When I used VuePress, I used Valine as the comment system, but anonymous users could also comment directly. Although it would filter out spammy information, it didn’t feel real to check comments and notifications in the background.
Then I switched to Docusaurus, which didn’t have comments built in. I was going to write my own comment system, and MongoDB was relatively convenient for storing comment data. And then this drag is dragged to the Chinese New Year… I came across a plugin called Gitalk, which is based on Github Issue. I usually check Github and need a Github account to comment, so I used Gitalk to comment on my blog.
1. Create a review repository
First, I need a Github account to create a repository for comments. Since my blog is uploaded synchronously to Github, I don’t need a new repository
2. Enable the Issues function
This function is enabled by default. You can choose Settings -> Features -> Issues
3. Sign up for a Github Application
Click here to create or go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> OAuth Apps in the upper right corner of Github
- Homepage URL: this URL is the URL of a Homepage blog.
- Authorization callback URL: specifies the github Authorization callback URL. The default URL is the domain name
4. Obtain the Client ID and Client Secret
After the Client ID is created successfully, the Client ID and Client Secret can be obtained and saved.
5, installation,
Gitalk/ at Master · gitalk/gitalk (
- Directly introducing
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<! -- or -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
Copy the code
- NPM install
npm i --save gitalk
Copy the code
import 'gitalk/dist/gitalk.css';
import Gitalk from 'gitalk';
Copy the code
6, use,
<div id="gitalk-container"></div>
Copy the code
To generate the Gitalk plug-in, use the following Javascript code:
const gitalk = new Gitalk({
clientID: 'GitHub Application Client ID'.clientSecret: 'GitHub Application Client Secret'.repo: 'GitHub repo'.owner: 'GitHub repo owner'.admin: ['GitHub repo owner and collaborators, only these guys can initialize github issues'].id: location.pathname, // Ensure uniqueness and length less than 50
distractionFreeMode: false.// Facebook-like distraction free mode
Copy the code
Used in the react
Import Gitalk components with styles
import 'gitalk/dist/gitalk.css';
import GitalkComponent from 'gitalk/dist/gitalk-component';
Copy the code
Use components and configuration parameters
clientID: '... '.// ...
// options below}} / >Copy the code
My configuration
const options = {
clientID: 'GitHub Application Client ID'.clientSecret: 'GitHub Application Client Secret'.repo: 'blog'.owner: 'kuizuo'.admin: ['kuizuo'].id: title,
title: title,
labels: labels,
distractionFreeMode: false};Copy the code
The specific parameter is gitalk
The problem
Error: Not Found
“Repo”, “warehouse name”, “link”, “blog”, “
No relevant one foundIssuesTo comment, please contact @xxxxx init Creation
XXXXX here is the content of the option admin, the first time to load the article, you need to log in with the administrator account to initialize (that is, create a new issue), otherwise other people will also visit the message.
At present, there is no effective way to load the issues of all blogs in one click. As long as you log in to Github administrator account to visit each blog.
The Authorization callback URL address of [step 3](#3, register a Github Applications) must be entered into the online blog environment, otherwise it cannot be used normally
Validation failed
The reason is that the id parameter cannot exceed 50 characters, but the default is location.href, which may cause the length to exceed. So WHAT I do is ID: title, and when I visit the page at the same time, it automatically creates an issue for the repository with the title of the article.
React compilation problems
The plug-in will use the browser’s Window object, which is normal during development, but an error will be reported when compiling (Window is not defined). BrowserOnly of Docusaurus is referenced here, and the code can be compiled normally if it is encapsulated as follows
<BrowserOnly fallback={<div></div>} > {() = > <GitalkComponent options={options} />}</BrowserOnly>
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View the full source point me
Github Api
GitHub Documentation
You can also get a list of issues using the Github API
[{"url": ""."repository_url": ""."labels_url": "{/name}"."comments_url": ""."events_url": ""."html_url": ""."id": 1111300101."node_id": "I_kwDOF7NJDM5CPRgF"."number": 24."title": "Docusaurus config Gitalk comment plugin"."user": {
"login": "kuizuo"."id": 61005888."node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjYxMDA1ODg4"."avatar_url": ""."gravatar_id": ""."url": ""."html_url": ""."followers_url": ""."following_url": "{/other_user}"."gists_url": "{/gist_id}"."starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}"."subscriptions_url": ""."organizations_url": ""."repos_url": ""."events_url": "{/privacy}"."received_events_url": ""."type": "User"."site_admin": false
"labels": [{"id": 3754161267."node_id": "LA_kwDOF7NJDM7fw_Rz"."url": ""."name": "Gitalk"."color": "ededed"."default": false."description": null
"id": 3754411279."node_id": "LA_kwDOF7NJDM7fx8UP"."url": ""."name": "blog"."color": "ededed"."default": false."description": null
"id": 3754517867."node_id": "LA_kwDOF7NJDM7fyWVr"."url": ""."name": "Docusaurus config Gitalk comment plugin"."color": "ededed"."default": false."description": null}]."state": "open"."locked": false."assignee": null."assignees": []."milestone": null."comments": 0."created_at": "2022-01-22T06:47:34Z"."updated_at": "2022-01-22T06:47:34Z"."closed_at": null."author_association": "OWNER"."active_lock_reason": null."body": "Https:// configuration Gitalk comments plugin \ n preface"."reactions": {
"url": ""."total_count": 0."+ 1": 0."1": 0."laugh": 0."hooray": 0."confused": 0."heart": 0."rocket": 0."eyes": 0
"timeline_url": ""."performed_via_github_app": null},]Copy the code
Related API documents => Github docs
Perhaps later you might consider using octokit.js to write a background query and delete management page.