SpringBoot improves and optimizes the above shortcomings of Spring, based on the idea that convention is better than configuration, so that developers do not have to switch between configuration and logical business, and devote themselves to the code writing of logical business, thus greatly improving the efficiency of development and shortening the project cycle to a certain extent

Start relying on

A startup dependency is essentially a Maven Project Object Model (POM) that defines transitionary dependencies to other libraries that together support a function.

To put it simply, a starter dependency is a bundle of coordinates that have some functionality and provide some default functionality.

Automatic configuration

The automatic configuration of SpringBoot, by which I mean SpringBoot, automatically registers some configuration class beans into the IOC container, which we can use with @autowired or @Resource annotations where needed.

The form of “automatic” is that we only need to use the package we want to use, we don’t have to worry about the configuration, SpringBoot will automatically inject these configuration beans, we just use them

Springboot: simple, fast and easy to build projects; Configuration-free integration with mainstream development frameworks; Greatly improve the efficiency of development and deployment

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