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🟧 ONNX installation

  • πŸ’œ ONNX person | ONNX – Python installation 】 【

πŸ“™ effective entry target detection YOLO combat series selection

🟦 YOLO Theory explanation learning chapter

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  • πŸ’™ YOLOv2 / YOLO9000 For in-depth understanding
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🟧 Yolov5 series

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  • πŸ’œ YOLOv5 COCO training data sets | 】 【 YOLOv5 training

🟨 YOLOX series

  • πŸ’› YOLOX | | testing peak COCO repetition training 【 YOLOX combat 】
  • πŸ’› YOLOX (pytorch) model ONNX export | run reasoning YOLOX practical 2 】 【
  • πŸ’› YOLOX (PyTorch) model to ONNX to NCNN operation reasoning
  • πŸ’› YOLOX (PyTorch) Model to tensorRT Operation Inference

🟦 Yolov3 series

  • Yolov3 (darknet) training – testing – model conversion ❀️darknet to NCNN C++ operation reasoning ❀️

🟦 continue to add updates

❀️ everyone, don’t forget to collect, thank sanlian ❀️

❀️ Life is too short. Welcome to learn AI πŸ’œ with Murray