JavaScript identifier

1. What is an identifier?

The name of a variable, function, attribute, or function argument.

2. Naming rules for identifiers:

(1) Consists of letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($)

(2) Do not start with a number

(3) Can not use keywords, reserved words as identifiers

What is a variable?

ECMAScript variables are loosely typed

Loose type: Can be used to hold any type of data

In other words, each variable is just a placeholder to hold the value

Variable naming conventions

1. Only numbers, letters, underscores (_), and $are allowed (cannot start with a number).

2. Be case sensitive

3. Don’t duplicate definitions/declarations

4. Keywords/reserved words cannot be used as variable names

5. Semantic hump naming

6. Name is name

  1. Keyword => js words that have been given special functions
  2. Reserved words => JS reserved words that may be used in the future

Key words:

Break, else, new,var, case, finally, return, void, catch, for, switch, while, continue, function, this, with, default, if, throw, Delete, in, try, do, Instranceof, TypeofCopy the code

Reserved words:

Abstract, enum, int, short, Boolean, export, Interface, static, byte, extends, long, super, char, final, native , synchronized, class,float, Package, throws, const, goto, private, TRANSIENT, debugger, implements, protected, volatile, double, import And the publicCopy the code
// The following are all valid variable names

let a;
let A;
let b333;
let _abc;
let $;
let $o0_0o$;
let_____.let _;

// The following are invalid variable names
let 123a;
let 12_a;
let abc@163;
letABC RMB;let let;
let class;
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Keywords, reserved words do not need to be able to remember, in the future learning process will be exposed to a large number of reserved keywords,

Define multiple ways to write a variable

Define a variable using the let keyword

The same variable cannot be defined more than once.

1. Assignment at definition (common)

The assignment operator variable is assigned with an equal sign. The equal sign is the assignment symbol. In JS, the equal sign has no other meaning.

let x = 10;  // A variable can be understood as a container used to store a value.
// Select * from a where a = 1; // Select * from a where a = 1
let y = 20; // JavaScript variable names are case sensitive, x and x are two different variables.

// = The Spaces on both sides are not necessary for aesthetics
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2. Define and assign

let x;
let y;
x = 10;
y = 20;
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3. Define multiple variables and separate them with commas (,)

let x,y;
x = 10;
y = 20;

/ / equivalent to the
let x = 10,
 	y = 20;
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Pay attention to

This is also valid if you forget to write the let command when assigning a value to a variable.

let a = 1;

// Basically equivalent

a = 1;
It is not recommended to omit the let operator to define global variables. It is recommended to always declare variables using the let command
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If you use a variable without declaring it, JavaScript will report an error telling you that the variable is undefined.

// ReferenceError: x is not defined
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4. Define constants

const x = 3.1315927;

// Const variables are called constants and are not allowed to be reassigned.

// Develop conventions for constant names in all uppercase
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= The left-hand side is a variable and cannot be an expression

let a = 10;
let b = 5; 
let c;
a - c = b   // The left side of the assignment operator cannot be an expression
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JavaScript programs are executed in lines, one line at a time. Typically, a line is a statement.

A statement is an operation to accomplish a task.

let a = 1 + 3;
// this statement uses let to declare variable A and then assigns the result of 1 + 3 to variable A
//1 + 3 is called expression, which refers to an expression used to get a return value.
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The difference between statements and expressions

Statements are used to perform an operation and generally do not return a value

The expression returns a value, and it must return a value. Expressions can be used wherever values are expected in the JavaScript language.

The same type of data (such as constants, variables, functions, etc.), with operation symbols according to certain rules connected, meaningful formula is called expression

For example, the right side of the equals sign of an assignment statement is expected to be a value, so various expressions can be placed.

More on that later

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, that is, there is no limit to the type of a variable, and variables can change their type at any time.

let a = 100;
a = "Cloud Mu Mu";
// The variable a is first assigned to a value and then reassigned to a string
// The second assignment does not need to use var because variable A already exists
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Distinguish between variables and immediate quantities

Do not enclose quotation marks around variables. If the variable is quoted, it becomes a direct value of the string.

let a = 200;
console.log("a");     //a

let a = "Hello, everybody.";
console.log(a);	/ / hello, everyone

// The quotation mark is the delimiter of "string", so the "a" in the double quotation mark has lost the meaning of the variable and is a string "a".
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The data type

In a language, there are all kinds of values.

All kinds of data are used to solve the needs of different application scenarios.

Basic types:

The number of numerical

String string

Boolean Boolean value

Undefined undefined

Null null pointer

Complex data types:


ES6 new

The only value symbol

Bigint big integer


Basic introduction

A string is a sequence of zero or more characters, that is, a string.

