Cardslib (not recommended) | Cardslib is an Android open source library developed by Gabriele Mariotti in the early days for developers to implement various Card UI. Later, Google officially provided its own encapsulation of CardView in v7 package. Using Google official can completely replace this library, so this is also deprecated |
41. Android-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh | The developer is Liao Huqiu, this is a very powerful drop-down refresh library, inherit ViewGroup can contain any View, even more powerful than SwipeRefreshLayout, it is very easy to use, but also free to customize their own UI style |
42. greenDAO | GreenDAO is an ORM solution that helps Android developers quickly map Java objects to forms in SQLite databases. By using a simple object-oriented API, developers can store, update, delete, and query Java objects. Compared with OrmLite and AndrORM, greenDAO has the highest performance |
43. AndroidStaggeredGrid | AndroidStaggeredGrid is a GridView that supports multiple columns with items of different sizes in each row. This library is now deprecated. Developers would like to suggest that we use Google official controls RecyleView StaggeredGridLayoutManager layout to achieve a waterfall in the flow effect |
44. otto | Otto is an event library from Square (PUB/SUB mode) designed to simplify communication between application components. Adapted from Google’s Guava library, Otto has been optimized for Android. Both libraries have their own advantages over EventBus described above, and it’s up to us to choose which one to use for our own project |
45. xUtils | XUtils is a rapid development framework, which contains DbUtils, ViewUtils, HttpUtils, BitmapUtils four modules, can be used for rapid development, support large file upload, has a more flexible ORM, minimum compatibility with Android 2.2 |
46. realm-java | Realm is a lightweight Android version of the data store that can manipulate data more quickly and cleanly than Android native SQLite |
47.Android-CleanArchitecture | CleanArchitecture is a very typical project that uses the MVP architecture. If you don’t already understand MVP architecture, take a look at this project |
48. StickyListHeaders | StickyListHeaders is a library that implements ListView Section Headers that are fixed to the top of the screen. The headers of the current Section are fixed to the top of the screen. The headers of other sections will replace the headers of previous sections and be fixed to the top of the screen, similar to the effect of the phone address book on Android4.0 |
49. AppIntro | AppIntro is an easy and quick way to build a beautiful and cool guide page library |
50. ActiveAndroid | ActiveAndroid is based on RailsActive RecordThe architecture pattern is designed to be a lightweight ORM architecture for the Android platform, which can achieve rapid development almost without writing any SQL code |
51. android-volley | Volley is a new web communication framework unveiled by Google’s official development team at Google I/O 2013. This framework combines the advantages of AsyncHttpClient and Universal-image-loader into one, enabling HTTP communication as simple as AsyncHttpClient and as simple as Universal image-Loader Universal image-loader is an easy way to load images from the web. This library is not official, but is hosted synchronously in Maven |
52. twoway-view | TwoWayView is a library developed by Simple RecyclerView, which can build a variety of layouts on the basis of its Base LayoutManager. The library built-in several common layouts List, Grid, Staggered Grid,Spannable Grid |
53. ShowcaseView | ShowcaseView is a great library to guide users through their first use. It is very simple to use and can be customized |
54. Calligraphy | The Calligraphy library is a class library designed to simplify the use of custom fonts in Android applications. It automatically looks up the TextView in an application and sets the font to use |
55. NineOldAndroids | NineOldAndroids is a backwards compatible animation library developed by JakeWharton to enable systems below API 11 to use View properties for animation. Instead, we recommend using animations that are officially packaged in the Support library |
56. android-floating-action-button | FloatingActionButton is a FloatingActionButton. The Support Design package contains a FloatingActionButton library that is similar to the FloatingActionButton library. Personally, THIS library is more useful than the official one |
