Two days ago, I upgraded XOCde (version 11.1). When using simulator debugging (version iOS13), after activating UITextField input, the interface froze (not crashed). Everything was normal on the real computer or before iOS13.
Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-PortraitChoco-NumberPad; using 1336863583__PortraitChoco__iPhone-Simple-Pad__Default_
Copy the code
Then try emulator Settings: Hardware->Keyboard, uncheck “ConnectHardware Keyboard”, restart the emulator interface is still stuck.
Then continue to search for the problem, with a message referring to Xcode 11 that “fixes a problem that could cause the emulator to crash or be unresponsive after clipboard-related operations in other applications if automatic stickboard synchronization is enabled.”
The solution
1.Simulator->Edit and deselect Auromatiocally Sync Pasteboard