String is a technical term, which is basically what we say.

Strings can be wrapped in double quotation marks (” “) or single quotation marks (” “) or template strings (” “),

There is no difference in appearance, can be used at will

 let b = "YunMu"; / / double quotation marks
 let bb = 'Xue Baochai'; / / single quotation marks
 let bbb = 'Lin Daiyu'; // Template string
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If a number is enclosed in quotes, it’s a string.

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It is an error not to use quotation marks

// This is an error:
console.log(Yunmushuai B);Copy the code

Note that the quotation marks must be the same, mixing errors

console.log('xi xi ");Copy the code


There can be different kinds of quotes inside quotes, such as single quotes inside double quotes:

// Double quotation marks use single quotation marks
console.log("You smile like a flower.");
// Use double quotation marks
console.log("You smile like a flower.");
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If you want to use double quotation marks inside double quotation marks or single quotation marks inside single quotation marks

let b1 = "Cloud" "Pasture";
// Use \ to escape meaningful symbols into meaningless characters
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Can make no sense literallynConvert to a meaningful line break

// Escape characters
alert("How can you \n \n be \n so cute?");
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Boolean (logic) can have only two values: true or false.

let c = true; // true
let c = false //false
let d = 20 > 30;
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If JavaScript expects a location to be a Boolean, existing values at that location are automatically converted to Booleans.

Except the following six values are convertedfalse, all other values are treated astrue.

""or' 'or` `(Empty string)Copy the code
console.log(Boolean(""));//true An empty string with Spaces is also true
console.log(Boolean(2 - 2));//false
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Booleans are often used to control program flow

if (' ') {
// If is expected to be a Boolean value. JavaScript automatically converts an empty string to a Boolean value false
// Causes the program to not enter the code block, so there is no output.
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let a = 10;

let aa = 10 + 20;	// The expression is assigned to the aa variable
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The integer

In JavaScript, integer literals of numbers can have three bases:

Base 10: Ordinary numbers are decimal

Base 8: If the literal number starting with 0, 0o, or 0o is octal, octal contains only the digits 0 to 7

Hexadecimal: If the number begins with 0x, 0x the literal value is hexadecimal. Hexadecimal integers can contain (0-9) and the letters A-f or a-f


Binary values start with 0b, 0b

console.log(0b10) / / 2
console.log(0b1111) / / 15
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// Start with 0, is octal; It is displayed in decimal notation
console.log(017);  //15 //7 times 8 to the zero plus 1 times 8 to the first
console.log(0o17);   / / 15
console.log(0O17);   / / 15

console.log(044); //4 times 8 to the zero plus 4 times 8 to the first
console.log(010);    / / 8
console.log(0o36);  / / 30
console.log(0O36);  / / 30
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Pay attention to

Octal can only contain numbers from 0 to 7. If this number is not valid, JS will automatically assume that you entered the wrong number and display it in decimal:

console.log(080);  / / 80
// Start with 0, which should be octal, but the following number is wrong, so it should be decimal
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However, if the number starting with 0O or 0O is written incorrectly, the console will report an error!

// If the number is 0o, the following number is wrong, sorry, do not convert to 10, console error!
console.log(0o88);    / / an error
console.log(0O88);    / / an error

//// Console error syntax error
//Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
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// Hexadecimal:
console.log(0xff);    //255 f equals 15
console.log(0x2b);    / / 43
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The console reports an error if it is followed by an incorrect notation

// The console reported a syntax error
//Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
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Floating point Numbers

Inside JavaScript, all numbers are stored as 64-bit floating point numbers

A decimal or exponential.

In the computer world, decimals are called “floating point numbers”

Exponents are: you can use e to express the number of powers multiplied by 10

console.log(35.);  // 0.35 If the number of digits is 0, it can be omitted

console.log(5e5); / / 500000
console.log(5.2 e5);  / / 520000
console.log(1e-4);     / / 0.0001
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Only decimal has decimal literals; octal and hexadecimal have no decimal literals. So there’s no base for decimals

Because floating point numbers are not exact values, comparisons and operations involving decimals need to be done with extreme care

/ / 0.30000000000000004

console.log( (0.3-0.2) = = = (0.2-0.1));
// false
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Infinity means “Infinity” and is used to represent two scenarios

One is that a positive number is too large, or a negative number is too small to represent

The other way is if you divide by 0, you get Infinity.