57. CircleImageView | CircleImageView is an easy library to help you achieve a circular image. CircleImageView is based on the ImageView extension, so it has all the properties of the ImageView control, easy to use and worth your use |
58. material | Material is to package Material Design style controls in this library. Currently, there are Progress, Button, Switch, Slider, Spinner, Text Field, TabPageIndicator. SnackBar, Dialog, BottomSheetDialog, Dynamic theme |
59. ActionBar-PullToRefresh | ActionBar-PullToRefresh is a pull-down refresh that appears in the ActionBar as a loading prompt library |
60. FloatingActionButton | Another hover action button library, this library added support to listen to scroll events, when the button is hidden when sliding, sliding up button display, and animation effects, support to listen to ListView, ScrollView, RecylerView |
61. AndroidAsync | AndroidAsync is a low-end Android asynchronous socket based on NIO, HTTP (Client + Server), WebSocket and socket. IO network communication protocol class library |
62. rebound | Rebound is a Rebound animation that makes it look natural, like a physical motion in the real world, with powerful effects, using parameters used in Origami |
63. android-common | Android-common-lib is Trinea’s collection of common development caches, public Views, and common utility classes |
64. RippleEffect | RippleEffect is an implementation of the Material Design RippleEffect that appears when clicked on any Android component, backwards compatible with the Android API9 |
65. SmoothProgressBar | SmoothProgressBar is a library to help your App easily implement customizable, smooth, horizontal scrolling progress bars |
66. recyclerview-animators | RecyclerView Animators are used to add and remove Recycler items. Animations can be Scale, Fade, Flip and Slide |
67. circular-progress-button | A Button with progress display, effect and animation are very good |
68. DroidPlugin | DroidPlugin is a new plug-in mechanism implemented by 360 mobile phone assistant on Android system: it can run APK files without installation and modification. This mechanism has certain benefits for improving the architecture of large APP and realizing multi-team collaborative development |
69. dynamic-load-apk | The developer is SingWhatiwanna (Ren Yukang), the author of the book “Exploring the Art of Android Development”. This is the Apk dynamic loading framework that the author and two other developers xiao (Shi Zhisha) and Song Siyu have spent several months researching. For more information about this framework, please visit the author’s blogThis articleDetailed introduction |
70. ExoPlayer | ExoPlayer supports dynamic adaptive streaming HTTP(DASH) and smooth streaming, and supports advanced HLS features. ExoPlayer supports dynamic adaptive streaming HTTP(DASH) and smooth streaming. Support for customizing and scaling your usage scenarios, etc |
71. Crouton (not recommended) | Crouton is a display utility class that displays hints instead of Toast. It is displayed at the top of the window by default and can be displayed queue by queue, but the library has been deprecated and is not recommended |
72. robospice | RoboSpice is a web library that makes it extremely easy for you to build asynchronous, long-running tasks. It is particularly powerful in web requests, caching support, and providing out-of-the-box REST requests |
73. hugo | Hugo is used to print logs based on annotations. After introducing related dependencies, add @debuglog to the method to output logs. It is very easy to use |
74. async-http-client | AsyncHttpClient is another Android asynchronous request library, which supports the WebSocket protocol and is relatively easy to use |
75. UltimateRecyclerView | UltimateRecyclerView is a powerful RecyclerView(Advanced and Flexible version of ListView), including drop-down refresh, load more, a variety of animation, empty data prompt, Drag sorting, parallax handling, toolbar gradients, sliding delete, custom Floating Button, multiple refresh effects, ScrollBar, sticky Header, multiple Layout support, etc. And the use of RecyclerView as convenient |
76. MaterialEditText | MaterialEditText is an employee of FlipboardThrowing objects lineAppCompat v21 also provides Material Design control EditText, but because it is difficult to use, there is no Api to set the color, so this third party library is generated |
