Python is an object-oriented programming language that is easier to learn and read than other languages, making it ideal for rapid development. Python is a great way to get started. Python is easier to learn than other programming languages. Why learn Python?

It is reported that there are millions of Python users around the world, many of whom are zero-based, have no programming experience or have only a little knowledge of the language. When choosing a programming language, they are faced with many choices and do not know which language is suitable for their in-depth study.

Python is extremely fast and readable, making it ideal for multi-party projects. It is much more reusable and easy to maintain than traditional scripting languages. Compared with popular programming languages such as Java, C and C++, Python can write short and concise code to complete the same function, and its development efficiency is several times higher than that of other languages.

Python supports multi-platform development. Code written with Python can be ported between Linux and Windows without any conversion, and there are no compatibility issues with Apple OS. Not only is your own code has portability, even the system provides some GUI graphical programming, database operations, web network programming interface can be easily transplanted to any system.

Finally, and most importantly, Python has a very rich standard library, and the standard library and Python installer are installed directly on your system without additional downloads. These modules of the standard library range from strings to network scripting, game development, scientific computing, database interfaces, etc