/ / the scene
 console.log(Math.pow(2.1024)); // 2 to the 1024
// Infinity  
// The result of the expression is too large or too small to represent, so return Infinity

2 / / scene
 console.log(1/0);   // Infinity
// Instead of 0 divided by 0, Infinity is returned.
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InfinityThere are pluses and minuses,InfinityFor positive infinity,-InfinityMinus infinity

console.log(Infinity= = = -Infinity); // false
console.log(1  / 0 );    // Infinity
console.log(-1  / 0 ); // -Infinity
console.log(-1  / -0 ); // Infinity
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Because JavaScript does not report errors on positive overflow, negative underflow, and division by zero, pure math has little chance of throwing an error.

InfinityGreater than any value (exceptNaN),-InfinityLess than all values (exceptNaN).

console.log(Infinity > 88888);  // true
console.log(-Infinity < 88888); //true

//Infinity vs. NaN always returns false.
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NaN is a special JavaScript value called not a number, meaning “not a number.”

This occurs when parsing a string to a number fails.

NaN is not equal to any value, including itself.

console.log(1 - 'the cloud ranch DSB'); // NaN

//0 divided by 0 also gives NaN.
console.log(0/0);// NaN
// Note that NaN is not a separate data type, but a special value whose data type is still Number
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The isFinite method returns a Boolean value indicating whether a value is a normal value.

Return false if number is a NaN (non-number), or a number with positive or negative infinity.

console.log(isFinite(Infinity)); // false
console.log(isFinite(-Infinity)); // false
console.log(isFinite(NaN)); // false
console.log(isFinite(undefined)); // false

// All values except Infinity, -infinity, NaN, and undefined return false

//isFinite returns true for all other values.
console.log(isFinite(null)); // true
console.log(isFinite(Awesome!)); // true
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Undefined means the value is undefined

Undefined occurs when:

(1) If a variable is declared but not assigned, it is undefined.

I’m not going to talk about the next three

(2) When the function is called, the argument that should be provided is not provided, which is equal to undefined.

(3) The object has no assigned attribute. The value of this attribute is undefined.

(4) If the function does not return a value, undefined is returned by default.

let a;/ / undefined
console.log(address);// indicates that the variable is not assigned a value
let address = undefined; // Rarely used

// Define variables ahead of time, do not know the data type, assign values later.
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Null means empty, and unlike undefined,

Null indicates an empty object pointer, undefined

 let f = null;
 // Define a variable ahead of time to point to an empty memory address, knowing that the variable will store object data.

// When we need object destruction, array destruction, or delete event listeners, we usually set them to NULL.
box.onclick = null;
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If a variable that needs to hold an object does not actually hold an object, it should explicitly hold a null value. This not only demonstrates the convention of null as a pointer to an empty object, but also helps to further distinguish null from undefined


Undefined is derived from null, so undefined == null returns true

Object Indicates the data type of an Object

Objects are the most complex data types and can be divided into three subtypes.

  • Object in a narrow sense
  • Array
  • Functions

Array an Array

An array is a set of values arranged in order. Each value position is numbered (starting at 0), and the entire array is represented by square brackets.

// Array is used to store a set of data, which is itself a complex type, containing any other type of data

let a = [ "Lin Daiyu" ,"YunMu" , "Xue Baochai" , 200 ,true]

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The values

console.log( "Subscript 1 data :" , a[1]);console.log("Length of array",  a.length );// Take the length of the array
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To assign a value

a[0] = 100;// Reassign an item

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What if I put an extra comma in the middle and nothing in the middle

let b = [ "Lin Daiyu" , "YunMu"."Xue Baochai" , 200 ,true]

console.log( b );

console.log("Length of array", b.length );

console.log( "Subscript 2 data :" , b[2]);
// The array placeholder is empty, which is the data type of undefined
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In addition to assigning at definition time, arrays can also be defined before they are assigned.

let arr = [];

arr[0] = 'a';
arr[1] = 'b';
arr[2] = 'c';
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Nested values of an array

If the elements of an array are still arrays, you have a multidimensional array

	// Array --> array inside a nested array
        let a = [ 
            "Lin Daiyu"."YunMu"."Xue Baochai".200.true[Hulk."Iron Man"."Superman",]];console.log(a[5] [2]);/ / superman
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Object data (narrow sense)

Core concepts of Js

Object is a set of key-value pairs, is a kind of unordered composite data set

  // Object --> A description of a thing

let lindaiyu = {
    name : "Lin Daiyu Xiaobiji".// Attribute name (key name): attribute value (key value)
    sex : "Female".age : 16 ,				
    weight : "50kg".height : "150cm".marry : false


 All attribute names of the /* object are strings, quoted or unquoted, unless they do not comply with the rules for identifiers, such as the first character being a number containing a space or the operator */

