Angela gamers, I’m Angela back, for a long time didn’t update the article, the reason is that Angela just hired ants, busy with training, familiar with the business and technical framework of the project, but you asked me to write in the presence of the dare not to forget, jump ticket several times, now a wave during the weekend, while still can recall some immediately to you, Also hope that this article can be helpful for you to find jobs, wish the world code farmers can wish to join their favorite company! Plus, there are eggs and perks at the end.

, and the situation

  • Ant: one round of written test + five rounds of technical surface (including two rounds of cross-department cross surface) + one round of HR surface
  • Ele. me: Three rounds of tech + one round of HR
  • Douyin: Three rounds of technical surface + one round of HR surface
  • Pinduoduo: Three rounds of technical surface + one round of HR surface
  • Meituan: three rounds of technical surface + one round of HR surface
  • Heart: three rounds of technical surface + one round of HR surface done
  • Get things (poison) : a round of technical surface round swim
  • EBay: three rounds of technology self – hanging southeast branch

The overall time is about one month. In addition to the slow ant process, it took two weeks for the physical examination back adjustment, which was settled in about one and a half months. During this period, Angela had a lot of interesting things, which I will tell you later. Here’s the rhythm:

  1. Angela’s personal introduction;
  2. Write a resume that doesn’t go in the trash;
  3. In terms of sending out resumes, why does Angela recommend going to a headhunter or a recruiter?
  4. To prepare the interview
  5. eggs
  6. push

The narrative is written at random, so you can pick and choose.

I. Personal introduction

  • Education: an old 985 software engineer

  • Previous job: At a company in Shanghai, I called him Old J (from my leader’s initial)

  • The previous job of Lao J: a start-up company for b-side financial enterprises, I called him Lao H;

  • Previous interview process: at the end of 17th, both Ants and Meituan were in tragedy, and I got the offer of Xiaoyi and Old J. In July of 19th, I got the offer of Meituan, Wacai and This time in April of 20th has been listed above.

Write a resume that doesn’t go in the trash

This title is very Angela, grass bitches of self-mockery, about writing a resume, know not comprehensive, just do according to their own interviewers do resume screening and their own resume.

First of all, what kind of resume is easy to get high marks. I have participated in the resume screening in the old H company before. I have also seen about a hundred resumes and summarized several characteristics of good resumes:

  • Contracted clear technical person resume can be contracted, contracted is not equal to simple, you can project experience and technical depth is deep, but in your resume must be highly generalization, your resume is not suitable for long narrative writing, argument, seen some resume written diary style, and who did what, how about market response, how much company financing, How good or bad it is, the interviewer will have to look at it as “the story”, not the personal part of the candidate.

  • To the point A resume if the full text is made * * system, involved in the function of * *, the interviewer will find their own focus, so it’s best to resume direct cut to the chase, what role do they play in the project, I have what the big things, getting the result of what, it is best to take data as support, there is a word called quantifiable, such as you, if the project visits Write about QPS, PV, UV, etc. If it is a small volume but high process complexity, you can summarize how to do modular development, process flexibility configuration, efficiency improvement, etc., write about JVM memory tuning you can write about new generation/old generation memory recovery time increased ** ms, write about concurrency, You can write programs tuning can support pressure test TPS rose from 1000 to 5000, and so on, this is the reference, can assist some figure or table in your resume, intuitive, a figure two table three words, of course, the premise is you chart there are bright spots.

  • The devil is in the details. There are a few details to pay attention to:

    1. Typos written must review the resume, do not leave typos, will give people the impression of not doing things carefully, the resume has typos, code who knows?
    2. The interviewers in big factories will generally make a judgment based on the overall content of your resume. Any logical errors will discount the honesty of the interviewers, which is a big taboo in many companies. I believe everyone has heard the values of Ali.
    3. Don’t compress your resume, don’t mass send it, or email it with body parts. Most of the HR or the interviewer back this time heavy recruitment index, really busy, try to help them save time, concise in email body tell them your situation and resume in PDF format, not compressed, the compressed format of the interviewer if you do not extract the corresponding tools, have to spend the time to download decompression tool, and don’t mass, Have seen the resume content of the position of interest in other companies, this is easy to pass the HR that pass.
    4. typography Actually that is clean and relaxed, such as text alignment, the font size is consistent, the main title and content of coordination, work experience and project experience suggested merging, length shoulds not be too long, technical resume not more than three kinds of color, don’t be colorful (unless) specializes in the design, not find non-mainstream, net template remember to remove the original author header, footer, For this part, players can get Angela’s resume template by replying to “Resume” on the WX official account (Angela’s blog).