77. Side-Menu.Android | Side Menu isYalantisThe group is known for creating some great animation libraries, one of which is a side menu that provides page-turning animations, and the animation experience is amazing |
78. drag-sort-listview | DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView DragSortListView |
79. android-times-square | TimesSquare is a Square control that displays calendar dates, allowing users to select multiple dates |
80. GreenDroid(not recommended) | GreenDroid is a wrapped Android UI library that has been deprecated and is not recommended |
81. logger | Logger is a simple, beautiful and powerful Android print log library |
82. acra | Acra is a library that lets Android apps automatically send crash reports in the form of Google Docs spreadsheets, designed to provide developers with access to data when an app crashes or misbehaves |
83. FadingActionBar | FadingActionBar is a library that supports ListView, ScrollView, WebView scrolling down to gradually display the ActionBar |
84. AndroidImageSlider | The developers of AndroidImageSlider library are coders. The library provides a variety of animation effects for Banner image sliding and also makes it easy to load web images for banners |
85. SystemBarTint | SystemBarTint is an immersive status bar library for Android versions 4.4 and above |
86. android-menudrawer | MenuDrawer is a slideout menu library that allows you to slide out menus by dragging the edge of the screen. It allows you to scroll up, down, left and right on the screen, allow the current View to be in the upper or lower part of the screen, support Windows edge, ListView edge, ViewPager change menu, etc |
87. RoundedImageView | RoundedImageView a quick support rounded picture effects library, the point he is can quickly load, in order to improve the loading speed, the library don’t have to create a copy of the original bitmap, do not use clipPath, It is also very easy to use ImageView rounded corners without using setXfermode clipped bitmaps |
88. afinal | Afinal is an ANDROID SQLite ORM and IOC framework, while encapsulating the HTTP framework in Android, making it easier to use, using finalBitmap, There is no need to consider oom problems when loading Bitmap in Android and image loading position misplacement when sliding quickly. The purpose of Afinal is simple, fast, convention is more than configuration, try to complete everything in one line of code |
89. Android – PullToRefresh (not recommended) | Another drop-down refresh library, but this library has stopped maintenance, so it is not recommended, recommendedAndroid-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh |
90. Bolts-Android | The Bolts are a set of underlying libraries that implement asynchronous operations in the background, provide an interface to feedback the extent of asynchronous execution (through which UI progress can be updated), and finally feedback the results of execution to the UI main thread, as compared with AsyncTask: (1) Use an unlimited thread pool; (2) Tasks can be combined and cascaded to prevent code coupling |
91. NumberProgressBar | The developers of NumberProgressBar are coders, a progress bar library with a minimalist, sexy numeric display that is very easy to use |
92. SwipeBackLayout | SwipeBackLayout is a SwipeBackLayout App that allows you to swipe up and down the screen to return to the upper level Activity and close the current Activity |
93. android-gif-drawable | A support GIF display view, with JNI implementation, after compiling to generate so library directly XML definition view, easy to use |
94. VitamioBundle | Vitamio is a versatile multimedia development framework for Android and iOS that features: (1) Fully support hardware decoding and GPU rendering, (2) can smoothly play 720P or even 1080P HD MKV, FLV, MP4, MOV, TS, RMVB and other common formats of video, (3) Cross-platform support for MMS, RTSP, RTMP, HLS(M3U8) and other common video streaming media protocols on Android and iOS, including vod and live broadcast |
95. SmartTabLayout | SmartTabLayout is a custom Tab Title strip based on the Android-SlidingTabBasic project in Google Samples with smooth transitions for Indicator when sliding |
96. uCrop | UCrop isYalantisOrganization open source picture clipping library, support zooming, rotating pictures, support a variety of proportional clipping box, a very powerful picture clipping library |
