Dear readers:

Everybody is good! The year of 2021 has come to an end. In this year, the series of “Aliyun Cloud Native” products have been constantly upgraded and improved, committed to building better cloud experience and innovation for users. At the same time, Alibaba cloud native public account also ushered in a huge growth, there are many new friends to join us hand in hand, together to think, explore and build the future of cloud native.

In 2021, we shared 512 articles in total, with an average of 42 per month. Technical experts from alibaba’s internal and external open source communities contributed many high-quality articles, and Alibaba Cloud Native was awarded the title of Outstanding Technical Team of OPEN Source China OSCHINA.

Recently, we have selected 10 articles from the two dimensions of “most popular among developers” and “Most influential in the industry”, and share the wonderful content with you again.

The most popular articles for developers

TOP 1: Alibaba Cloud container service is fully upgraded to ACK Anywhere, extending the boundary of cloud to every scene that enterprises need

Author: Aliyunyun native team

At the end of September, In Shanghai Ali Cloud Computing Summit, Ali Cloud released ACK Anywhere, creating a new generation container platform of “computing without boundaries and carrying infinite load”, and further extending the public cloud capability to localization. Customers can also experience low cost, low delay and localized public cloud products in self-built data centers. At the same time, we launched three new products: ACK release, ACK Agile Edition and ACK ONE Distributed cloud container platform to make cloud everywhere.

Shu Tong: Cloud native is the shortest path for enterprise digital innovation

Author: Uncle Tong

In the future, every enterprise in the world will be a digital software enterprise. There may be no unified path for digital transformation, but it has been verified by practice that cloud native is the shortest path for enterprises to realize digital innovation. Aliyun cloud native is committed to providing five core values for enterprises: resource flexibility, system stability, agile application, business intelligence, credible security, so that enterprises can rest assured to use the cloud, use the cloud.

TOP 3: KubeVela 1.0: Unlocking the future of programmable application platforms

Author: KubeVela project maintainer

The release of KubeVela V1.0 is the result of maximizing our validation based on the OAM model and cloud native application delivery scenarios, and represents not only a stable API, but also a mature usage paradigm. This is not the end, however, but a new beginning, opening the future of a “programmable” application platform, an effective way to unleash the full potential of cloud native technology, enabling end users and software deliverers to enjoy it from day one. We expect this project to fulfill its most modest vision: Make shipping applications more enjoyable!

TOP 4:50% cost drop, next generation gateway shock release

Author: Rufeng

MSE cloud native gateway combines the traffic gateway and micro-service gateway into one, providing users with rich authentication capabilities. Meanwhile, it can directly connect to back-end services, open up multiple service sources of Nacos/Eureka/K8s, and take the lead in supporting Apache Dubbo3.0 protocol, whose technology has been accumulated for a long time. It has passed the 2020 Double 11 test and received 100,000 requests per second. Overall, MSE cloud Native Gateway has more economic, more secure, more unified, more stable product advantages!

TOP 5: Cluster mirroring: Efficient distributed application delivery

Author: Zhong Yi

Sealer is alibaba’s open source cluster mirroring implementation of Build Share Run for distributed software by packaging the entire cluster!! It is hoped that sealer will allow users to customize clusters in a very simple way, solving the problem of collaboration between distributed software producers and consumers. Provides extremely simple and friendly User Interface, can shield and compatible with various low-level technical details, running everywhere. At the same time, ecological construction is carried out to cover common distributed software in the official warehouse.

TOP 6: Alibaba Cloud Technology expert interpretation: Six container technology trends in 2021

Author: Ali Cloud Container Service team

Based on the cloud native architecture, enterprises can maximize the use of cloud capabilities and focus on their own business development. Developers can also improve development efficiency and focus more on the implementation of business logic based on cloud native technologies and products. It can be seen that cloud native technology represented by container is becoming the shortest path to release cloud value.

TOP 7: Quickly learn about cloud native architecture

Author: Kongyi

Cloud native architecture is also a software architecture in essence. Its biggest feature is that it runs in the cloud environment, which is also an extension of microservices.

TOP 8: This year’s Double 11, Ali business 100% on the cloud, cloud native technology highlights?

Author: Aliyunyun native team

“Cloud native product family” and “cloud native middleware product family” are constantly upgrading: 1) Build a solid technical base based on unified scheduling container services; 2) Cloud native open source, self-research, commercialization trinity, comprehensive upgrade to middleware public cloud products; 3) Function calculation FC: Serverless Faster!

TOP 9: The industry’s first cloud native technology in Taiwan product cloud native Stack!

Author: He Yi

Today, enterprises are still facing great challenges in digital transformation. Although many new technologies are emerging and cloud manufacturers and ISVs are helping enterprises in transformation, enterprises still need to solve some pain points in the actual implementation process. It is because of the technical difficulties faced by enterprises in digital transformation that Ali Cloud released the industry’s first cloud native technology medium Taiwan product — Cloud native Stack (CNStack for short).

