The year 2022 has already arrived, and we must have set a lot of goals and flags for the New Year, such as how much exercise we should start this year, and how many books we should read this year.

If you don’t know what to read, I suggest you choose from the following 15 books. Of these 15 books, I have read 12 intensively at least once, except the three that I have not read completely: High-performance MySQL, Database System Concept and How MySQL Works.

If I get a chance, I’ll share some of the books I plan to read this year.

The database

Database Basics

Designing Data-Intensive Application (DDIA) is a powerful book worth reading many times! Nearly 90 percent of douban’s readers gave the book five star reviews.

Although I classified this book as database basics, it actually covers much more than database basics, including distributed databases, data partitioning, transactions, distributed systems, and more.

Most of the concepts introduced in this book have probably been heard before, but when you read the book, it’s easy to say, “Wow! So that’s it! Isn’t that how some technology works?” .

I previously wrote an article recommending this book “Douban 9.7! This technical book is directly sealed”, which has received nearly 1,000 + likes and 3,000 + favorites on the whole network.

“Database system concept” this book covers a full set of concepts of database system, the knowledge system is clear, it is a very classic textbook to learn database system! Not a reference book!


Try out how MySQL Works, which is a great book to prepare for an interview. Very detailed, but not boring, the content is very conscience!

High Performance MySQL is a must-read book for advanced MySQL. It is not suitable for getting started with MySQL. After all, it is mainly about the underlying principles of MySQL and performance improvement, and focuses on teaching you how to use MySQL better, not how to use MySQL.

There is both theory and practice! If you don’t have time to read them all, I recommend chapters 5 (Creating high-performance indexes) and 6 (Query performance optimization) be sure to take a closer look.


A very classic Redis book, published 7 years, a total of 24 prints. I wrote an article about Redis Design and Implementation 7 years ago, 24 years old, published a Redis God Book.

Java based

Java Core Technologies Volume 1+ Volume 2 are two excellent books on Java fundamentals. However, these two books contain a lot of information and would take time to read them all. I now take these two books as a reference book to use, such as when I usually write an article, encounter some Java basic aspects of the problem, often turn over these two books as a reference!

Java concurrency

Java Concurrency implementation Principles: JDK Source Code Anatomy is a new book published in 2020, so not many people know about it yet. However, highly recommended, the content is very good!

This book focuses on some of the most important source code for the Java Concurrent package, as well as important concurrency knowledge such as JMM, Happening-before, CAS, and so on.

Whether you want to delve deeper into Java concurrency or prepare for an interview, you can read this book.


For Java programmers, the JVM helps us do a lot of things like memory management, garbage collection, and so on. With the help of the JVM, the probability of memory leaks in our programs is relatively low. However, this does not mean that we do not encounter it in our daily development work. If you encounter OOM problems at work, you should at least know how to check and solve the problem!

And, from a pure interview perspective, the JVM is a very important part of the Java backend interview process. Whether you are a recent graduate or a social recruiter, you will be asked a lot of questions about the JVM during your interview with some of the major companies in China.

Only when you understand the JVM can you truly “understand” the Java language. When studying this part of the JVM, be sure to combine practice with theory.

“In-depth understanding of Java virtual machine” this book is a word to describe: domestic books in the fighter, really excellent! (I really hope there are more excellent books like this in China! Come on! 💪)

The third edition of this book has been published at the end of 2019, adding a lot of practical content such as the principle analysis of the new generation of GC such as ZGC. At present douban is 9.5 high score, 🐂 not 🐂 I will not say more!

Whether you’re interviewing for a job or you want to learn more about Java, you can’t do without this book. Not only should you read this book, you should read it several times, it’s full of dry stuff. There are a few more things in this book that you need to practice, and I suggest you do the same.

The code quality

Effective Java is a national treasure in the Java field. It’s a classic. Java programmers must see!

This book focuses on the most useful rules of thumb in Java programming, which cover solutions to problems that most developers face every day. This article is very practical to help you write clearer, more robust, and more efficient code. Each rule in this book is presented as a short, self-contained article, and is further illustrated with example code.

Refactoring is a must-read for programmers! Needless to say. A gem in the field of programming books.

Martin Fowler’s book is one of the most classic books in software development. It is now in its second edition.

Programmer professionalism

The Clean Coder is another classic by Uncle Bob.

Clean Code and The Clean Coder are both translated into Clean Code in China, which I think is not elegant enough.

In addition, the content of the two is also very different. Clean Code is a book that explains how to improve your Code at the Code level. The Clean Coder is written from The perspective of how to become a better developer. It teaches you how to be more professional in your field, how to say no, how to manage time, how to deal with stress, and more.

The Myth of the Man-Month describes the basic law of software development: Ten people can’t do a job that takes ten days in one day!

At first glance, the title doesn’t sound like a technical book. However, such a seemingly unrelated programming title has become a classic in the field of programming for a long time.

This book has profound significance for standardizing the development of modern software, especially complex software.


The Phoenix Architecture is a book I’ve recommended many times. See historical article for more details:

  • Another divine book from Teacher Zhou Zhiming! Find the treasure!
  • Another magic book in Java! Teacher Zhou Zhiming YYDS!

The book “Phoenix Architecture” is a summary of Mr. Zhou Zhiming’s many years of experience in architecture and research and development. The content is very dry, both depth and breadth, theory combined with practice!


From Paxos to Zookeeper is a great introduction to distributed theory. This book mainly introduces several typical distributed consistency protocols and how to solve distributed consistency problems, especially Paxos and ZAB protocols.

Micro service

Microservices Architecture Design Patterns is a book written by Chris Richardson, one of the world’s top ten software architects and a pioneer of microservices architecture, with a rating of 9.6 on Douban. The sample code uses the Java language and the Spring framework. Helps you design, implement, test, and deploy microservices-based applications.

Hello, I am Guide, focus on Java original dry products to share, junior open source JavaGuide (” Java learning + interview Guide “a cover most Java programmers need to master the core knowledge. Prepare for Java interviews, preferably JavaGuide!) , currently has 115K + Star.

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