97. android-crop | Another image clipping library, backwards compatible with Api 10, which I personally feel is not as powerful as uCrop introduced above |
98. HoloEveryWhere | HoloEveryWhere is a set of Android development library, providing a full set of Holo Style controls, its appearance and function and standard Holo Style controls are basically the same, the only difference is that it can run on the Android system below version 4.0 |
99. AVLoadingIndicatorView | The AVLoadingIndicatorView library contains a variety of beautiful loading animations and is as simple to use as the ProgressBar |
100. sweet-alert-dialog | Android version of SweetAlert, fresh and artistic, happy and clever sweetheart bullet frame, inspired from JS versionSweetAlert |
Rough estimate
Square has seven seats
The project name | ranking |
Retrofit | 4 |
OkHttp | 5 |
Picasso | 7 |
LeakCanary | 13 |
Dagger | 29 |
Otto | 44 |
TimesSquare | 79 |
FaceBook has four seats
The project name | ranking |
React Native | 1 |
Fresco | 11 |
Stetho | 38 |
Rebound | 62 |
The great god JakeWharton has five seats
The project name | ranking |
Butter Knife | 14 |
ActionBarSherlock | 16 |
ViewPagerIndicator | 18 |
NineOldAndroids | 55 |
Hugo | 73 |
The code master has four seats
The project name | ranking |
AndroidSwipeLayout | 28 |
AndroidViewAnimations | 32 |
AndroidImageSlide | 84 |
NumberProgressBar | 91 |
GitHub Top 100
This is a brief introduction to the current top 100 projects on GitHub, so that beginners can quickly understand the current Situation of Objective-C on GitHub.
The project name | Project information |
1. AFNetworking | AFNetworking uses NSURLConnection + NSOperation. AFNetworking uses NSURLConnection + NSOperation. Mainly convenient to exchange data with the server API, simple operation, powerful, now many people are using it to replace ASIHTTPRequest |
2. GPUImage | A powerful image filter tool that supports custom filters for real-time processing of images and video streams. The author is CTO of SonoPlot. He started programming at a young ageSOThe GPUImage project started in 2012, using OpenGL graphical programming interface, the performance is very good, now many iOS programmers use it to achieve iOS blur effect |
3. SDWebImage | Olivier Poitrey is CTO of Dailymotion and has several open source projects. This project is often used to cache images received from the Web. It is a simple extension of UIImageView |
4. RestKit | It is mainly used for iOS network communication, allowing interaction with RESTful Web services. It is often used for API processing, PARSING JSON, mapping response objects and other operations. It is easy to use and convenient for you to put all your efforts on the operation of data |
5. ReactiveCocoa | A new functional responsive programming framework for iOS and OS X development, developed by GitHub engineers, Matt calls it “An open source project that exemplifies this brave new era for Objective-C”, and some say it is the future of Cocoa, as written by Tang QiaoThe article |
6. three20 | An iPhone framework derived from the Facebook iOS client, with a lot of rich features built in, a rich interface, easy to use for the underlying operations, saving developers a lot of time, but has now stopped updating, aPRDelete the code cleanly, don’t be curious to open Files Changed, when I opened it, the page froze and one of the authors of Three20 created itNimbus”Is a three20 replacement |
7. MBProgressHUD | Matej Bukovinski is a full stack engineer and UI/UX designer. This project is a prompt box third-party library to help developers quickly implement projects.) |
8. MagicalRecord | This project is inspired by Active Record in Ruby on Rails. It is designed to facilitate the operation of CoreData. It helps remove code referenced by CoreData. Assist in facilitating CoreData |
9. FMDB | A library to encapsulate SQLite, easy to use, simple |
10. Mantle | The author is a GitHub employee, and the document is clear: Mantle makes it easy to write a simple model layer for your Cocoa or Cocoa Touch application, It is mainly used to Model JSON data into Model objects. Some time ago, it also changed to Mantle. |
11. FlatUIKit | A collection of iOS components with a flat UI for easy use |
12. ASIHTTPRequest | A lightweight iOS network communication library based on the CFNetwork framework, but now has stopped updating, most developers use AFNetworking instead. |
