“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

“IT is a besieged city. Those outside want to get in and those in the city want to get out.” — Mr. Qian: I never said that.

In the first half of 2021, I was a small programmer trying to break out of the IT siege.

In the second half of 2021, I have become a teacher, watching a group of 12 – and 13-year-olds trying to squeeze into the IT fortress.

Me as a programmer

In the first half of 2021, I had graduated for more than one and a half years. Counting the internship time, I had worked in the company for more than two years. Being overwhelmed with demands, meetings, and overtime, you seem to have nothing to do during the day, and at night you don’t want to do anything but lie down and sleep. This kind of exhaustion is the exhaustion on psychology, with the exhaustion that the huge gap between ideal life produces.

One way to end this is to jump ship and continue working as a programmer. One way is to take the civil service examination; One way is to change careers. It is the least difficult and costly (cost refers to the cost of preparing for exams and, more importantly, the cost of effort), but there is no guarantee that it will end. Take an examination of civil servant, difficulty is high, cost is high. Change profession, think about, only change profession to be a teacher this road difficulty and cost is relatively low.

After careful consideration, I still preferred to change my profession to be a teacher, and at the same time prepared for job-hopping. As early as 2020, I started to take action, while preparing for the teacher qualification certificate, I sent resumes to various schools. In December 2020, a school verbally promised to sign me if I could get a teaching certificate. Therefore, in the first half of 2021, AS a programmer, I was preparing for the teaching certificate while accumulating skills for job-hopping. Conclusion: see years from yards farmers to people’s teacher | 2021 years.

Me as a teacher

June 15, the result of the endowment; On June 17, I went to the school to sign a contract (it was also my girlfriend’s birthday, so I ordered a birthday cake for my girlfriend in the school admissions hall, which was a memorable day). The next Monday after signing the contract, HE told his immediate manager of his intention to resign. At the end of July, I left the company and officially entered the school as a teacher on August 8.

When I came to school, I never wanted anything. I had two classes a day and then I could have the rest of the day off. Make mental preparation early, no matter where you go, there will be no easy and rich job, income and pay equal is the biggest wish. During this half year, I had 4 regular classes a week, plus one C++ elective course, but I seldom had time to sit down in the office. The working hours of the school are different from those of the company. When students get up, teachers have to go to work. The working time span of the day is very long, and the longest day is 6:40 in the morning and 10:00 in the evening. Every day is also very tired, but compared with the tired in the first half of the year, this kind of tired is physically tired, every day in front of a group of children, psychological is always sunny. Plus I am an information teacher, there is no pressure on grades, psychological fatigue and less.

As a teacher, I also have a variety of flags. However, due to lack of complete planning and lack of determination, flags have been established and aborted. The only thing I have done well is preparing for C++ courses, which is the only advantage I have when I just changed my career. I was happy to see students interested in programming, but I also thought of myself struggling to squeeze out of the IT industry.

Flag for the New Year

I have become a teacher, but I still want to work and live as a technician. I have come out of the IT siege, but I do not give up the city life. Every individual is a collection of contradictions, which I realized during a period of very unhappy days. It is all kinds of contradictions that cause unhappiness in our lives. When I accepted that fact, I felt like my life suddenly opened up. Being a geeky teacher is probably my biggest career ambition.

In the New Year, I still have many flags, which cannot be successfully completed. This time I have to plan well and not let too many flags aborted.

  • Develop a practice system suitable for your own teaching. When a smart classroom product on the market doesn’t feel good enough, developing one is a good idea for a good programmer. (Also hope that the end of the year review on nuggets in 2022 will be more about technical review than teacher review)
  • Develop a set of C++ basic learning micro lessons. Feynman technique, teaching to promote learning; When it comes to learning how to do a good job in class, the best thing to do is go to class.
  • Develop a set of computer knowledge courses suitable for middle school students and computer students.
  • Having been together for almost seven years, I can’t keep thinking about getting ready to get married. There’s no excuse for putting it off.