2021 is an ordinary year with ups and downs for me, with happiness and unwillingness, progress and slackness. Here is a summary of work, technology growth, life and expectations for the future. Expect a different surprise in 2022. I also hope that the flag I set can be realized one by one.

Refueling 🐱 💻 🎈 🎈 🎈


I graduated from school in July and entered the society for the first time (not really, I had an internship for half a year before). I have a lot of imagination and expectations for the future. I hope I can make a difference. The ancients said: “the hero of the husband, ambitious, belly has a good plan, have the opportunity to hide the universe, swallow the ambition of heaven and earth,” ALTHOUGH I do not have much ambition, but for today’s own progress than yesterday, tomorrow than today’s progress.

All right, enough talk. Reflect on your two job searches this year. I interviewed a total of more than 10 companies, got 6 offers, two job-hopping experience.

My first job change was after I resigned from my previous internship company. Although internship companies can also be converted to full-time.

But on second thought, or want to change the environment.

After resignation, the first is to make a resume and then in the boss direct hire began crazy resume, began the interview journey. It’s basically three interviews a day. Then, after the third offer, start to choose which offer offers the best value for money. Finally, I chose a small company. Treatment for just graduated I still calculate good.

After three months in the company, I was about to become a full-time employee when I resigned. Specific reasons first do not tell (sell a secret, later specifically to write an interview to find a job article details).

By October. I rewrote my resume and started sending it out to sea. This is much faster than last time. I also got three offers, which was not as tired as the last interview. All of them were through online interview. I ended up working for my current company

Generally speaking, the work is relatively smooth, although there are some small twists and turns, although the process of looking for a job is a bit tired, but looking back, all of it is worth it!


The front-end technology has been further exercised, basically in advance to complete the functional requirements put forward by customers. Be able to implement UI, page interaction and data rendering according to customer requirements. React technology has also improved, allowing for self-encapsulation of components and functions, and a more formal code style.

I learned socket, HTTP encapsulation,UDP/TCP and other back-end technologies, and also learned some node back-end knowledge. Also has studied JS some of the original rational knowledge,JS code execution mechanism, asynchronous task and synchronous task, asynchronous execution queue, deep copy, shallow copy, trembler throttling and so on. In short, the new knowledge learned is not a lot, but it is used in the actual project. The understanding is still quite profound.

The front end of this piece, behind will certainly continue to learn, the pursuit of the front edge technology trend. But it will probably focus on the Golang backend. Because for myself

Career planning, or hope to be able to do back-end, to be more in-depth, go further, stand on the shoulders of giants to touch the higher ceiling.


In terms of life, I accompany my girlfriend to go shopping and play everywhere in my spare time, and then I like to visit various blog forums and communities. Later, I also want to exercise my writing ability by writing blog, and urge myself to learn new skills. Start by setting a flag: Start producing one high-quality blog a week in 2022. Then we’ll see. Once a month. Develop self-discipline.

In the future

For the future, although I have goals in mind, I don’t know why I still feel confused. Either in the near future or in the long term. I hope 2022 will be a year of steady progress, and I hope I can make more progress in technology. In the field of front-end technology, I want to do my own personal blog project. The front and back ends are all completed independently by myself. In addition, I will complete the knowledge system of VUE3 that I haven’t learned yet and make a complete project. Because the react stack is used in the choice of work, so the VUE stack is almost forgotten, technology is a thing, you will soon forget. So it takes constant review to remember. Then I hope I can stick to these good habits.

Set a flag for yourself

  • Personal Blog Project
  • Vue3 technology stack learning
  • Golang backend technology stack learning
  • A weekly high-quality blog post and a monthly video
  • Make your own “we media” account. Operate wechat public account,B station, Douyin, Zhihu account and so on

Hope next year 2023 of their own to see this blog can proudly say THAT I have completed, a clear conscience! Come on just 🐱 🚀 🐱 🏍 😎