In the era of short video, video, live broadcast and “we media” platforms, many people may think when they hear the word “blog” : Who still reads blog?

No matter what you think, I’m going to tell you how important it is to write tech blogs for developers. And it has to be a public tech blog, separate from your own private study notes.

In terms of actual cases, many industry leaders are insisting on writing technical blogs, such as front-end CSS leader Zhang Xinxu, and then ruan Yifeng, Liao Xuefeng, Chen Hao, Bird brother and so on.

So what are the benefits of tech blogging for new developers?

Write a tech blog to solidify your knowledge

There’s a great, tried and true method of learning: the Feynman method. The core of it is to digest the knowledge by teaching someone else. See, tech blogging is about taking what you’ve learned and writing it out to your audience in words that you understand.

If you want to make a point clear as you write, you must chew it over and over again until you know it well.

When you want to write about a topic, you go back and forth. This is the only way to become a tech giant!

Force yourself to grow by constantly exporting.

Write a tech blog, write about opportunities

In my opinion, there are three kinds of opportunities: career opportunity, influence realization opportunity and job interview opportunity.

Move towards professional opportunities

Many high school and college students are just interested in a development field, but as they write and get better at it, they start a career. I’ve seen a lot of high school students build personal websites and write technical articles in high school, then go to college and get a job with a clear goal and end up in a technology-related career.

Leverage opportunities

If you do it over a long period of time, you will have an impact, spread more and more, and people will come to you, for example, asking for cooperation, paid development or consulting. You can even offer your own product, course book software or professional services.

Job Interview opportunities

Tech blogging is a great way to get a job interview, and one that many people overlook. Consider the following scenario:

Suppose you are a recruiter for an IT company and your job is to recruit programmers for a new project. After several rounds of screening, there were two candidates.

The first candidate has a great resume that lists all the skills needed for the job.

The second candidate also had a good resume that listed all the skills needed for the job. But the difference is that the candidate also has a long-running technology blog. A look at his tech blog reveals that he has also been writing about the skills listed on his resume.

Now think about which candidate you would choose.

Writing a tech blog makes you a better communicator

A lot of technical people, communication is a big weakness, not verbal. But trust me, writing more and thinking more will not only improve your writing skills, but also your communication skills.

While these skills are important in your actual work, they are not as important as programming skills. But, for the most part, as a programmer, code should never be all you are, you also need to be able to work in teams and communicate with product managers or customers.

And communication and writing skills aren’t limited to your job as a programmer. They are also essential skills in life.

The three wrong mindsets of blogging

“I’m not an expert in this area.”

Everyone has a unique perspective, one worth sharing. You may think you don’t know this technology as well as an expert.

But remember, the best time to teach something is when you first learn it, because you remember what it feels like not to understand it.

In this case, you can blog in the voice of a student who has just learned something. I’m learning something new every day. About 50 percent of the content IS what I learn while researching a topic.

“I’m not a good writer.”

Neither am I, but I don’t care. I just know that if I keep writing, I’ll get better and better at it.

‘I’m afraid of criticism’

Remember, you can’t grow without a challenge. Get out of your comfort zone and accept the criticism that makes you grow. And for some mean comments, just delete them and forget about them.

Where to Blog

You can write technical blog on various social platforms, such as nuggets, Zhihu and public account.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the technical masters have their own personal websites, such as the part of the masters mentioned at the beginning of the article, such as You Yuxi, the author of vue.js project. The great thing about having a personal website is that you can run it as an asset, as a personal brand. Secondly, by building a personal website, you will have a better understanding of the construction of a website, the whole process of division of labor, to bring you more possibilities, better team communication skills.

About building personal website, I have some experience, before summarized my rapid website building process in the past few years, interested students, can go to see “2022 Programmers important digital Assets: WordPress rapid personal independent website building”.

So, have you decided to start a tech blog? Try it for 100 days? Let me know what you think in the comments section.