Original: Taste of Little Sister (wechat official ID: XjjDog), welcome to share, please reserve the source.

Java8 has long been a sore spot for the Java community. Because it represents the magic tug of war of love between the stable corporate management and the bottom code farmers.

Not born! Having fewer! Become the tacit choice of major factories.

Now that balance may be about to break. Because SpringBoot, the dominant framework in the Java world, chose the least-supported version of Java LTS, the latest Java17.

For those of you who believe that Java8 is forever, it’s time to pee and wake up.

Add: this year, can sit on the rocket of thing not much! Java version number counts as one!

How to do?

Whether a new version is needed or not doesn’t really matter. There is a need to change, upgrade for the sake of upgrading, that is the brain of talent. As practitioners become more aware of themselves as tool people, they will abandon these meaningless operations.

There are only two situations in which nonsense becomes meaningful.

The first is that at the end of the roll, a painless version upgrade will enter your to-do list. Second, when there are too many backward communities, the shame and feature drive will make you upgrade. But that’s not always the case, because if you’re in management, someone else will do the dirty work and you won’t have as much incentive.

What changes?

Let’s get back to the basics and look at some of the changes SpringBoot3 has made.

In the first place.

Again, SpringBoot3 is a powerful combination of Java17 with the new Spring6 release. Maven support has also been improved to 3.5 and Gradle to 7.3. Version manager by default also changed to Grandle, Grandle download speed, domestic pain.

Once again.

Although we use JavaEE less and less now, many big business companies are still holding on to their legacy. Since JavaEE was renamed Jakarta EE, the Jakarta EE9 version has seen even bigger changes, including the javax package name (2019 and beyond). SpringBoot3 will soon be out with SpringBoot4 if it doesn’t catch up, so the Jakarta EE version is also cut to 9.

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, just two words away from Sparta. Versions of Jakarta EE 9 should be implemented by Eclipse Glassfish, Apache TomEE, Wildfly, Oracle WebLogic, JBoss and IBM Websphere Liberty, And use the Jakarta EE logo.

This usually doesn’t matter because the new generation of Internet people use JavaEE less and less, and even JavaSE is bloated, so it doesn’t matter to many people. I suggest you never use it if you don’t have to, because it’s full of shit.


Removed some of the old stuff like Apache ActiveMQ, Atomikos, EhCache 2, Hazelcast 3, etc. Apache ActiveMQ is an old thing, it is really not recommended for new projects to use, high concurrency it pit old people; Hazelcast is also losing ground to Redis, even with Raft.

The best way to live these things is in various staters, not in core packages.

Also removed were the following:

  • EhCache 3

  • The H2 ‘s web console

  • Hibernate’s metrics

  • Infinispan

  • Jolokia

  • Pooled JMS

  • REST Assured

Behind these terms, there is a rotten taste of business, a sales face and a befuddled boss.

Afraid of?

Right now SpringBoot3 is still version M1, and the SpringBoot team will release a new milestone release every two months, so the M2 release is expected on March 24th.

In fact, everyone is not afraid of software not updating, not afraid of the practice of updating, the most afraid of the project born in such an immortal interval. Choose a new bar, function is not stable, to carry the pot; Choose the old bar, the heart is not happy, the future will have to upgrade one day.

So most of the time, time passes in this hesitancy.

Keeping the system pure is a very good habit. Even if the official government provides you with a lot of nice extensions, don’t just use them, or you’ll taste betrayed.

Of course, an average programmer’s career is frozen in the mid-30s, and in the context of the new-age migrant talk, you don’t need to think about other classes, unless it affects your bread.

Xjjdog is a public account that doesn’t allow programmers to get sidetracked. Focus on infrastructure and Linux. Ten years architecture, ten billion daily flow, and you discuss the world of high concurrency, give you a different taste. My personal wechat xjjdog0, welcome to add friends, further communication.

Recommended reading:

2. What does the album taste like

3. Bluetooth is like a dream 4. 5. Lost architect, leaving only a script 6. Bugs written by the architect are unusual

Taste of little sister

Not envy mandarin duck not envy fairy, a line of code half a day

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