    After writing a resume, read it like writing code. Consider yourself as the interviewer. If you see this resume in front of you, whether you will become interested in it. If you want to get some resume or interview guidance, you can add my friend in the background of the public account.

3. About resume delivery, why does Angela recommend to find Lie head or push?

Have you ever felt like you’re sending out a ton of resumes online, getting few interview offers, or not getting any phone calls at all?

The traditional industry does not understand, just say the Internet industry, generally like 51, the future, hunting Pin I just graduated that will also used, now the basic resume into a lot of sales calls or intermediary. At present, the cost of hiring is high and the interview process in big factories is long. In Angela’s department, they basically give priority to transferring jobs from inside Ali to recruit people, and ask each person one by one if they are interested in working with Alipay. Why is that? Recruitment indicators pressure, this is the best, the lowest cost of time, the other is to go headhunters and internal recommendation.

Angela summarizes the order of sending resumes:

Lie head > inner push > official website > MaiMai > Boss- straight Pin > sea cast

First say why find Lie head, there are the following reasons:

  1. The position obtained by Lie head must be a real recruitment demand, not to complete THE KPI to pull the head, there are a lot of feedback resumes too long did not respond may be to brush the recruitment KPI, this generally does not happen in Lie head;

  2. Can go Lie head channel, or afford Lie head fee is often a rising company, Lord of money, so poor, now all know Internet high wages, Lie head fee isn’t cheap, find Lie head company is equivalent to a disguised form by Lie head screening of a wave of good company for you, of course, the premise is you are looking for high quality Lie head, A lot of them are job agencies. I’ll talk about that later.

  3. The Lie head in charge will help you make career planning, help you to sort out your highlights and weaknesses, analyze the current market situation, some future directions and market signals, and make choices based on your situation. Sometimes you can believe what you want to hear, and it is wise to listen to both. Obtaining some market data from Lie head is of great help to make the right decision. For more information on how to do the right thing, please check out another of my posts on the public account — from time management to how to stay competitive as a tech guy?

  4. Interview the rhythm of the accused, the arrangement of the interview, prepare, the interview results, the acquisition, HR, talk about salary links have Lie in the middle can you arrange for me, if you work a lot, when the interview these things Lie many head can do for you, such as talking about paid links, you may be embarrassed openings for HR to higher the fear of the people directly to shut off, think you head high, To the low fear of loss, reliable Lie head will basically tell you the market price of this occupation, you can also directly with the Lie head, let him talk to the recruitment company.

  5. So much talk about the benefits of looking for Lie head, it seems to be doing Lie head to tell, so I will do it to the end, want to rely on the Lie head can [Angela’s blog] public account background reply and Angela’s WX, push you a reliable business card, get a reliable offer remote give me a cup of silk stockings milk tea (do not add silk stockings). Tell me a story. It was a Lie head who recommended me to enter Old J and recommended me to get the offer from Douyin.

Prepare for the interview

First of all, we will talk about the general strategy and the three stages of the interview, and then we will talk about the specific situation of each company.

Angela summed up the following strategies:

  1. The company interview order that admire in the heart put back: just come out interview, take a few not too care about the company to practice a hand first, accumulate a wave of experience again dozen dozen strange, otherwise the skill is not familiar, come up dozen big dragon sure GG, may not be very kind, but the recruiter and the job seeker are each other to be the relationship of spare tire.
  2. Record the interview process, constantly replay summary: the interview process can be recorded, but to ask for the approval of the interviewer, if not, the interview immediately replay, record that need to improve the place, the answer is lacking, there are omissions, knowledge points have blind areas.
  3. To get ready, you can have a mock interview with a technical friend. Do not prepare, directly on are fierce people, of course Daniel when I did not say.
4.1 Before the interview:
  • Review your projects, pick 1 or 2 projects to find out the highlights, interview can take the initiative to tell the interviewer that they think the good part.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the details of your resume and confirm them several times. A good interviewer will ask questions based on your resume. If an interviewer doesn’t base his or her questions on your resume and asks off-topic questions about his or her own skills, you can just walk away.

  • The technical stack in the project and the general technical stack can be sorted out (Angela is sorting out the general Java knowledge system, you can reply to Java in the background of the public account [Angela’s blog] to get it);

4.2 the interview
  1. Keep it short and to the point. Interviewers in big factories are busy and tired. They like people who take the initiative and summarize.