13. FastImageCache | Path’s iOS library, written by Mallory Paine, a former Apple employee, is designed to quickly display images while scrolling, with high speed and persistence as its biggest feature |
14. Masonry | A lightweight layout framework that supports both iOS and Mac OS X, with elegant syntax, helps developers quickly adapt to iOS devices with different resolutions |
15. Shimmer | Facebook’s Paper app, a third-party control with a flashing effect, is simple to install |
16. SVProgressHUD | Another lightweight iOS third-party control for displaying animations as tasks load, very lightweight and easy to use |
17. Slate | A window management application that stopped updating two years ago |
18. JSONKit | NSJSONSerialization API is used to parse JSON. It is suitable for iOS6 and below. Since iOS5, Apple has officially provided NSJSONSerialization API |
19. Nimbus | Jeff has done a lot of good stuff for Facebook, Google, and is a member of Three20. After Three20 stopped working, he created this framework to replace Three20. It’s well documented |
20. CocoaLumberjack | This is a powerful logging framework for Mac and iOS. It is simple to configure, multi-threaded, and provides more advanced log functionality. It can be used in place of the default NSLog statement |
21. Facebook SDK for iOS | Facebook’s official iOS SDK makes it easy for developers to integrate Facebook features into their iOS apps |
22. AsyncDisplayKit | Paper is a Facebook open source iOS UI framework that uses Facebook’s early open source Pop animation engine |
23. Alcatraz | Alcatraz is a tool to manage Xcode plug-ins, templates and color configuration. It can be integrated into the Xcode graphical interface, installation and removal are a few commands, very easy, you can develop your own plug-ins and upload |
24. ViewDeck | An open source iOS activity panel component that restores Path 2.0’s sidesaddle effect, which the authors stopped updating two years ago due to time issues |
25. JSQMessagesViewController | Elegant iOS messaging library, commonly used in chat applications, high customizability |
26. FLEX | Flipboard has released a set of in-app debugging tools for iOS development. Developers do not need to connect to LLDB/Xcode or other remote debugging servers, and can run directly in the App |
27. Xctool | XcodeBuild is a Facebook open source command line tool, used to replace Apple’s XcodeBuild tool, greatly convenient iOS build and test, output error message is relatively friendly, by many iOS developers praise, often used with OCUnit.Travis CI.OCLintTest tools such as |
28. OpenEmu | Super game simulator, do game development necessary, the official website is also very good |
29. iCarousel | The author is the founder of UK firm Charcoal Design and one of the most prominent open-source contributors to the industry, Charcoal Design, a third-party widget that allows you to switch carousel views on iOS and offer a variety of switching effects |
30. RESideMenu | Roman Efimov is an iOS engineer at Yahoo. Dribbble is the brainchild of Dribbble, which supports iOS8 |
321 PNChart | The author Zhou Kaiwen is the founder of the 90 generation, second vision, the project is a chart control to drive the drawing effect, simple and easy to use, loved by many developers |
31.2PonyDebugger | Square is an excellent iOS application network debugging tool that allows users to see their application network requests in real time and remotely debug the core data stack of an iOS application |
33. JVFloatLabeledTextField | The author is the co-founder of Thumb Labs. JVFloatLabeledTextField is a subclass of UITextField, which mainly implements the floating effect of input box labels. It is inspired by Dribbble and has appeared several ported versions |
34. SWTableViewCell | A subclass of UITableViewCell that slides left and right to display information views and call up buttons |
35. AwesomeMenu | The author is a Chinese. This project mainly uses CoreAnimation to restore the animation effect of Path Menu |
36. Reachability | Reachablity is a library for detecting the network environment of iOS devices |
37. VVDocumenter-Xcode | The author is Wang Wei, a famous iOS developer in China, known as Miaoshen. Currently, he is working in LINE Company in Japan. This project helps developers easily generate annotation documents and saves a lot of work |
38. The Physical Web | A project led by the Chrome team, which aims to connect the world with urls to make it easier for users to receive data, is still in the experimental stage |
39. NewsBlur | Samuel Clay created a news Reader called NewsBlur, which many people call an alternative to Google Reader, and this is the source code for it |
40. Cocos2D-SpriteBuilder | A framework for creating 2D games or other graphical/interactive applications on iOS, Mac and Android. Previously known as Cocos Swift, the project has been updated frequently on GitHub |
41. TTTAttributedLabel | The replacement of UILabel makes the Label function on iOS richer and supports link implantation and other functions |
42. CocoaAsyncSocket | A powerful, easy-to-use asynchronous socket library that supports TCP and UDP for Mac and iOS devices. Robbie Hanson is Deusty’s lead software engineer |
43. TapkuLibrary | By Devin Ross, this is a powerful UI effects library for iOS that can achieve a variety of cool effects and is still being updated |
44. Canvas | A library that doesn’t require coding to achieve awesome animation effects that even designers can use quickly |
45. SocketRocket | Square company open source a WebSocket client, stable and easy to use, do real-time applications often used by the majority of developers love |
46. ECSlidingViewController | A view controller container that handles subviews in two layers, sliding between layers, inspired by Facebook and Path’s App by a Cleveland employee |
47. Json Framework | A framework for parsing JSON data, but most people use NSJSONSerialization to parse JSON data in iOS5 and above, and the project has hardly been updated on GitHub |
48. Tweaks | Facebook is an open source tool designed to help iOS developers iterate faster and make it easier for users to adjust metrics on the fly. Yes, Paper is also used in this project |
49. realm-cocoa | Realm-cocoa is a mobile database from Realm that runs on phones, tablets, and wearables. It aims to replace CoreData and SQLite databases |
50. BlocksKit | An open source infrastructure that works closely with Cocoa |
51. Appirater | A tool for reminding users to rate your App |
52. KIF | Square is an open source user interface testing framework that greatly simplifies the UI testing process for iOS developers |
53. SlackTextViewController | Slack is a solution for text boxes that are highly adaptive, auto-typing, and copying cell content |
54. JazzHands | IFTTT open source a simple and easy to use keyframe basic animation framework, through gestures, Scroll views, KVO, ReactiveCocoa and other ways to control animation |
55. Bolts-iOS | Bolts is an underlying library that Parse and Facebook use internally to facilitate mobile development |
56. Spectacle | An easy to use OS X window split screen operation shortcuts tool, this is its source code |
57. nui | Easy to style UI elements in iOS applications, can style the entire application in a short time, like CSS principle |
58. Induction | Induction is a management tool for understanding data relationships. Here’s the code |
59. JSONModel | A library that can quickly parse Json data returned by the server, facilitating data type conversion |
60. DTCoreText | An open source iOS rich text component that parses HTML and CSS and eventually draws it with CoreText. It is commonly used to replace low-performance UIWebView in scenarios where rich text is required |
61. Popping | IOS animation library based on Facebook Pop engine, a collection of animation effects |
62. TSMessages | A lightweight library for popping up warnings and notifications, rich in style and easy to use |
63. KVOController | A simple and safe KVO(key-value Observing) tool, providing a simple and convenient, thread-safe API, one of Facebook’s open source projects |
64. MWPhotoBrowser | A simple iOS photo viewer control |
65. MMDrawerController | A lightweight, easy to use side drawer navigation iOS control |
66. QuickDialog | For quickly creating complex iOS forms, custom UITableViewCell, TableView styles |
67. SVPullToRefresh | A single line of code that integrates pull-up refresh and pull-down loading |
68. cheddar-ios | Cheddar is an easy to use schedule management software, this is an early version of its open source code, the project has been discontinued maintenance |
69. XVim | A plug-in that implements Vim functions on Xcode |
70. EGOTableViewPullRefresh | A drop-down refresh control, last updated a year ago |
71. iOS-boilerplate | The basic template for iOS applications, which saves a lot of initial coding and has a lot of rich functionality built in, is now out of maintenance |
