WHO: Six years programmer in insurance industry

WHEN: I have been working in that insurance company since I graduated from university. I worked as a basic programmer for about three years, and then I became a team leader. Then I took the PMP exam, and GRADUALLY BEGAN to transform myself into a project manager.

WHY: The systems of insurance companies are relatively traditional, such as basic Spring MVC, Mybatis, mysql, Fansoft report, etc. The business service attributes are very heavy, so when they get used to it, they pay more attention to business understanding and system stability. This is also a big difference between traditional IT and the Internet, so many technical programmers yearn for Internet companies to technology precipitation. However, traditional IT also has advantages, and can learn more comprehensive abilities, including business ability and management ability. Secondly, traditional IT has certain resource monopoly and unique industry barriers. Unlike the Internet, their product life cycle is generally short and their technology is updated and iterated quickly. This is very similar to the stock market, long-term investors belong to value investment, there are certain rules and trends, there are no ups and downs (traditional IT); But to do short-term, pay more attention to the concept + theme, more like gambling, high risk, high return (Internet). The development direction of programmers in the insurance industry is mainly software development engineer -> development team leader -> project manager -> regional head -> Group executive (VP). The direction of the students is clear, and they are ready to consider management direction. So this is also one of the reasons why other students have moved to many companies, but he still insists. Of course, he also went to the interview during the water, treatment and the nature of the job with the current not bad too much, so nothing. The reasons for making up my mind to change jobs this year are as follows: 1. I bought a house last year, and I am burdened with mortgage and parking space loans every month. Besides, I am going to get married next year, so I need more money. 2. Outsourcing companies (outsourcing is very common in the financial and insurance industry, and many large technology companies also have a large proportion of outsourcing) are not particularly stable. They have changed their office space several times during this period. At present, about two weeks after I joined the bank, it is difficult to communicate with the bank. Different teams may be in charge of different functional modules and service layers in a large system. Project management is more inclined to waterfall flow. The realization of a function needs to be supported by many requirements documents and API documents. When there is a problem, many people need to find someone to confirm it. However, the management is still relatively standard, and there are many overtime. I usually get off work at about 9 o ‘clock, and I often work overtime on Saturday. The canteen of the bank is also very affordable, saying that three dishes and a soup is less than 15 yuan, unlike our canteen, just take two dishes can reach 20 yuan. At present, his main work is to sort out the documents and specifications related to the project team and get familiar with the business. He will also get involved in some technical work later. If there is a certain management ability of programmers, transformation to do project manager, in fact, there is an advantage. We can also look at the requirements for project managers in many tech companies today: