Recently, Cloud Toolkit has officially launched a new plug-in for IntelliJ and Eclipse platforms. This article picks out three of the major features for interpretation. Click the jump link on the official website at the end of this article to see the detailed version description.

  • Local applications are deployed to any machine with one click
  • IDE built-in command line terminal
  • Files are uploaded to the server

Add machines to IntelliJ or Eclipse

It is important to note that although this plug-in is the official plug-in of Ali Cloud, we know that our developers, there are many original machines, as well as offline environment, so this plug-in is not only suitable for Ali cloud ECS, any machine that supports the standard SSH protocol, can be applied to drop!

In IntelliJ or Eclipse, you can configure your machine into the IDE through the graphical boot interface provided by the plug-in.

Built-in Terminal

In IDE, developers can directly access the remote server through the built-in Terminal with one click.

Deploy the application to a remote server

The Cloud Toolkit helps developers to deploy local applications to their own offline VMS or aliyun ECS, EDAS and Kubernetes with one click.

Are you experiencing repeated packaging every time you change the code? Upload using SCP tool? Log in to the server using XShell or SecureCRT? Replace the deployment package? Restart?

From now on, let the Cloud Toolkit do the repetitive work!

  • After deploying to the ECS, you do not need to switch between a series of O&M tools. You only need to select the target ECS instance on the GRAPHICAL interface of Cloud Toolkit to deploy the application to the ECS specified directory

  • Your own VM supports the SSH standard protocol, and you can even deploy your application to any machine

  • Deployment to EDAS for Ali Cloud EDAS developers can put native code

Associate with cloud applications for automatic deployment

  • For Aliyun Kubernetes developers, local code and cloud containers can be associated to achieve automatic image upload and deployment

File upload

The Cloud Toolkit helps developers to upload local or remote URL files to the specified directory on the server with one click within the IDE, without frequent switching between various FTP and SCP tools. More importantly, after uploading files, commands can be executed, such as decompressing files and starting programs.

The website

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Requirements Bug feedback

Yin Shi is product manager of Cloud Toolkit and author of “From Paxos to ZooKeeper”.