72. JASidePanels | A UIViewController container, inspired by the menus of Facebook and Path 2.0 apps, allows for left-right sideslip operations |
73. FormatterKit | A collection of well-conceived NSFormatter subclasses |
74.MSDynamicsDrawerViewController | The drawer type side navigation bar with dynamic elastic effect is realized, which has rich effect and strong customability |
75. idev-recipes | Code for the iDevRecipes blog, demonstrating how to implement some interesting controls, the project stopped updating two years ago (2013) |
76. XMPPFramework | A communication framework based on rfC-3920 implementation that supports multithreading and thread protection and is common to all iOS and Mac OS development devices. |
77. MacGap1 | A tool that can package HTML/CSS/JS web applications into native Mac apps |
78. FXBlurView | IOS fuzzy background class library, which can easily generate fuzzy effects according to the underlying display of the state |
79. iOS7-Sampler | Integration demonstrates a number of iOS7 new features of the project, provides a lot of examples of reference |
80. PromiseKit | Provide powerful iOS development asynchronous functions, is the realization of the Promises, by the majority of developers |
81. Origami | This is an open source plugin for Quartz Composer. It took Facebook’s design team nine months to create. The goal is to make it easy for designers to quickly prototype, synthesize and test complex animations with zero code |
82. NSLogger | A powerful Log analysis tool, with a large window to view the Log, custom Log level and other functions |
83. KSImageNamed-Xcode | A UIImage imageNamed to provide automatic completion function of the plug-in, very convenient |
84. PureLayout | A simple but powerful AutoLayout API library compatible with Objective-C and Swift, extending UIView/NSView, NSArray, and NSLayoutConstraint |
85. AppleDoc | A objective-C document generation tool, the generated document style is consistent with Apple official, greatly convenient Xcode to identify their own API documents, installation is also very simple |
86. iTerm2 | ITerm2 has been praised by many programmers as the best terminal on the Mac. Here’s its source code, and it works even better with oH-my-zsh |
87. Kiwi | A behavior-driven development testing framework for iOS designed to provide developers with a BDD library that can be easily configured to use |
88. terminal-notifier | A command line tool for sending notifications to Mac OS X users |
89. MacDown | Brew Cask is an open source Markdown editor for Mac OS X |
90. TwUI | Twitter is an open source Mac UI framework that supports hardware acceleration, last updated 3 years ago (2012). |
91. PaperFold for iOS | This project has not been updated for a long time |
92. Reader | An open source iOS PDF reader with bookmarks, column Outlines, and other features |
93. WebViewJavascriptBridge | A third-party library that facilitates communication with JavaScript using Objective-C, supports message sending, receiving, registering and invoking message handlers, and setting up callbacks for message processing |
94. iOS8-Sampler | IOSX -Sampler series, a comprehensive demo of several projects with iOS8 new features, provides a lot of examples of reference |
95. CocoaHTTPServer | A lightweight, embeddable HTTP server framework for Mac OS X or iOS applications that allows developers to embed an HTTP server in their applications |
96. Kod | Mac OS X is an editor for programmers. This is its open source code. Unfortunately, the authors stopped maintaining it in 2011 |
97. TPKeyboardAvoiding | Pull-down keyboard is a universal solution for moving text fields in iOS. It automatically handles the problem of blocking text fields after the keyboard is ejected |
98. MKNetworkKit | A lightweight network request framework, completely based on ARC, with only two classes, has the advantages of operating multiple network requests autonomously and displaying network activity indicators more accurately |
99. PKRevealController | A collection of view controllers on iOS that can be switched between controllers by presenting multiple view controllers. Simple setup and highly flexible |
00. AQGridView | A command line tool, through the project.xcdatamodel File, can generate two classes for each entity, easy to use CoreData |
By The EST Group members @Aufree, @Githubdaily, @Stormzhang et al., Github address, only for your information, welcome to add