TOP 10: WebAssembly + Dapr = Next Generation Cloud Native Runtime?

Author: Yi Li

As a rational optimist, every technology has its green days, and I expect the community to work together to make computing ubiquitous and innovation at your fingertips a reality.

The most influential articles in the industry

Cloud Computing Conference “cloud native” blockbuster release

Author: Aliyunyun native team

In the 2021 Cloud Conference, Ali Cloud released a number of cloud native products new upgrades! ACK Anywhere, ACK Distribution, ACK Agile edition, Cloud Native Stack (CNStack), functional computing FC, Serverless application engine SAE. Make the cloud ubiquitous and innovation at your fingertips.

RocketMQ 5.0 new upgrade: message, event and stream fusion processing platform

Author: Aliyunyun native team

RocketMQ5.0 is no longer limited to the basic scenario of message decoupling, but provides the ability to process messages, events, and streams in an integrated way with the benefits of a unified kernel and storage. RocketMQ 5.0 moves beyond message decoupling to event-driven and message-streaming scenarios. The second is the technical architecture and trend of one-stop fusion processing.

TOP3: Dubbo3.0 | alibaba service framework trinity of choice and practice

Authors: Pan Shengwei, Dong Jiankai

The service framework, like the rails of the railway, is the foundation of interworking. Only when the interworking of the service framework is solved, can the higher level business interworking be completed. Therefore, it is an inevitable trend to unify the same standard, merge into one and build a new generation of service framework. Dubbo3.0 is the fusion of Dubbo2.0 and HSF. It is the only standard service framework of ali economy for internal business, commercialization and open source.

TOP4: thinking and practice behind alibaba’s service grid technology trinity strategy

Authors: Zong Quan, Yu Zeng

In software development, we cannot “create” business scenario requirements behind closed doors. Business scenarios and product features need to be refined, and open source provides us with a platform for joint innovation, based on which we can jointly define norms and standards.

TOP5: aliyun launched cloud native accelerator to embrace the digital era together with ecological enterprises

Author: Aliyunyun native team

Today, thousands of industries are embracing cloud computing, cloud native, digital innovation and upgrading. As the first enterprise to practice cloud native in China, Alibaba began to explore the field of cloud native in 2006. In order to better help the development of ecological partners in the field of cloud native, after the launch of the cloud native partner plan last year, Ali Cloud officially released the cloud native accelerator to embrace the digital era with ecological enterprises.

How to learn Kubernetes Knowledge Graph effectively?

Author: Aliyunyun native team

This course follows the learning path of cloud native talent to build curriculum system framework, and talent development route to set up different stages, from shallow to deep, to help cloud native talent learn container foundation, Kuternetes network, storage, resource object, service discovery, application layout and management of Kubernetes complete technology stack content, Through theory, practice and experience, it provides a basic environment for the accumulation of professional skills for the majority of cloud native talents to complete relevant certification qualifications.

TOP7: Say goodbye to Kafka Stream and make lightweight Stream processing easier

Author: White Japan

In order to solve the problem of Kafka Stream as a Stream processing library that provides concrete classes to developers to call directly, we provide a more lightweight solution: Kafka ETL functionality. Using the Kafka ETL feature, you can implement ETL by simply configuring the Kafka console and writing a piece of cleaning code online. Any problems with high availability, maintenance, etc., are left entirely to Kafka.

TOP8: Serverless engineering practice | Serverless application optimization and debugging tips

Author: Liu Yu

Debugging of Serverless applications has always been criticized, but cloud vendors have not stopped exploring the debugging direction. Taking Ali Cloud function computing as an example, it provides online debugging, local debugging and other debugging programs.

TOP9: aliyun EventBridge event-driven architecture practice

Author: Zhou Xinyu

We believe that the event-driven future has two parts. One is to do a good job of connectivity and integration within and across the cloud to make users’ diverse architectures more efficient. The second is the integration of the open source ecosystem. We can see that the open source ecosystem is becoming more and more vigorous, so we also need to integrate the data in the open source ecosystem. In addition, there are traditional IDC computing capacity, edge computing capacity these ecological need to have connectivity software to connect it.

TOP10: Evolution of full-link resource isolation technology for Ali large-scale business and subordinates

Authors: Qian Jun, Nan Yi

Through computing resources, memory resources, storage resources, network resources such as the isolation of the link, as well as a millisecond adaptive scheduling ability, ali can secure under the double tenth of a flow, with intelligent decision-making and operational ability, to support the internal millions of level of Pod mix, whether it is CPU and GPU resources, general containers and security, All kinds of heterogeneous infrastructure, including domestic environment, can realize efficient mixing, which reduces the production cluster cost of Alibaba’s core e-commerce business by more than 50%, while making the interference of core business less than 5%.

Thank you again for the readers of “Alibaba Cloud native” public number support! In 2022, we will continue to provide you with quality technical content

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