The original address: xuzx. Making. IO / 2020/05/23 /…

What is incremental update

As APP continues to be updated iteratively with business requirements, with more and more functions (complex), the volume of APK package will become larger and larger, resulting in more bandwidth and download waiting time for each client upgrade and update operation. Therefore, it is necessary to seek some better update schemes.

Generally speaking, incremental update refers to the binary differential comparison between a new VERSION OF APK package and an old version of APK package to generate a smaller incremental package and then send it to the client for download and update. Incremental update is relative to full update. The process is shown in Figure 1.

Incremental updates can reduce traffic costs and reduce client upgrade time.

Figure 1 Incremental update process

Comparison of incremental update schemes

There are many incremental update solutions on the web, such as BSDiff, Xdelta, Courgette, etc. Since Courgette does not work with Android APK updates, it will not be compared here. Table 1 below is a comparison of the former two schemes.

Compare the item BSDiff Xdelta3
Open source company/author Colin Percival Joshua MacDonald
Open Source License BSD Apache 2.0 (version 3.x)
Current Version 4.3 (Version used in current research) 3.1.0 (Version used in current research)
Open Source project address The project address The project address
Coding format VCDIFF (RFC 3284)
Diff Dynamic library size (.dll) Around 300 KB Around 300 KB
Patch dynamic library size (.so) Around 250 KB Around 350 KB
Supported file size Max. 2 ^ 61-1B
Differential subcontracting compression algorithm bzip2 Huffman and LZMA
Compression level adjustment x Square root
The patch package is compressed twice x Square root
Window resizing x Square root
Learning cost assessment higher high
Integration difficulty In the In the
documentation general less
Using the heat More (wechat, QQ, Douyin) rare

Table 1 Framework comparison (Note: [-] : unknown; [√] : indicates support. [×] : not supported)

Contrast test

Environment configuration

  • Differential generation environment: Windows 10(64-bit), CPU I5-6500 (3.2ghz), RAM 16GB
  • Differential synthesis environment: SamSung SM-P583, Android 7.0, RAM 3GB
  • Differential tools: BSDiff(4.3) and Xdelta(3.1.0) generated by the MinGW 32-bit compiler

Note: The differential generation phase is usually operated on the server side, while the differential synthesis phase is usually operated on the mobile side.

Test Group 1 (APK around 15M)

The Flipboard redboard is selected as the test object, and the versions are 4.3.12 (14.5MB) and 4.3.13 (14.6MB) respectively. The test comparison data is shown as follows.

FIG. 2 Comparison of APK time around 15M

BSDiff Xdelta3
Differential generation time 19235ms 1867ms
CPU usage is generated differentially 29% 10%
Differential generation memory usage From 88 to 132 MB From 203 to 209 MB
Differential patch size 5.64 MB 5.7 MB
Differential synthesis time 3941ms 271ms
Differential synthesis CPU usage 12% 1% ~ 8.8%
Differential synthesis memory usage 32.8 MB 28.4 MB

Table 2 EXPERIMENTAL results of APK at around 15M

Test Group 2 (around 100M APK)

Wechat is selected as the test object, with versions 6.7.3 (75.5MB) and 7.0.3 (104MB) respectively. The test comparison data is shown below.

FIG. 3 Comparison of APK time around 100M

BSDiff Xdelta3
Differential generation time 375472ms 36517ms
CPU usage is generated differentially 29% 29%
Differential generation memory usage From 480 to 681 MB From 201 to 212 MB
Differential patch size 76.5 MB 76.4 MB
Differential synthesis time 48539ms 2915ms
Differential synthesis CPU usage 12% 1% ~ 12%
Differential synthesis memory usage 81.3 ~ 186.4 MB 94.3 MB

Table 3 Results of APK experimental data at around 100M

Test Group 3 (500M APK or so)

Here, the king of Chaos is selected as the test object, with versions (532MB) and (560MB) respectively. The test comparison data is shown below.

Figure 4 comparison of APK time around 500M

BSDiff Xdelta3
Differential generation time x 68538ms
CPU usage is generated differentially x 30%
Differential generation memory usage x From 203 to 212 MB
Differential patch size x 144MB
Differential synthesis time x 14443ms
Differential synthesis CPU usage x 1% ~ 12%
Differential synthesis memory usage x 82.7 ~ 87.5 MB

Table 4 Experimental results of APK around 500M

Test Group 4 (around 1.8GB APK)

Here, the game package PubG is selected as the test object, versions of which are 0.13.5(1.79GB) and 0.14.5 (1.86GB) respectively. The test comparison data is shown below.

FIG. 5 APK time comparison around 1.8g

BSDiff Xdelta3
Differential generation time x 514286ms
CPU usage is generated differentially x 31%
Differential generation memory usage x From 203 to 212 MB
Differential patch size x 0.99 GB
Differential synthesis time x 117527ms
Differential synthesis CPU usage x 1% ~ 12%
Differential synthesis memory usage x 83.7 ~ 94.9 MB

Table 5 Experimental results of APK around 1.8G

Note: The data are from the average of 5 experiments


From the previous several groups of test experiments combined with relevant source code, we can draw the following conclusions:

1) In terms of difference time, Xdelta3 is better than BSDiff in difference generation and difference synthesis, and the difference between the two is about 10 times. The difference synthesis is better than the difference generation.

2) From the aspect of memory consumption, with the increase of APK package size, BSDiff memory will double, but Xdelta3 is stable within a certain range;

3) When the APK package reaches a certain size, BSDiff(32-bit compiler) will have differential failure. It can be analyzed from the source code of C that a large number of dynamic memory space application is caused by the difference, which is also the main reason for the large memory occupied, but Xdelta can still difference;

4) In addition, BSDiff needs to read the old and new files into memory to form a string dictionary, sort (qsufsort), search (search) and so on, and generate the diffString and extra String blocks. Finally, the incremental package (patch) was generated by bzip2 compression. Meanwhile, it was found that the difference comparison operations such as sorting and searching took half of the time with the bzip2 compression generation operations. Xdelta3 uses the correlation window algorithm to block old and new files into memory, and generates incremental packages by comparing the differences.

5) It should be noted that the incremental packets generated by the two reinforcement packets cannot be combined with the unreinforcement packets;

6) Xdelta 3.1.1 is slightly optimized in terms of time consumption and memory compared with 3.1.0;

7) In addition, it is found that the Xdelta executable generated by different compilers has a related influence on the differential generation time. For example, the mingW-W64 compiler and CL compiler generate the execution file, and the time of the differential generation operation is about half different (the former is better).

Tips: This article is the blogger’s original article, if found in the article, welcome criticism and correction, thank you for your support!