
My Java theory knowledge has not been very good, decided to start from 0 to sum up, think of and before uncertain (refer to the data to determine) knowledge sort out, refuze!! Insist!!

Java overview

Three Major Java systems

1, Java ase standard edition 2, JavaEE enterprise edition (mainstream) 3, JavaME micro edition

Download and Install JDK

You are advised to install JDK8 or later

Environment Variable Configuration

1, the JAVA_HOME

The root directory of the JDK installation, for example:

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2, the path

; %JAVA_HOME%\bin; %JAVA_HOME%\jre\binCopy the code


.; %JAVA_HOME%\lib; %JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar; %JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jarCopy the code

Verify that the installation and compilation run DOS

Verify the installation

java -version
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Compile operation

1. Javac: compile to class file

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Java: Run Java

java Hello
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public class HelloWorld{
	public static void main(String args[]){
		System.out.println("Hello World!"); }}Copy the code

Java Syntax Rules (specifications)

The source file name must be the same as the class name, and the suffix must be. Java 5. A source file can only contain one public class. There can be more than one other class (inner class, anonymous class) 6. All programs start execution from the main method (main()) entry 7

  1. The name must start with a letter, dollar sign, or underscore (_). It cannot start with a number
  2. Keywords cannot be used as identifiers


  1. Presenter: / /
  2. Multiple lines: / * * /

Java keyword

The common are here, you can recall the meaning and use of these keywords while watching, review and consolidate, check the gaps

Access control

private // Private mode
protected // Protection mode
public // Common mode
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Class, method, and variable modifiers

class// Declare a classabstract// Indicates that a class or member method has abstract propertiesextends/ / inheritancefinal// The final attribute cannot be changedinterface// Declare an interfaceimplements// Implement an interfacenew// Create a new instance objectstatic// indicates static propertiessynchronized// indicates that a piece of code needs to be executed synchronouslyvolatile// indicates that two or more variables must change simultaneouslyCopy the code

Program control statement

break // Break out of the loop
continue // Continue the next loop
return // Return data from member methods
do.while(a)// Execute at least once before deciding whether to continue the loop
if()..else // If, conditional judgment
for / / loop
instanceof // Check whether an object is an instance object of the specified type
switch // Branch statement
case // After switch, one of the branches is represented
default // Use default if none of the switches meet the criteria
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Error handling

try // Try a block of code that might throw an exception
catch // Catch the exception and process it
throw // Throw an exception
throws // Declare all exceptions that need to be thrown in the current member method
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Package related

import // Specify the package or class to access
package / / package
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Basic types of

boolean / / the Boolean
byte / / type byte
short / / short integer
int / / integer
long / / long integer
char / / character
float // Single-precision floating point
double // Double precision floating point
null // Null, note: cannot be assigned to primitive types (int,long...)
true / / true
false / / false
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Variable reference

super // Represents a reference to or constructor of the parent type of the current object
this // Represents a reference to the current object
void // Indicates that the current member method does not return a value
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Reserved keywords

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Constants and variables


Use final names to modify constants.

final String DEMO = "Hello";
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Final modifiers are allowed to be initialized only once and are usually used with static


Example: int a = 2;

The data type

Basic data type

Reference data type

Array class interface

Data type conversion

Automatic type conversion

2. Byte and short cannot be converted to char. The char value ranges from 0 to 65535. Byte and short both contain negative numbers. 3. A string is converted to a string type when connected to any data type. 4


Byte b = (byte)12 (byte b = (byte)12

The operator


+, -, *, /, %, ++, —

The assignment

=, +=, *=, /=, %/

To compare

<,>, >=, <=,! = = =


, &&, | |!

The ternary

Conditions? Value of true: value of false


Try to use parentheses for better readability


Checks whether the current object is of a specific type

Control process

The order


if else

switch case
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Do while executes at least once


Enhanced for loop

for(int hero : heros)
   // Code sentences
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The keyword


The innermost cycle stops completely


Stop this cycle and start the next one


Just end a method

An array of


The object stored on the heap, can save multiple variables of the same type array initialization, memory space is fixed, the length cannot change

Static initialization

int demoArray[3] = {1.2.3};
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Dynamic initialization

int demoArray[10];
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The statement

int[] a
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int[] a = new int[5];
int[] a = {};
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// The array index starts at 0
for (int i = 0; i < myList.length; i++) {
	System.out.println(myList[i] + "");
/ / for each cycle
for (double element: myList) {
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The Arrays class method

The sorting


To compare


Common operation

Sort (bubble, select) find Max, min and half search

To be honest, it’s a little hard… Come on!! Insist on!!!!!