  2. Take the initiative to control the interview pace and guide the interview process. In general, you should have interview experience in the company you want to meet, the usual interview process and questions you should know;

    For example, you can come up and tell the interviewer directly about the projects you think you did well, the technical stack you are familiar with, and save the interviewer time to find the highlights of the resume.

  3. Listen carefully to the question, take your time to answer, and confirm the situation and boundaries with the interviewer. The interviewer will think you’re thoughtful;

  4. Self-confidence, do not understand the problem freely admit; Don’t know the problem don’t strong, don’t know can be admitted, said his project has nothing to do with this technology, just understand, the original reason does not done research, generally the interviewer is to ask the next question, otherwise don’t know talk nonsense, or guess the answer would be very bad impression to the interviewer, sometimes very embarrassed, the interviewer in the quietly watching your show.

  5. At the end of the interview, the interviewer will ask if you have any questions for him or her. You can ask him questions that you don’t understand in the interview process, on the one hand, you can fill up the short board of knowledge, on the other hand, the interviewer will think that you have the pursuit of technology, you have a good impression, and an interviewer to ask you questions must be his own very confident questions, he must know the answer. Of course, a lot of times the interviewer may not answer the question, leaving you to figure it out on your own. Angela has seen a lot of this, usually because the interviewer doesn’t want the question to be leaked.

4.3 After the interview:
  1. Ask about the results of the interview. The employer will think you’re interested in them. Generally let you wait for news of the basic need not wait, there are more suitable candidates than you, you became the backup;
  2. After the interview, you can add an interviewer’s wechat or nail, and then find the opportunity to ask him what he thinks is missing in the interview. There will be differences between yourself and yourself in the eyes of others. You can talk more.

What to do in the three stages of an interview?

  1. The most important thing is project experience. In Angela’s five interviews, about four rounds are based on the technology of the project, asking about the implementation mechanism, improvement of the technical scheme, shortcomings of the work, the implementation principle of the technology stack, whether there are other alternatives, and the principle of the middleware, etc.

  2. Attaches great importance to the technology principle, to do your own project implementation mechanism can not only understand, be sure to know the implementation mechanism, so the usual effort a deep understanding of the technology stack of projects, such as Spring, message queue, principle of database, the cache to do level of understanding, cramming Angela feel useful, or to think much more in the daily development summary.

  3. Technology company written test is very important, some managers may not need to write code, temporary to implement a business requirements, may be could not, so the usual more hands-on practice, general code didn’t tip, need to be familiar with conventional function, variable naming also note that the common good naming habits, recommend to see ali’s research and development of Java code, You can find me on wechat background.

  4. Attach importance to every interview opportunity, Ali failed a department can also change the department face, but there will be an interview record, if the interview record is poor, the interviewer will take some risks to let you pass, so attach importance to every interview ali opportunity, IT is heard that many people are met three times before coming in, each time need more than half a year.

  5. Interviewers at Ali usually start with a single point and drill down until you run out of answers, then move on to the Russian nesting doll with a different question. Of course, the question doesn’t get out of the technical stack on your resume, so again, pay attention to each technical point on your resume.

