The graphQL_FLUTTER component of FLUTTER was used to link to the GraphQL server.

A recent whim occurred to me to develop a Web-side application with Flutter, compile it into a Web package, and distribute it with a Ruby on Rails back end that provides services.

The idea is that Ruby on Rails, using the GraphQL-Ruby component, provides the GraphQL backend service.

Develop the front end of Flutter with the Web side, compile the web package, and copy the Web package to the public directory of the Ruby on Rails project to merge the front end and back end. Graphql is used to communicate.

Ruby on Rails has given the front-end to webPack-managed JS packages such as React and Vue, so flutter should also work.

I was totally disgusted today.

To develop the Web side of flutter, convert the flutter version to Dev:

flutter channel dev

flutter upgrade

I was able to open web development and found that all requests to the GraphQL server reported errors. The GraphQL query tested in various tools was correct, but changed when I got into flutter. There is no get event in the route that defines the graphQL path.

Repeatedly tested many times, in the Android virtual machine also tested once, still wrong.

The flutter branch has to be cut back to stable:

flutter channel stable

flutter upgrade

I can’t find localhost. I’m using Windows 10, and the server runs on ubuntu on the native WSL. All the test tools on Windows were fine, including graphQL test tool, Postman test tool, etc.

There’s no way. Change it to a direct binding IP address. Flutter pulled graphQL data.

Dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev dev

What the hell is that all about? It’s totally incomprehensible.