Spend only 3 minutes a day, so I hope you can save more time on dating in the New Year!

To start preparing

  1. To avoid wasting important blocks of code, go to the BROWSER’s F12 console before you start the game

  2. Role selection is best + jump that, early advantage will be relatively large, after going in, the first to execute an ↑ code block

  3. Find the following interface in the console’s Network:


  1. Record the request Headersauthorizationandx-tt-gameid, and in the address baruid

According to the abnormal problems reported by digger, the unified supplementary explanation is as follows:

The authorization and X-TT-GameID parameters of each office are different and need to be obtained and modified

Automation stage

1. Copy the following code tonotepadAnd willCustom areaThe parameters are complete

2. Copy the complete code toThe console, press Enter to execute!

The commandStep value needs to be modified each time it is executed, and the order of execution is as follows:

If the prompt XXX code block is insufficient, it is necessary to downgrade the execution steps (for example, if the prompt appears in the later stage, then perform the middle or early stage). If the prompt still appears after the degraded to the early stage, consider directly opening the next game (recommended) or manually obtaining the missing code block!

await (async function letUsGo(){
        / / · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · custom area START · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
        / / your uid
	let uid = ' ';
        // Authorization in the request header
	let authorization = ' ';
        // X-tt-gameid in the request header
	let gameid = ' ';
        // 0: opening left 1: opening right 2: middle 3: late flight 4: late sweep
	let commandStep = 0;
        / / · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · custom area END · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
	let commandArr = [
            // Start to the left
            [{"times":2."command": ["2"."L"."D"."L"."4"."D"."6"."R"."D"."R"]}],
            // Start to the right
            [{"times":2."command": ["2"."R"."D"."R"."6"."D"."4"."L"."D"."L"]}],
            / / mid -
            [{"times":10."command": [{"times":2."command": ["D"."2"."L"."D"."L"."4"."D"."6"."U"."L"."D"."R"]},"L"."D"] {},"times":2."command": ["U"."U"."8"."R"] {},"times":10."command": [{"times":2."command": ["D"."2"."R"."D"."R"."6"."D"."4"."U"."R"."D"."L"]},"R"."D"] {},"times":2."command": ["U"."U"."8"."L"]}],
            // Late stage: 10,000 meters fly
            [{"times":10."command": [{"times":2."command": ["D"."2"."L"."D"."L"."4"."D"."6"."U"."L"."D"."R"]},"L"."D"] {},"times":2."command": ["U"."U"."8"."R"] {},"times":10."command": [{"times":2."command": ["D"."2"."R"."D"."R"."6"."D"."4"."U"."R"."D"."L"]},"R"."D"] {},"times":2."command": ["U"."U"."8"."L"]}],
            // Later stage: ruthless sweep
            [{"times":10."command": ["L"."L"."L"."4"."L"."L"."L"."4"."D"."R"."R"."R"."6"."R"."R"."R"."6"] {},"times":3."command": ["U"."U"."L"."L"."8"."4"] {},"times":6."command": ["D"."2"."L"."D"."L"."4"."D"."6"."U"."L"."D"."R"]},"L"."D", {"times":10."command": ["R"."R"."R"."6"."R"."R"."R"."6"."D"."L"."L"."L"."4"."L"."L"."L"."4"] {},"times":3."command": ["U"."U"."R"."R"."8"."6"] {},"times":6."command": ["D"."2"."R"."D"."R"."6"."D"."4"."U"."R"."D"."L"]},"R"."D"]].let coreCode = commandArr[commandStep];
	let loop = commandStep <= 1 ? 2 : 4;
	let params = {"command": []};
	let linshiyinyong = params;
	for (let i = 0; i<loop; i++){ linshiyinyong['command'].push({"times": 10."command": []});
	  linshiyinyong = linshiyinyong.command[0];
	  if (i >= loop-1) { linshiyinyong.command.push(... coreCode); } } linshiyinyong =null;
	let datarus = await fetch('https://juejin-game.bytedance.com/game/sea-gold/game/command?uid=' + uid + '&time=' + Date.parse(new Date());method: 'POST'.credentials: "include".headers: {
		'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'.'authorization': authorization,
		'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'.'content-length': JSON.stringify(params).length,
		'x-tt-gameid': gameid,
	  body: JSON.stringify(params)
	}).then(async (res) => {
		return res.json();
	returndatarus; }) ();Copy the code

In theory, this script simply eliminates the need to manually place code blocks and wait for animations, as long as you can play it manually, it works!


After each execution, it is best to refresh to see if there is any stuck terrain, if there is, you need to manually control the character to go out, and then the next stage

The final conclusion

See here, you give me a thumbs-up!!

Have a question to ask me directly good, wish everyone can change point limit badge 🙄🙄🙄, hang on the bag!