  1. The most attention to the algorithm, do not brush the basic no play, of course, unless your algorithm is very strong, when I did not say;
  2. Each round of interview has 1~3 algorithm questions, the degree of difficulty varies from person to person, generally in the front of the project and basic technology talk well, will give easy or medium difficulty, if the front of the conversation is not very good, or with the interviewer, may be hard. Before and after the Spring Festival, LeetCode brush more than 100 questions, here to share a tip: the same type of brush together, generally can be divided into such a few categories: list, tree, graph, dynamic programming, greed, state machine and so on. Angela’s blog has shared some historical articles on the public account. Take notes while you brush, and try to time yourself to practice. Otherwise, the interview time is so short and someone is watching you write, and you will be nervous. Another tip: To don’t answer immediately, before you can write, and the interviewer said the idea first, if you don’t say what words, pants three times five divided by two is washed out, the interviewer think you back problems, big probability immediately debut hard questions, and if wrote half, found stuck, way of thinking is wrong, heavy to the interviewer will give you points, need to be patient and he gives you the opportunity to again.
  3. Understand the business and technology stack in advance. Generally, if you are Java, you may want to switch the technology stack to Go. Some knowledge of Go in advance is also a plus. So byte some departments will not ask specific language related, but to ask some common middleware.
  4. Potential, traffic jugglers. What I know is that overseas TikTok DAU grew by more than 10 percent every week during the pandemic.
A lot of spelling
  1. I remember in the first round of interview, the interviewer did not say a word in the video, let half an hour to do four algorithm questions, finish the interview, by the way, the interview began at 22:00 in the evening, your product;
  2. Value the candidate’s background, pinduoduo tends to 985 degree or dafang experience, a headhunter friend said, after all, do e-commerce, has been targeted to dig Ali people;
  3. Pay a lot of money, work late, my former colleague’s husband average home is more than 1 o ‘clock, a week only rest one day.
  1. I have met Meituan twice, once in the middle of last year and once at the beginning of this year, and both of them got offers. On the whole, they like to ask questions about virtual machines. I know that Meituan is good at virtual machine optimization, and the other is related to MySQL database, including database, table and index.
  2. Pay attention to the Java foundation, the Java foundation knowledge involved in your project will be the corresponding code problem, involving more Java basic concepts, pay attention to the basic skills of programming.
Goods (poison) & eBay
  1. The interviewer may have interviewed too many people, and he was a little impatient when he came to me. When I introduced the project, he said redis List was used as a backup for message queue, but he was very upset. He didn’t listen to me about how to ensure the usability and stability of Cachecloud. How can you use Redis? To be honest, the question was reasonable. However, after ten minutes of the interview, he was convinced that my technology selection was wrong without letting me finish my words. He directly asked me what questions I had, and then I asked him the right plan, and he refused to say, and then the interview ended. The whole interview lasted more than 20 minutes, which was the most straightforward rejection I’ve ever had.

  2. EBay has three rounds of technical aspects, especially to say that three rounds of interviewers are women, shocking. In the first round, there will be project introduction and questions related to English. In the third round, there will be a written test on wire. The questions will be asked by the interviewer based on the project and they will be asked to do some code implementation. In the third round of interview, I volunteered to tell them that I was not what you were looking for, because their department wanted to employ Flink to do variable calculation for flow risk control, but I was mainly engaged in the background of ** business system, so I thought the matching degree was not high. But the overall interview experience is very good, little sister (sister) feel like in the foreign enterprise free human atmosphere moist under the growth, the interview is soft voice, ask mysql use, index, LRU cache obsolescence mechanism and so on. This kind of me is immersed in the old gun of company of domestic private Internet for a long time is relatively coarse, the feeling still suits domestic Internet quite 996, still have its development speed and salary treatment likewise, ah… How can I put it? Is cheap, a day without overtime all over the head.

Five eggs.

  1. Can express ability, practice before the interview companies mainly talk to refining, don’t be long, to sense, highly summarized, in the interview process, the higher the level of the interviewer, your vision and words also up to the abstract, the later attention more than technical details, but your overall technical field of vision and breadth, the ability to control for business use technology as a whole, A good interview is actually a high-quality conversation. Sometimes, if someone else is watching, they can’t even tell who is the interviewer and who is the candidate.
  2. Some bosses will pay attention to your thinking mode and the knowledge system of the whole technology, usually need to do some accumulation and summary, such as reading books, look at the public account, pay attention to the trend of new technology, do the research of the principle of technology, do some thinking precipitation.
  3. Don’t trust the anonymous speaking function on The pulse, for reasons I can’t reveal, but trust me.

6. Push

If you have worked for more than three years and are interested in Ali, you can contact me in two ways.

  1. In the background of the official account “Angela’s blog”, you can add my wechat small size, send my resume to me, and note “internal tweet”.
  2. Your resume can be sent to me by email: [email protected] to explain your hopes and requirements, such as which business line, which department, what type of technology you want to do, without saying anything at all.

Explanation: it is not KPI, really lack of people, this year several very promising new business (such as: Taobao special edition, ant digital economy) rapid development, the team is expanding.

In line with the principle of being responsible for you, I will not directly send you a resume. I will communicate with you first. On the one hand, I will determine what you want to do (career development planning), on the other hand, I will help you to sort out your own advantages.

Bonus: Since I’ve seen a lot of players retweeting my history articles, and I haven’t updated my fans for more than a month, Angela is going to make a bonus for the players by giving them the books that Angela was reading. Forward in this paper, + comments, looking at the three users, has the maximum number of comments thumb up top five books, all the other articles forward quantity also take book, the top five spots of first choice, and so on, to send out so far (postage themselves), I will in the next article published results, released by the user WeChat background hair I want to book number and address, and time will be delayed, The full list is as follows: