As a helpless and painful programmer, I for the future house car, the first of the Linux VMNET link network mode to the whole understand: a: VMNet1 is the use of host-only link mode, that is, the virtual machine can only form internal communication with the host, can not access the external network. 2: VMNet0: The bridge mode is used. After the VM is installed, VMS are created in this mode by default. Scenario: If you only need a VM that can communicate with the host and access the Internet, use this mode. Description: Network adjustment is not required after the VM system is installed. The DHCP server included in Routes on the physical network automatically identifies the VM and assigns IP addresses to the VM. If there is no route, you can manually assign routes in the system. In principle, the routes are in the same network segment with the host and point to the same gateway. Scenario: Multiple VMS are installed on the host to form a small LOCAL area network (LAN) with the host. The host and VMS can communicate with each other, and the VMS can also access the Internet, for example, building a Hadoop cluster and providing distributed services

We are now talking about the third configuration. Gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway, gateway Similarly, messages sent from one network to another must pass through a “gateway”, called a gateway. As the name implies, a Gateway is a “Gateway” through which one network connects to another. Gateways usually end with a 2. The gateway configuration format is 192.168.***.2 (where *** represents any number)

Step 1: The third bit of the IP address must be the same as 62

Enter vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33, then press I to start typing the content shown in the following figure.

Step 3: Obtain the Mac address of Linux: Enter IP addr.