What will be hot in 2022? What to learn? This paper is participating in”Talk about 2022 Tech Trends”The campaign


The initial release of HarmonyOS, which was released in August 2019, generated a lot of buzz in the market, even though the first version only supported Huawei’s latest smart screen development.

I have to say that my interest in HarmonyOS came from my background in Huawei, and over the past two years, HarmonyOS has proven to be not just a concept, but can be applied to current Huawei mobile phones, tablets, computers, smart screens, watches, and even car systems. All kinds of solutions are beginning to improve.

Let’s take a look at some of the milestones HarmonyOS achieved in 2021.

The 2021 HarmonyOS

With Huawei as its endorsement, HarmonyOS has no shortage of money or talent. On this basis, we look at its development in the past two years, or very methodical.

The first is the version update

Since September 2020, Hongmeng has released version 2.0 along with DevEco Studio, the Huawei Developer IDE.

This release is available across a wider range of devices and has given HarmonyOS developers a glimpse of the future.

At the time, however, there were only two additional categories for cars and smart wearables, and due to the cognitive limitations, many developers didn’t have a good starting point to use HarmonyOS.


The first version of the 2021 update began to focus on the architecture of the core of the framework, as well as the optimization of the basic functionality.


The update to version 2 adds guidance on how to provide service cards, but otherwise has little to focus on.


Two updates were released in June, with the first broadening the functionality HarmonyOS itself supports; The latter is to start refining the developer SDK.


September is still focused on updating the developer API.


The milestone came when HarmonyOS upgraded to version 3.0, officially naming the JS UI ArkUI and adding a number of functional interfaces to the original API.

After a year of hard work, HarmonyOS has perfected its development system.

At the end of HarmonyOS, an Android, or a Java, or even a front-end developer can get started faster than they could at the beginning of the year.

This may have something to do with Huawei’s launch of HarmonyOS on mobile phones, as mutual promotion can produce a better output.

The 2022 HarmonyOS

As HarmonyOS refines the developer SDK in 2021, let’s make a bold prediction.

In 2019, HarmonyOS released a concept version.

In 2020 HarmonyOS refined the core architecture and support for basic features, and began offering a Huawei developer IDE.

In 2021, HarmonyOS launched the developer SDK to win the hearts of the world.

In 2022, there will be a need to improve the SDK, which will expose more problems as developers flood in, and a core architecture update, or some real use cases at the event to attract developers and users.


I’ve been following HarmonyOS for two years, but it was only this year that I started working on it. I wanted to try it out, and I wanted to develop some widgets for my HarmonyOS huawei phone.

So how much do HarmonyOS understand and expect?