// Attribute values can be of any data type

// Each property name is called a property. If the value of a property name is a function, the property is called a method

// Attributes are separated by commas, and the last attribute can be added or not

// Attribute names cannot be the same attribute values can be the same

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Object value

// The value is not obtained by serial number subscript

console.log(lindaiyu.a);// Return undefined when an object does not exist
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Object to modify

lindaiyu.marry = true
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Add new properties

lindaiyu.hobby = "Dui people";
Attributes can be created and added dynamically without having to be specified at object declaration time
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Object to delete

delete lindaiyu.age

// = Assignment cannot delete object attributes
lindaiyu.height = undefined;
lindaiyu.height = null;
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Simple exercise

 let lindaiyu = {
            name : "Lin Daiyu Xiaobiji".sex : "Female".age : 16 ,
            weight : "50kg".height : "150cm".marry : false.husband : {
                name : "YunMu".age : 18.hobby : ["Sing" , "Reading" , "Flute"]}};console.log(lindaiyu.husband.hobby[2]);/ / flute
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Built-in object, node object

Built-in objects (objects that JS defines for you in advance)

Node object (by the element to fetch)

console.log(window); // The built-in window object is read-only and mostly readable and writable
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The function object

A function is a block of code that can be called again and again

Encapsulate a bunch of code and don’t execute it right away.

function fn() {

// one of the ways to call a function (active call)
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The typeof operator

Detects the data type of a variable or data

The number type

// The variables defined below are of type number
var a = 200;       
var b = -123;
var c = 123.456;
var d = .5e4;
var e = 0xf0;
var f = 016;
var g = Infinity;       
var h = NaN;

console.log(typeof a);
console.log(typeof b);
console.log(typeof c);
console.log(typeof d);
console.log(typeof e);      
console.log(typeof f);
console.log(typeof g);
console.log(typeof h);
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All numbers in JS are of type number

Number stuff, all numbers (positive and negative, integer, size, base, etc.),Infinity, NaN, not subdivided into integers, int, float, all that crap.

String String type

var str1 = "Hello?";
var str2 = "250";   
var str3 = "";      // An empty string, also a string
console.log(typeof str1);
console.log(typeof str2);
console.log(typeof str3);
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Boolean type

Boolean type (Boolean type). Boolean types have only two values true,false, that is, true or false

var bool = true;  
console.log(bool );
console.log(typeof bool);  // boolean

// Note: true, false are not quoted, so they are not strings
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Undefined type

Let only one variable, no initial value, its default value is undefined;

Undefined is its own, and its type and value are undefined. There is only one value page of this type.

var un;   // I just defined it, no initial value is assigned, so it is undefined and the type is undefined
console.log(typeof un);   // undefined
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console.log(typeof null);// object
console.log(typeof []);// object
console.log(typeof {});// object
console.log(typeof window);// object A built-in object
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Null When typeof detection is used, the data type is Object

Historical reasons. The first version of the JavaScript language in 1995,

Only five data types (object, integer, floating point, string, and Boolean) were designed, and NULL was not considered, just as a special value of Object.

Later, null became a separate data type, and for compatibility with previous code, typeof NULL returned object could not be changed.

 console.log(typeof null);// Object but null
// It is recommended to define an unknown object as null first
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console.log(typeof function a(){}) // function
// function makes a better distinction between ordinary objects and function objects
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Assignment and value

The assignment

let a = 10; // assign --> 10 to variable A
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The values

let b = a * 10;// Take the value of variable A and multiply it by 10 and assign it to variable b
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Values and assignments of array and object data

  • An array of
let arr = [10 , 20];
console.log(arr[0]); / / value
arr[0] = 100 / / assignment

let a = 10;
let b = a * 10;
let arr1 = [a , b]; // The value should be stored as data, but it is a variable, and the corresponding data should be found

/ /
let arr2 = ["a" , "b"]; // A and B are string data stored directly.
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If YOU write a directly into the array, but a is not defined

let arr = [a];
< span style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em; Undefined is a data type, not an error
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  • object
let obj = {x : 66 , y : 99};
console.log(obj.x);/ / value

obj.x = 200;// reassign
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In addition to the. Operation, an object can also be evaluated by []

Pay attention to

If square brackets are used, the attribute name must be enclosed in quotes, otherwise it will be treated as a variable


// If used. Operator x is a string
// x is the variable if the square bracket operator is used without quotes
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Usage scenarios

Square brackets can replace the dot operator, but if you want to access nonconforming attribute names such as example values, you must use []

console["log"] ("If clouds were a letter in the sky");
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